1. DT:M
  2. Saria

Max Level60
Attack (MAX)235402589028240
Defense (MAX)200502205024060
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Breach God Formation (HR)
Starting Activation : Extreme boost to 1 warrior-type ally in a corner
Skill 2
Magical Sword Dragon Strike (HR)
Action Activation : Deals extreme damage to 1 enemy
Skill 3
Berserker Knight (SR)
Starting Activation : Moderate reduction to 1-9 warrior-type enemies



Stage 1What are you looking at?! This is a battlefield. You won't survive with that attitude. Gird yourself!
Stage 2What are you looking at?! Get rid of your unneeded passions. If not, death awaits you!
Stage 3Why are men always such idiots? They only look at my body and don't focus on the battle. If that's all they want to do they shouldn't even show up to the battlefield.

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