There are some names in both languages that are already so strongly associated with the girl that its foolish to change it now.
Saffron and Kerria for example

I mean... we all know them for who they are, and to start calling them differently is

For example I soo much more prefer Helenium, which has nice greek vibe to it, instead to Sneezweed.... bruh wut ? > _ <

Nicknames are great. I mean there is only one Chibi Ninja, Hyper Loli and we all know her and love her :3
Same with my Mace loli chan. If you ever, just once saw her ultimate, you know precisely who she is haha

Good example of not changing names is Mei Plublossom. Mei is a JP name (not her, but in general) and sounds thousand times better than "Japanese Appricot". I mean sure, her Katakana name is Ume, but come on now. Plus you`re not gonna write katakana in the search when looking her up on the wiki right
(unless of course you are Volarmis sensei, who doesn't give a F* coz he is badass like that ! Damn right bruh ! )