Title: Colorful pancakes

Japanese Anemone: <Hmmm...> Once in a while I feel like eating something I don't usually eat.
Coleus: Yes, I've been waiting for you to say that. Here, Coleus's special colorful pancakes!
Japanese Anemone: I was surprised by the lively appearance at first, but it is quite tasty. <chew chew>
Coleus: That's great.
Coleus: From ones with vivid colors,
Coleus: to monochrome or pastel colors,
Coleus: I still have a lot of them, so please eat your fill!
Japanese Anemone: EH!?
Japanese Anemone: Co-Coleus, how about we eat together?
Japanese Anemone: <As I thought, I can't finish these by myself...!>
Coleus: <beaming> Waah! Can I!?
Japanese Anemone: Sure...! <Of course!>