Event: Welcum to Kinkia-a-a-ah!

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Welcum to Kinkia-a-a-ah!
Start Date: January 1, 2023End Date: January 10, 2023

Event Guys:
A list of guys you can obtain during the event.
Prince TouyaComplete all 9 of the special event missions.
Lion GeraldDefeat Donatien in Admittance of the Dead or win in Pachinko.
Warlock ViceDefeat Roko Sensei in Heroes University or win in Pachinko.
Mr. BacchusDefeat Matsuda in Beyond Garden or win in Pachinko.
Professor BlazeWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.
Wolf IahWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.

Event Background:
During the event, the homescreen's background is changed to fit the theme of the event.

These trolls have donned special outfits for the event. Battle them for a chance to win an exclusive guy.
DonatienRoko SenseiMatsuda

Event Missions:
Each day a special mission is added to the normal line-up of daily missions you receive and awards a number of kobans for completion. Complete them to obtain a special guy. For more information on these Missions, check our Missions page.

Chronicles of Kinkia 1 Hide and Suck

You're visiting the countryside with some of your guys. You’re lodged in a huge, beautiful mansion and decide to play some games. Your guys have hidden and when you find them, the real fun will begin.
Chronicles of Kinkia 2 The Secret in the Wardrobe

This time you’re the one who’s hiding and you see a room, empty except for a wardrobe. You want to hide inside, but where the pelts end, a strange new world begins. You find yourself in a snowy forest with a single lamppost in the middle of nowhere.
Chronicles of Kinkia 3 Fauning Over You

You meet a faun who seems familiar. He tells you about the Warlock who has declared himself king of these lands and made it winter for eternity. Mr. Bacchus seems certain you are the Hero of a prophecy and that you are the one to save Kinkia!
Chronicles of Kinkia 4 Satisfy the Wolf

Mr. Bacchus told you that you must find the lion and that he will help you end the Warlock’s reign. But as you try to cross a melting river, you’re stopped by an intimidating wolf! He looks at you with hungry eyes and a huge, dripping member.
Chronicles of Kinkia 5 The Hero Arrives

After dealing with the wolf in the only way possible you arrive at the camp of the lion. He welcomes you with open arms (and an open mouth). His army is yours and together you shall fuck the Warlock into submission.
Chronicles of Kinkia 6 Punish the Traitor

You hear a rumor that Touya has come to Kinkia as well, but he’s gotten into trouble with the Warlock! You go and save him from the Warlock’s camp and it turns out he had willingly gone to him for a treat. Such a naughty boy!
Chronicles of Kinkia 7 Submission!

The day has come and you must face the Warlock. Well prepared, you fuck and suck him with the help of your companions until he lies spent and satisfied on the battlefield, finally submitting to you and giving up his game.
Chronicles of Kinkia 8 A Valiant and Just King

Standing victorious, Kinkia needs a new ruler. And who better to rule it than the valiant Hero who brought back summer and his just king, whose courage melted the ice in the Warlock’s heart.
Chronicles of Kinkia 9 A Story to Be Told

Kinkia is safe and it’s time to return to the Haremverse. You find the lamppost again and go back through the wardrobe. Blaze is already waiting for you. He’s been to Kinkia before and can’t wait to hear the stories you have to tell.

A special set of equipment is available during the event. This equipment can be won at Legendary tier through Event Pachinko.

A special set of profile avatars are made available using the event's guys. These can be won from Event Pachinko or purchased from the profile page for 300 kobans each. Nutaku players however, are unable to purchase these avatars.

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