1. DT:M
  2. Tuvai

Max Level60
Attack (MAX)202702230024330
Defense (MAX)179801978021570
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Mounted War God (HR)
Starting Activation : Extreme boost to 1 adjacent warrior-type ally
Skill 2
Twin Magical Sword Flash (HR)
Action Activation : Deals major damage to 1-2 enemies
Skill 3
Mounted Advantage (SR)
Starting Activation : Major boost to 1-9 warrior-type allies



Stage 1Those without benevolence have no right to call themselves knights. Be they man, woman, or child, love your enemy as a parent loves a child.
Stage 2Those without benevolence have no right to call themselves knights. A battle without love is nothing more than a vulgar killing.
Stage 3Benevolence should be the spiritual base on which you build pride and nobility. As a knight, I hold this truth in my heart when I take the battlefield!

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