1. DT:M
  2. Mezorg

Max Level80
Attack (MAX)311303335035580
Defense (MAX)311303335035580
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Knightly Oblivion (UR)
Starting Activation : Extreme reduction to 1-9 warrior-type enemies
Skill 2
Magical Swordmaster's Annihilation (UR)
Action Activation : Deals supreme damage to 1 enemy
Skill 3
Moonlight Calm (LR)
Starting Activation : Extreme reduction to 1-8 non-leader enemies



Stage 1A beautiful full moon. After battle a live or death , this is my favorite time to be a human again. How many times have I looked up at the moon from this place... Today's not bad either.
Stage 2There's the half-moon right? They say a shrewd swordsman cut it right in half. That's amazing... it's a lie? Hahaha, is that so... I don't mind romantic tales like that, though.
Stage 3What kind of tough guy will I run into tonight... The light of the moon will guide me. Just be a spectator now. In time, I'll slice you up as well!

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