Title: Autumn of reading

Di Yu: Autumn of reading...
Di Yu: Reading the types of books you don't usualy read... Surely, this will breathe some life into my tactics?
Di Yu: I see... That's how you can make candy...
Di Yu: The way to cook... Replacing tactics on the battlefield with it, possible?
<commenting again>
Di Yu: These are... species of animals...
Di Yu: The architecture of Bergamot Valley...
Mint: <Di Yu... She's learning with quite the zeal right now, isn't she...>
Di Yu: This, later to Mint...
Mint: <!!>
Mint: <To me...? I wonder what it could be?>
Di Yu: Let's try this out on Mint!
<self-explanatory book>
Mint: <What could it be... I'm having an extremely bad premonition right now!!>