I'll go for Cattleya, since I have her.

In term of TP she is one of the low TP rainbow in this game with 29920 TP @ her full bloom+full affect.
Compare with Sakura has 31008 & Hanamizuki/Dogwood has 31540.
What make her TP very low is her HP. That's upset me quite a bit.

She has 565 speed, not speedy not slow.

Active skill
Her active skill is on par with most other rainbow that have all target active skill.

Passive Skill
Her passive offence buff is strong with +40% atk for 3 party member.
She also has very good skill use buff with +18% skill dmg for all member & 1.2 increase activation rate.
Only passive that make me feel weird with her is the increase 50% light gauge skill when start the map.
It's doesn't match other passive much.

In real combat Cattleya is very fragile, she may K.O. easy in all kind of extreme map when get only severals hit.
If player really want to use her as main in every map, they have to amps her well + have good jewelry for her.

If player not aiming to create speedy party, Cattleya can fit in team easy.
Also her all target active skill do help a lot in term of AOE.

She's can produce a lot of offence power for the party with her buff, if player put her in right place.
Even the light gauge buff is weird but if you look for free 50% light gauge she can also help.

In my opinion her rate before buff campaign start is B.
But since the dev start to buff a lot of girls so now her rate will be C+.

Like I said she's very fragile, difficult to keep her alive in extreme map.
She can go down is some high difficulty normal map too, if player unlucky.

Also her 40% atk buff is random target buff.
And right now we have some girls that can buff 30% - 35% atk for all party member and other stack atk buff.
Do we still need a random 40% atk buff?

BUT! dev going to buff her soon™, so she will be a lot stronger.
She will get buff both her TP and passive, I'm very sure about it.