1. DT:M
  2. Nikola

Max Level70
Attack (MAX)323703507037760
Defense (MAX)403704373047100
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Magical Shot Master's Command (SR)
Action Activation : Deals ultimate damage to 1 enemy
Skill 2
Magical Advantage (SR)
Starting Activation : Major boost to 1-9 magic-type allies
Skill 3
Early Revive (UR) [activation limit : 1]
Counter Activation : Extreme recovery for self



Stage 1You won't do very well straining yourself to become a master, will you? Saying you won't grow without struggle is a lie. That's just your body wanting the feel of working hard.
Stage 2Easygoing... but faithfully. With just that you should be able to improve. As proof, bam! My magic's pretty good, right?
Stage 3The spirit of hard work or wanting pain, it's all thought up by soldiers. My thinking is the exact opposite. I just love magic and take it on straight forward.

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