1. DT:M
  2. Victoire

Max Level80
Attack (MAX)381704089043620
Defense (MAX)405304342046320
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Knightly Oblivion (UR)
Starting Activation : Extreme reduction to 1-9 warrior-type enemies
Skill 2
Support for the Throne (UR)
Starting Activation : Ultimate boost to leader
Skill 3
Overpowering the War God (LR)
Action Activation : Prevents the enemy from rotating their deck for one turn



Stage 1What's wrong with enjoy fighting? I am a God of battle. That's the way I am.
Stage 2What a weakling! You can't stand it. I will protect you! Now hide behind me!
Stage 3Come to me later. After battles, my body is getting hot and makes me mad.

Memories (NSFW)

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