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  1. #411

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Calibrachoa's bra

    Calibrachoa: Huh! <snap>
    Calibrachoa: I have a feeling my bra shifted... Excuse me, Viola, could you take a look at the hook on my back?
    Viola: Sure! Right away~!
    Viola: <...is what I said, but since I don't wear bras, I don't know what to look for...> <A hook...?>
    Viola: Let's see... Since it shifted... I just need to move it back, right?
    Calibrachoa: Eh?
    Calibrachoa: <Just moving it back won't be enough...>
    Viola: Funi?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #412

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: A ghost!?

    Syngonium: Hiiiiiie!
    Syngonium: A ghost!?
    Syngonium: <...is what I was led to think, but> <heart beating>
    Syngonium: <considering that silhouette, there's a good chance that's Adlay... That's surely what it is...> <heart beating>
    Adlay: <hopping onto the scene> Did someone mention me?
    Syngonium: Hiiie!
    Syngonium: ...W, wait!? Adlay!? In that case, that shadow is...
    Syngonium: Hiiiiiie!! <going down>
    Adlay: Syngonium!?
    Japanese Honeysuckle: ?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #413

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Seafood party

    East Asian Eurya: Sometimes I really feel like eating some hearty Banana Ocean-like seafood dishes... <Ones like this...>
    Adlay: So East Asian Eurya likes seafood dishes! My favorite dishes are also made with seafood.
    East Asian Eurya: I never knew!
    Adlay: How about we gather lots of stuff the two of us like so much and make it a seafood party? I'll handle the preparations!
    East Asian Eurya: Really? I'm looking forward to it.
    Adlay: Welcome to our seafood party!
    East Asian Eurya: Whoa- Thank you very mu... Isn't it a bit too green!?
    [Adlay's favorite "sea grapes"]
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #414

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Flirting couple?

    Blueberry: ...Phew, mission complete!
    Blueberry: Since I have no problem working in the dark, entrusting me with nighttime missions is fine and all, but...
    Blueberry: if I come across something like a flirting couple who thinks no one can see them, I'll feel a little out of place...
    Melampodium: Aaah! Commander!
    Blueberry: <Ah... this voice... Melampodium?>
    Melampodium: Please go slow... It hurts a bit...
    Melampodium: Just like that... Feels good...
    Blueberry: <Alone together with Commander... This is something I shouldn't be wa...>
    Melampodium: Full my face up slowly, just like that...! If we do this every night, I'll surely get slightly higher at some point...!!
    Blueberry: <It's different from what I've imagined, but it doesn't change the fact that it's something I shouldn't be watching!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #415

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Bitter food

    Coffea: As expected, coffee breaks are the best.
    Japanese Laurel: Coffea sure loves her coffee.
    Japanese Laurel: Since I like goya champloo, we match in both of us liking bitter foods.
    Coffea: Oh my, what a coincidence.
    Japanese Laurel: I started liking goya champloo when
    Japanese Laurel: in the past, after I returned from leading solo survival lifestyle on a remote island, the taste of the goya champloo I ate in Banana Ocean left a big impression on me.
    Japanese Laurel: It was delicious... Those tastes I treated myself to during the Bitter Food Carnival that was happening just then...
    Japanese Laurel: <By the way> What kind of circumstance led to you liking coffee, Coffea?
    Coffea: I got hooked on it after a lecturer at the knight school recommended it to me ♪ <Oh and by the way I also heard about that festival!>
    Blueberry: <Bitter Food Carnival...?>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #416

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: If you pad it with something

    Mandarin's Hat: Auuu... u! I just went and made clothes not fit for my size again...!
    Mandarin's Hat: But I should be able to wear them in 5 years, right?
    Cichorium: Won't you be able to wear them right now, as long as you pad your chest with something?
    Mandarin's Hat: You're right!!
    Cichorium: Since I actually have a towel with me, would you like to try using it as padding? <notices Chicory's picture>
    Cichorium: Here you go.
    Mandarin's Hat: Th... Thank you!
    Mandarin's Hat: <I think I saw something just now...>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #417

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Chiriri's replacement

    Formosa Lily: Besides my job as a flower knight, I also work as a director for important family ceremonies. <imitating>
    Formosa Lily: If I could help you with anything, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. <imitating>
    Easter Lily: We really are lookalikes.
    Formosa Lily: Fufu, if it's imitating Easter Lily, you can leave it to me!
    Formosa Lily: Then again, since I can't really replicate Chiriri, there are times when my imitation is seen through~
    Easter Lily: Well, that is true.
    Formosa Lily: How about... If I put something like a potato on my shoulder, maybe I could do something about it!?
    Easter Lily: I don't think that'll help you at all, you know!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #418

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Queen's dignity

    Pygmy Water Lily: Especially since I'm wearing this dress, I want keep myself from forgetting to always act with a queen's dignity, in order to remain being worthy of it.
    Easter Cactus: Dignity, huh... Since I'm also especially wearing such a beautiful outfit, maybe I should aim to be a woman who acts with dignity as well.
    Stephanotis: The two of you sure have a splendid attitude!
    Pygmy Water Lily & Easter Cactus: Great dignity!
    Lotus: Ah, Pygmy Water Lily! Our last match ended with my win! I won't be losing this time either!
    Pygmy Water Lily: Last time was last time~!! I'm absolutely not losing ever again!!
    Easter Cactus: <Dignity......>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #419

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: No matter how many days

    Apple: Muhha-! Everyone's absolutely beautiful~!
    Apple: The way they look in their dresses ups their beauty even more... I can't take it any more! You also look absolutely beautiful, Fire Lily!
    Fire Lily: Your excitement meter is off the charts, Apple... <Thank you>
    Apple: That's because such an opportunity doesn't come often! I've been admiring them for I don't know how many days now~!
    Fire Lily: Isn't saying "I don't know how many days" a bit of an overstatement?
    Apple: Not at all! Apple's being completely serious! I made all the preparations to admire them too!
    Fire Lily: A full camping setup!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #420

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Using beer

    Heather: Since we're in swimsuits and there's no problem with getting wet, there's a thing I'd like to try doing...
    Heather: Ta-dah ♪ Beer spraying!
    Tiger's Claw: I used to do that too back on my island. Sure takes me back.
    Heather: Oh my, in that case, shall we do it together?
    Tiger's Claw: Then I'ma do it with the island's beer. The local speciality - "The Great Star Beer".
    Tritoma: Huh? Swimsuits and alcohol... ...that means
    Tritoma: you want to try that thing where you pour alcohol into your cleavage and make someone drink it, right? <boing♥>
    Tiger's Claw: That's not it~
    Heather: Then again, that's an interesting idea.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 06-18-2022 at 04:00 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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