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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Trace of a conspiracy once again1

    Di Yu: You were the perpetrator?
    <Pasukoa caught>
    Tsurubakia: Hm? What's this? These weird footprints are... making a round indent on the muddy surface of the ground... <staring>
    Di Yu: Ah... That is...
    Tsurubakia: <babbling away> Hmph... something like this maybe? If these footprints are real they should belong to the Beast of Demise Shimreli2 that comes from the world parallel to our own known as Silver Lace3.
    Tsurubakia: <still babbling> Since the never-ending conflicts of this world are the result of the ruler of Silver Lace causing disturbances in our world, we're trying to bring peace to this world that has both a normal and a hidden side.4 ...Yes, just like it was written in a book.
    Nymphaea: As I thought, these were the footprints of a mysterious creature, weren't they!? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault...!! <panicking>
    Tsurubakia: No, don't worry about it. Actually, there is a solution to this situation...
    Di Yu: <Surely, keeping the truth hidden is the correct answer...?>

    1 See chapter 27.
    2 シムレリ = shimureri
    3 シルバー・レース = shiruba re-su, so probably Silver Lace or Silver Race.
    4 If anyone has a better idea how to translate this, take your shot.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 09-12-2021 at 12:55 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Nazuna and Osanazu

    Osanazu: Yaay! Big sister! <hugs>
    Nazuna: Osanazu! We finally meet!
    Osanazu: Now that I stop to think about it what do sisters usually do together?
    Nazuna: <Hmmm...> Let's see... Things like eating meals together or shopping together perhaps...?
    Osanazu: Waa~! That sounds like fun! Let's do all that! Big sister! <launching off>
    Nazuna: Wah...! Sure, let's, but don't suddenly start running like that or you'll trip...
    Osanazu: It's fine~!
    Osanazu: <trips> Kya!
    Nazuna: NOT HAPPENING!!
    <Nazuna: Big sister guard!!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Doable for everyone make-up jutsu

    Isogiku: At that time, by moving your hands like this, you can achieve an efficient swimming style. <splashing>
    Gilia: <clapping> Awesome! Thank you~! With this, I feel like I can do it easily too.
    Gilia: To thank you for teaching me, I'll teach you an efficient way to apply make-up ☆
    Isogiku: <moved> Really? Thank you very much!
    Gilia: Extreme speed ☆ efficient up-make jutsu, first step~! Prepare your tools.
    Isogiku: I see... The first thing to do is a normal preparation.
    Gilia: Second step~! Bahyu~n ♪
    Gilia: Finished ☆
    <Gilia: Easy, isn't it?>
    Isogiku: !?
    Isogiku: Isn't Gilia the only one who can do that!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Spade-chan

    Isogiku: That's a big spade... isn't it heavy?
    Spade-chan: Not as much as it looks like ♪ Do you want to try holding it?
    Isogiku: Wah...! It really isn't as heavy as it looks like, though... <a lot of things swaying>
    Isogiku: the cord is too long for me, so it's swaying a lot.
    Spade-chan: Isogiku, be careful of your chest. You don't know where someone might be looking. <fixing the camera>
    Isogiku: Spade-chan? Where are you looking while speaking?
    Spade-chan: Ok, it's fine now ♪ <manual censorship applied>
    Isogiku: ?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sooner or later1

    Achimenes: Today is so cold, I'm feeling really sleepy... If I only had some spicy food to wake myself up...
    Montbretia: Oh, in that case, the meal I can recommend is only that.
    Montbretia: Ta-dah! Extremely hot curry, extra large serving ♪
    Achimenes: Ho... Hot...! Delicious too.
    Montbretia: Eat all you want ♪
    Achimenes: I will. With this, my sleepy eyes will snap open right back!
    Achimenes: Munya... <sleeping>
    Montbretia: <Oh my...> She became sleepy after eating so much.

    1 Literally "Osokare hayakare", which contains a pun to curry ("Kare-")
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Sea urchin

    Globe Thistle: Waa~! There are so many sea urchins! That's wondeful, Maple!
    Maple: Thank you very much.
    Maple: You seem really happy about it... do you like sea urchins?
    Globe Thistle: Yup! It's my favorite food.
    Globe Thistle: Sea urchins can be used in many different meals, you know?
    Globe Thistle: You can put them on sushi or you can roast them.
    Globe Thistle: You can also make them into sauce. They're delicious when put into cream pasta...
    Globe Thistle: Also...
    Globe Thistle: If you forget your hairpins, their empty shells make good replacements for them.
    <Globe Thistle: Just like this.>
    <Globe Thistle: They have a good shape for that, don't they?>
    Maple: Don't they smell of the sea?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Risky swimsuit

    Burning Bush: Sister Maple, your swimsuit looks great!
    Maple: Thank you.
    Burning Bush: Swimsuit... sounds nice... I want to wear one too.
    Burning Bush: A risky swimsuit with high exposure, for example... ehehe ❤
    Maple: There are no people who dress like that here... <Come on...>
    Burning Bush: Uuu~ but, but, what if I wear it secretly...
    Frittilaria: Everyone-! Thanks for waiting~!
    <Corn Cockle: Let's drink them in the shade of that tree over there.>
    <Frittilaria: Okay-☆>
    <Protea: This is a swimsuit from Banana Ocean, right!?> <sparkling>
    <Tarragon: Aaaaah->
    <See chapter 224.>
    Last edited by Volarmis; 08-15-2019 at 05:12 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Dechu1

    Epidendrum: Mama~~!2
    Plumeria: Fufu, good girl, good girl, desu. <petting>
    Plumeria: After this, let's forget our worries and take it eazy dechu1~
    Plumeria: I... I'm sorry! I suddenly fell into the mindset of dealing with a small child... <panicking>
    Epidendrum: ...
    Epidendrum: Babu~ <sucking finger>
    Epidendrum: <If I act like a child I can laze around...>
    Plumeria: <Wha!?> You're going along with it!?

    1 Baby talk version of "desu"
    2 A reference to the event story "Summer Vacation at the Beach" - Plumeria's event
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Rabbit dishes

    Duranta: I've made some egg dishes for Cobra Lily... With this, she'll become more squishy squishy...
    Cobra Lily: Waa~! Thank you~!
    Cobra Lily: Your rabbit costume is so cute~ ...Ah, I'd like to try some rabbit dishes too~ <chowing down>
    Duranta: Rabbit dishes...?
    Duranta: <Rabbit... Rabbit meat is similar to bird meat and she won't become so squishy squishy with such a light meat...>
    Duranta: <Meat of something that's still a rabbit, but more squishy squishy than rabbit's...>
    Duranta: ......Me? <realization>
    Cobra Lily: ?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Eternal oath

    Kiwi: Non! Let's practice making an eternal oath!
    Kiwi: ...By the way,
    Kiwi: where should I put the ring on you, Non?
    Kiwi: <puts on the beak> ...Here?
    Kiwi: Oh no! Like this, you won't be able to open your beak!
    Kiwi: Nooo-! To make matters worse, I can't pull it off!
    Kiwi: Aah~! Why didn't I notice that sooner~! As I thought, I'm just no good... <wakes up> ......Wait, what?
    Kiwi: That was a dream~!! I'm so glad~~~~!!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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