Title: Mother

Jumpseed: Lady Plumeria, you look like a mother now.
Plumeria: <Fufu> Is that so? <petting Dipladenia>
Dipladenia: <sleeping> mmm... ...Mo... <munya...>
Plumeria: Mo...?
Jumpseed: <Fufu> Dipladenia also ended up calling you her mother.
Dipladenia: Mo... chi.1 <chew>
Plumeria: Ahaha, it was "mochi" in the end.
Jumpseed: Ah, speaking of mochi, before this...
Plumeria: Ahaha...
Dipladenia: <I almost carelesly said "mother"...>

1 Original joke done on "mother" [okaasan] - a dish called "okaka". Changed to fit the english word.