1. DT:M
  2. Numeltiti

Max Level70
Attack (MAX)275702987032170
Defense (MAX)298703236034850
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Knightly Resolve (SR)
Starting Activation : Major boost to 1-9 warrior-type allies
Skill 2
Magical Swordmaster's Twin Command (SR)
Action Activation : Deals extreme damage to 1-2 enemies
Skill 3
Inviting Lips (UR) [activation limit : 1]
Action Activation : Reverse rotation of enemy deck



Stage 1Hey, do you wanna be a vampire, too? It only hurts at first... After that, you've got thousands of years of pleasure waiting for you. So? Sounds great, right?
Stage 2Are you scared of being a vampire? That's okay. I was the same. But if you take the first step, a sumptuous world with anything you desire waits for you.
Stage 3Human desire is everlasting. I was the same. That's why I became a vampire and got eternal life. But it's still not enough. I want to make all the men of the world my slaves.

Memories (NSFW)

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