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  1. #331

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Deluxe snowman

    Henna: Kesaran and Pasaran combined, deluxe snowman... nano♪
    Cypress: They're cute.
    Tritonia: Henna! Look here! I made a friend for them with real snow! <ta-dah♫>
    Henna: <!!> Meto-meto's deluxe snowman! Cute, nano.
    Henna: Henna too, snowman production desire. A lot of friends! Kufufu♪
    Cypress: I'll help you with that.
    Tritonia: Let's make a lot!
    Henna: Henna, design draft, production materials ordering, human resources securing. Consultation with Rough Potato?
    Cypress: Once we complete the draft, I'll produce it. That's my specialty after all.
    <Tritonia: They're taking it more seriously than two designers in a meeting...!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #332

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: The Original Divine Protection1

    [In Vervain's body lies the "Original Divine Protection"]
    [Its ability allows her to stimulate the power of nearby flower knights]
    Purslane: Does that mean my puns will also get a level up!? I eat an APpple and I get a level UP! <ta-dah!>
    Vervain: So you threw together AP and UP...! Interesting...! <shivering>
    Purslane: Ooh!? It really went well! My puns really are getting a level up!
    Vervain: Ah! With my "Original DIVINE Protection", would a boat gain original DIVING protection?2 <How about this one?>
    Purslane: Vervain using puns!? Could I have the "Pun Divine Protection's" ability...!?

    1 Lorewise, each flower knight gains the World Tree's divine protection gaining their special abilities
    2 The best I could think of for this one - if anyone has a better idea, hit me up
    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-25-2020 at 04:41 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #333

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Ninja Santa

    Tritonia: <sneaking> Yo...
    Tritonia: <sneaking> Ho...
    Nazuna: What are you up to, Tritonia?
    Tritonia: Nazuna! Keep it down! I'm planning to go and leave some Christmas presents for Wolf Berry and the others by their bedside. <shhhh>
    Nazuna: So that's what it was.
    Nazuna: In that case, since I met a lot of ninja flower knights, I'll pass on to you the secret of ninja walking! <nin!>
    Tritonia: Thanks, Nazuna!
    <Tritonia: That was a quick outfit change by the way.>
    Tritonia: As long as we don't get caught... <making a fuss>
    Nazuna: Slowly plant your feet to the surface of the ground. <making a fuss>
    Nazuna: Ah, we need to be quiet...
    Rough Potato: <We can clearly hear you two from here though...>
    <Wolf Berry sleeping>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #334

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Between breasts

    Radish: Jersey Cudweed, even though you're wearing a kimono, your breasts seem unusually big... <breasts bouncing>
    Jersey Cudweed: Fufu, that's because Muuri is inside. He looked cold as he was, so he just dove in between my breasts...
    <Muuri: Bah!>
    Radish: Wah! I noticed you were gone - so that's where you were!
    Radish: Then again, Muuri is a spirit, so I don't think it can feel cold or anything like that...
    Muuri: ?
    Water Dropwort: It seems like you're worried about something!
    Water Dropwort: Let's warm Muuri up between my breasts!!
    Radish: No... I don't think Muuri is col-
    Water Dropwort: You don't need to act reserved around me!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #335

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: End of the year's dry towel rubdown

    Turnip: Speaking of hygiene practices in winter, there's the dry towel rubdown! Let's put it into practice on this last day of the year, to face the new year in good health!
    Nazuna & Chickweed: Let's do it!!
    Nazuna: Let's try a dry run right now so we can do it with all the members of the Seven Herbs Maiden Group when we meet up later.
    Chickweed: Hey-ho!
    Turnip: In that case, you two should change into your swimsuits!
    Chickweed: Aaa~~~h! Hako1 forgot to bring her swimsuit!
    Nazuna: That's alright, Chickweed! Just in case such a thing should happen, I brought two! <thumb up>
    Nazuna: <...is what I said, but I brought the other swimsuit2 by mistake!!>
    Nazuna: <Chickweed or me... who should wear this one... the biggest ordeal of this year...!!>

    1 Referring to herself
    2 See chapter 200
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #336

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Flower knight karuta

    Nazuna: Since it is New Year's and we're all gathered like this, why don't we play with my handmade flower knight karuta set?
    Cepha Lanthera: Sounds great!
    Nazuna: Let's start then! "Lantana is full of energy".
    Canola: HERE!! <swipes>
    <Cepha Lanthera & Di Yu: Here!>
    <Saint Paulia: Oh my~>
    Nazuna: Next one! "Russelia loves travelling".
    Di Yu: Hm...? Truly, we had that one just now...?1
    Nazuna: We did! There are overlapping letters in this pack! I made one for every flower knight after all!
    <Nazuna: Since it doesn't run out after being called once, the rest is prepared over here.>
    Canola: How many days do you want us to keep playing!?

    1 Russelia (RAsseria) and Lantana (RAntana) begin with the same letter in Japanese
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #337

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cow imitation

    Nipplewort: Moo moo ♪
    Water Dropwort: What are you up to?
    Nipplewort: I'm imitating a cow!
    Water Dropwort: I see... A cow, huh...
    Water Dropwort: Though I have a feeling that a real cow doesn't cry like that... <Hmmm...>
    Nipplewort: Is that so?
    Nipplewort: Nnmoooooo~~
    Water Dropwort: Just like that! Now try making that part where "n" meets "m" more lively...
    Nipplewort: NNMoooOOO~
    Water Dropwort: That's it!
    Jersey Cudweed: !?
    [Nipplewort's imitation repertoire expanded]
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #338

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Winter Daphne's magic

    Dogwood: Uuugh~~!! I just keep sweating since we're fighting pests and I just had to forget to bring a towel or even a handkerchief...! <sweating buckets>
    Winter Daphne: Shall I summon a towel with my magic?
    Dogwood: Eh!? Winter Daphne, you can use magic!?
    Winter Daphne: Fufu ♪ Even though I look like this, age-wise I'm a granny. When you live this long, you naturally learn to use things like magic at least. <getting in pose>
    Dogwood: So that's the case...! <excited>
    Winter Daphne: Here we go! Towels keep appearing out of my mouth~~♪
    <Dogwood: Awesome!!>
    Verbascum: <Instead of magic, that's just a sleight of hand...!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #339

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Okay, baby!

    Verbascum: O... Ok! Let's put some spirit into this... "Okay, baby!"
    Spoon Wood: What are you up to-desu?
    Verbascum: Wah... Spoon Wood...! Ummm... I wanted to get myself fired up so I was imitating Captain Planter...!
    <Verbascum: He's the hero of my favorite book...>
    Spoon Wood: Captain Planter! He's really cool-desu ♪
    Spoon Wood: Spoon Wood will also okay, baby!! Desu ♪
    Verbascum: Y, yes! Okay, baby... ♪
    Flowering Dogwood: OK baby? <About what?>
    Verbascum: W... We have somebody with a really fitting pronunciation here!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #340

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sexy line

    Solomon's Seal: Commander is a weird one... To entertain a plain woman like me. <Sigh...>
    Pothos: Plain...
    Pothos: Amayoke1, you may be saying that, but Scoop thinks you're actually quite sexy! Your costume for example! <boob poke>
    Solomon's Seal: <Hey!> Don't touch me there!
    Pothos: Therefore! Scoop decided to try and imitate you! <ta-dah!>
    Solomon's Seal: How does that work...? <That was a quick change...>
    Pothos: With this, Scoop is also se... oh?
    Pothos: Oh, oh?
    Pothos: Oh? Oh. <strap digging in>
    Pothos: Oaaaaaaah!? Please help me, Amayoke!! <This is going too far~!!>
    Solomon's Seal: Deal with it yourself...

    1 It seems to be her pseudonym (her original name is Amadokoro), the closest meaning I found is "tarpaulin/rain cover"
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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