Event: 3rd Anniversary (4th Kinkversary)

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3rd Anniversary (4th Kinkversary)
Start Date: July 13, 2020End Date: August 10, 2020

For the 3rd anniversary event in GayHarem, a month long celebration was held from July 13th through August 9th. This encompassed 4 events, kicking off with the main anniversary style event this page focuses primarily on which involved varying guys throughout the year available on different trolls (one guy per event on a different troll) and a different selection of guys in Epic or Event Pachinko.

Additionally, during July's Orgy Days and the August main event (Kinky Anniversary 4), a number of Pachinko exclusives were available on trolls as well as a few guys originally available in other events appeared in Epic & Event Pachinko during the respective events

Each day of the month long event had a different free item (ranging from a small amount of energy, combat points, cash, or more) available from the purchase bundles menu.

Event Guys:
Guys from previous events returned through various means. Here you can view who returned and how they were obtainable.
Anniversary Event: (July 13 - July 18)
Obtained through fighting trolls or in Pachinko:

Dark Lord

Ninja Spy






Obtained through Epic or Event Pachinko:
Orgy Days: (July 18 - July 23)
The following guys were added to Orgy Days as part of the Anniversary celebration. All were available in Epic or Event Pachinko while some were available on trolls as well. If one was available through a troll, it will be denoted below their name.

Dark Lord



Kinky Anniversary 4: (Aug 1 - Aug 10)
The following guys were added to Kinky Anniversary 4 as part of the Anniversary celebration. All were available in Epic Pachinko while some Pachinko exclusives were available on trolls as well. If one was available through a troll, it will be denoted below their name.




Event Background:
During the event, the homescreen's background changed to fit the theme of the event.

A special set of equipment is available during the event. This equipment can be won at Legendary tier through Event Pachinko.

A special set of profile avatars are made available using the event's guys. These can be won from Event Pachinko or purchased from the profile page for 300 kobans each.

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