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"Get more XP, items, money, and kobans!"
Activities is the main area for your daily tasks within the game, and a key area you will spend time each day. When one or more activities are completed with the rewards available to collect, a treasure chest will appear over the button on the home menu. Additionally, a time will display under the button if you have a daily mission currently running, or if you've completed all of your missions, it will count until the next set of missions are available at the daily reset.

It is divided into 4 key tabs that you can switch between by clicking on the name at the top of the page. Missions & Contests reset each day at the game’s daily reset, 13:00 France time.

Daily Goals - A set of missions that change each day that involve performing various tasks around the game to earn points and receive cash, experience, gifts, and books at various point milestones.

Missions - A set of daily tasks completed by activating a timer. This is a primary source of EXP, as well as granting cash, items, and other rewards. Completing all 12 for the day will grant you 150 kobans.

Contests - A daily competition that provides points for completing various tasks around the game. Compete against other players to win cash, kobans, items, and more.

Places of Power - Send your guys out on a timed quest to receive rewards such as Pachinko Orbs, Tickets, or even attraction points toward exclusive guys.

Click one of the below buttons or scroll below to learn more about the individual Activities.

Places of Power

Daily Goals:
Daily goals are a set of randomly selected tasks each day that involve doing various things around the game to each points referred to as Love Potions. In all, there are 11 tasks to complete each day divided into 4 rarities based on how easy they are to complete with the assortment breaking down into 6 Common, 3 Rare, 1 Epic, and 1 Legendary task each day.

The tasks to perform can be a variety of things to do around the game, including completing missions, leveling up or ascending guys, spending energy, performing battles against Champions, Trolls or in Pantheon, spending Pachinko orbs, or playing specific types of Pachinko games a given number of times. You can even receive multiple tasks needing you to do the same thing in a single day, allowing you to make progress on multiple at the same time.

Completing Common tasks rewards 10 potions, Rare rewards 15, Epic grants 20, and Legendary will give 25; meaning that completing all tasks will reward you with 150 points. However, you only need 100 points to obtain all rewards for the day, with 1 set of rewards available at every interval of 20 points.

The rewards are as follows:

201 Common Spellbook, 1 Common Underpants, 31,250 cash, 250 XP, & 1 Combativity
401 Rare Encyclopedia, 1 Rare Underpants, 62,500 cash, 500 XP, & 1 Combativity
601 Epic Encyclopedia, 1 Epic Underpants, 125,000 cash, 1,000 XP, & 1 Combativity
801 Legendary Book, 1 Legendary Underpants, 250,000 cash, 2,000 XP, & 1 Combativity
1001 Mythic Magazine, 1 Mythic Lolipop, 5000,000 cash, 4,000 XP, & 2 Combativity

Daily Rewards:
In addition to the tasks for you to perform, you also receive a special bonus of items or a form of energy/currency each day for logging in, automatically granted around the same point each day simply by visiting the homepage. There are a total of 28 rewards to collect throughout a period of a month.

The rewards available to you vary based on the number of guys you have obtained for your harem, going into 3 rewards sets based on 1-20 guys obtained, 21-40 guys, and finally 41+ guys obtained. You can check what rewards you will receive upon future logins by clicking the plus sign (+) beside your koban count to open the menu for payment options and selecting the tab marked with a calendar.

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