View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  1. #1

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    Ok the Tier List Discussion for Mei has officialy ended.

    She will end up in A-Tier. Congratulations.

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 20.06.18
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-17-2018 at 04:53 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #2

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    Ok my thoughts about Sakura:


    She has the exact same stats as Mei with one exception. Speed. She is slow like a slug. 335 Speed is very slow. For some folks that might not be a problem however in my opinion her slow speed forces you to counterbalance her speed with another faster unit if you want balanced speed among your 4 teams. Therefore it could limit Team Building. I am sorry guys if i sound harsh but her low Speed is a big minus for me.
    Normally i would give her an A here (same as Mei) but due to her low Speed i will give her B+ in that category.

    Grading: B+

    Skill Activation Chance and Skill Damage:
    Same as Mei. Therefore she also gets an A here.

    Grading: A


    Increases Attack for party members by 22%. A little bit above Average. Solid, not amazing.
    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection. Always good to see this Ability. Nothing special anymore but good.
    In a Boss fight, increases Attack for party members by 35%. Really Really good for Boss Battles on harder maps. However this Skill becomes absolutely useless for trash packs. Therefore it has a condition not like Mei's Crit Damage which works for all types of enemies. Boss or minion.
    Increases Damage for party members against Bosses by 12%. Same as the Ability before. Really Nice for bosses. For Minions it's useless. 12% is a bit low however. For such a specialized Ability i would like to see a 20 % or even 25% Buff considering she only has 4 Abilities.

    I don't know how i should feel about this section. She only has 4 Abilities. Two of them are solid but nothing special. The other two could be really really good or absolutely useless. Also 12 % Damage is a little bit low for my taste cause like i said if you have specialized Abilities you want them to be big in numbers.

    Grading: I will give her B here.


    Sakura is a nice boss killer unit. However she is very slow and that could force specific Team Building. She is a specialized Unit which either performs excellent against bosses or mediocre against trash packs. Mei is a little bit better in my opinion. I just prefer that my Knights have Abilities which are usefull in almost all situations. Since i gave Mei an A- i will give Sakura a nice Solid B+. Not a must have but nice to have.

    Final Verdict: B+
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-17-2018 at 05:27 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #3

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    Ara ara~ Ara ara~ Ara ara~ ARA ARA~
    Hum. Sorry. Just a little troma.

    HP: a bit lower than the average but, that's not why you would use her.
    ATK: She is on the top of the list. And that's the most important for her.
    DEF: It's not an important stat for her but it's still nice.

    I guess we could say she is very solid in this part. Note shat she has exactly the same stats than Ume Apricot.

    38% of 5.4x damages. That's very good. If you want more details, see my coment on Japanese Ume. Nothing much to say. That's the same thing.
    Saku~ara~ara appreas as a powerful boss killer like her best Ume friend.

    And... that's it. Let the diamond shines brighter than the sun.

    +22% ATK for all
    Not the best ablity but a decent ATK buff. Something more selfish would be better but... I'll not complain about that.

    x1.2 Skill activation
    Once again, not the best ability of this kind but it's still solid and welcome for this kind of girl.

    +35% ATK against bosses
    That's why Sakura is good for boss battles. She will buff the whole team by +57% ATK just by herself. Add other girls ATK buff and it can be insane quickly with the right setup.

    +12% Damages against bosses
    And even more damages. Damage buff is even better since it will buff final damages, just before thay are applied (if I understand well). That means,it will boost raw+skill+crit+weak damages and make her ATK buff event better.
    Once again, if you put her in the right team with a lot of damages against bosses buff, you can erase poor giant pests from this world with a pink and flowery magic beam.

    She can deals heavy amount of damages against bosses and help her teams mate to do the same. If you use her with similar girls, you can blow every single boss in one or two turns. Andshe can act as a good finisher on boss with minions.
    Her stats are high, her skill is one of the best in term of damages and all her abilities are made to increase her damages even more.She is clreay a must have.

    Final verdict:
    A Tier. Just A Tier for her. She can't really be S Tier, once again due to all the super good girls we have in it (espacially with the promoted girls and the power creep). And if she could reach this tier with the right team, she can't deserve it by herself. Even if she is strong and powerful and a solid ally, she is just a glass canon here to bring death among pests. she can't carry a battleor more without enough help to blow everything on her path in one single shot.

    Sorry if Sakura rating is a bit rushed, I'm tied today but I don't want to leave the vote now and forgot about it later.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #4

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    Hmm... Sakura? That Ara Ara Nee-san type? Not owned, again. *paper only*

    Sakura must be one of the easiest to talk about for me because she and Ume almost the same exact copy aside from abilities and speed. She was also one of the very popular girl back then in Nutaku, like for every 3 helpers one must have her. Not so much in DMM but she still there especially when new broken stage introduced. Let's go with it.

    1. Raw stat: Just copy-paste what I said about Ume and there you go. Oh, but her speed can be a hindrance when trying to form specific team in specific stage. So a little lower score than her best friend.
    Grading: B+

    2. Skill: Now just copy-paste with slight difference, Sakura kills magic-weak pests.
    Grading: A

    3. Abilities: The first two are nothing to talk much. Solid but not impressive.
    -Increase 35% atk when facing boss is great however, as the only problem you will face in this game is boss. I mean, Kodaibana stages are the only place where fodder pests can hit you like 5 trucks run over but other than that? They really are just fodder. This skill makes your party go with 57% atk. Very high value for party buff that few girls can surpass this even with power creep nature recently.

    -Increase damage when facing boss by 12%. It has low percentage considered there are 'Increase damage for party when attacked by 35%' or 'Increase damage from skill by 18%' But I suspected that all 3 are calculated separately rather than just flat addition. How is it calculated? No one knows or at least we just not really that devoted into this game like some players out there. Anyway considered that this skill boost 15% top, 12% is far from bad and will help Sakura punishes any boss especially magic-weak one.
    Grading: A

    Final verdict: Just like Ume, she got A. While her abilities set is not as universally useful like Ume's crit set(which got buff yet again), there are too few normal pests that gonna give you trouble. And just like Saboten, she need supporter or at least, those with damage boost to sync with her high atk boost. She's a great unit as boss killer and will does her job splendidly.

    Extra: Sakura, when compared to Ume, is much more light-hearted. She is the famous 'ara ara maa maa' type Onee-san who is like super human that can does everything perfectly on first try and will either spoil you rotten or has fun teasing you endlessly, only to turn out that she too has zero experience in romance. Oh what an irony. This type of character not really clicked with me due to I being the youngest in my family. My older cousins, while friendly and I do love them, are not really reliable unlike what you see in manga/anime. So you can say it's the delusional case like who has younger sister IRL won't find imouto trope charming... like at all.
    Her attack animation is epic though, it's like Sora's warp snipe from KH2. Move quicker than eye can see and fire bullets vs. Teleport before enemy's bullet and kick it back to them.

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    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  5. #5

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    The Tier List Discussion about Sakura has ended.

    Not many of us have participated this time. Only 3 votes.


    2x A-Vote
    1x B-Vote

    A-Tier it is. I hope there will be more participants in the next round.

    Next Girl:

    Deadline: 23.06.18

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #6

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    I have Choco Lily on my DMM Account as well as my Nutaku Account. What do i think about this Shinigami???
    Lets find out.


    Her HP are horrible. 18076 is really low for a Rainbow. Her HP is even lower than Cattleya's HP. Her Attack Stat is amazing, Her Defense is average.
    Considering her HP is even lower than Cattleyas i don't think that her high Atk. Stat and mediocre defense can quite compensate that. I'll give C-Tier here.

    Skill Activation and Skill Damage:

    She deals x2,9 and has a Skill Activation of 34 % on Skill Level 5 (24 % on Skill Level 1). Since a lot of girls got Skill Act. and Skill Damage Buffs i think the Skill Damage/Skill Act. Combination she shares with other Rainbows is the weakest one. Other Sweeper Rainbows have x2,8 Multiplier and 37 % Skill Activation on Level 5 (27 % on Skill Level 1). I personally prefer more Skill Act. compared to a little bit more Skill Damage (it's only x0,1 anyway).



    Increases Attack for party members by 20%. Average Atk Buff for the group. Solid, nothing special.

    Increases Attack for oneself by 16% each time a party member uses a Skill (Up to 96%).
    On paper this Ability looks amazing. However there is a problem with it . Damage is calculated at the start of each round. That basically means even if all other Girls in her Squad activate their Skills Choco Lily won't benefit from her improved attack until the next turn. On harder maps that could be a problem considering her paper thin HP. Often times highly offensive Crit Girls die rather quickly and she could die before she even benefits from her boosts. For that reason i would pair her with a girl like Wolf Berry cause she can give Choco Lily much needed protection (Shield).

    Increases Critical Activation Rate for party members by 30%. Nice Critical Hit Buff. It's 10 % more Critical Activation than average.

    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection. Solid Buff. Always nice to see it. Fairly Standard.

    In a Boss fight, increases Attack for party members by 30%. She got buffed recently. Her newest Ability. And a good one. Really helpfull on harder maps.

    This section is good, not amazing though. B

    Team Building:
    The problem is that you want your first turn squad to gather as much of an atk buff for Choco Lily for turn 2 as possible but since Lily can't use her buffed Atk until turn 2 the first turn girl in her Squad becomes weaker (it's not the job of a first turn squad to wait for the second turn to dish out damage like Choco Lily does). For First Turn Squads there are better Damage Dealers out there who doesn't have to wait until turn 2 to dish out good damage. Someone could argue that Choco Lily is better suited for Universal Skill Act. Teams. Universal Skill Act. Teams have more Skill Act. on all other turns but turn 1. Problem here is that Universal Skill Act. Teams often times can't gather the Atk. Boost for Choco Lily fast enough. Like i said for Crit Teams i would highly advise to pair her with someone like Wolf Berry who has the Shield Ability.

    Grading: Building a Team around Choco Lily isn't easy. It's not impossible but the setups where she really shines are limited.

    Choco Lily is a Glass Canon with very low HP. She needs a little bit of preperation time before she can shine. I would highly advise to pair her with someone like Wolf Berry to give her a little bit of Protection. Not a staple for Crit Teams but good in the right team. She can dish out good Damage and in the right setup she will serve you well. Because her Abilities are so contradicting her Teambuilding options are quite limited. Therefore she is one of the weaker B-Tiers for me. Still a B-Tier though.

    Final Verdict: B-
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-24-2018 at 02:25 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #7

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    May 2016
    Yeah I am kinda burning out on this thread as well. When it was one girl per week I felt its fun to post, but now when its one every 3 days it feels more like a chore and I cant seem to find enough time and as such motivation to sit down and write about them.
    Had a thought or two about Sakura, but we are going a bit to fast, and I just feel like not wanting to post into this thread anymore even though I have the girl and want to share a thought or two about her.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-21-2018 at 12:14 AM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Ok so about Sakura

    Most of the things have been said.
    The thing I want to focus on is the BOSS FIGHT and VS BOSS damage amplifiers.

    Wutan rated this B, because of in his words those stats are to small.

    I have done pretty deep research into all girls who have this skill (before last update, thus the newest one are not included), so let me share some stats with you:

    Sakura adds 35% for Boss fights > meaning this affects all enemy units in that Boss fight. So yeas those pesky little minions that hang around the big guys ? They get their fair share of damage buffed up ass kickery.
    Next she adds 12% Against the boss itself.

    Now this is where I need to point out for the skill that is written as "Against BOSSES" (thus not the Boss fights) 12% is pretty standard deal.
    The girl with the lowest stat in this skill I found was Peach Blossom (A.K.A. Mace Loli chan), who has Boss Fight 15% and Boss ONLY 8%.

    There are some girls like Pumpkin and Serisa who have 20% and 30% on this skill, but then on the other side, lack the Boss FIGHT skill, which means their extra damage applies ONLY to the Boss monster itself, not the minions.

    Then there are some exceptions for girls (mostly Promoted ones) who have higher % of this skill, but:
    Either apply it only to limited number of party member (example: Blood Iris 35% but only herself and +2 more knights)
    Have it much higher, but apply it ONLY to themselves, (Example Cyclamen Radiant, who applies 20% vs Boss to self, and then additional 18 vs Boss to the party, and she has Boss fight skill as well).

    Then the remaining majority has around 15% for Boss only.


    What I am trying to say with all of this is - while 12% isnt that impressive, you need to account for both of those skills and the fact that the "higher standard" is 15% but there out of those girls who have 15%, only small portion of them also has Boss FIGHT as well as VS Boss. Which admittedly is not as good. The 12% is the basic, and only time it deviates is due to different skil setup combination on the girls herself.

    Now it makes sense you bring a boss killer to kill .... Bosses. You wont bring a Solar Blast / Evasion girl if you need to nuke the boss hard. Thus arguing that Sakura is worse then other girls because she has only one role she fits in is kinda stupid.
    Loquat is an amazing Crit girl, but all her skill revolve around that, sure you can put her in other teams and she will work there fine, just like Sakura, but her main strengths are shown when used correctly.

    As such I would say Sakura is a A Tier girl. Her stats are solid, her skill setup is well tailored for what she needs to accomplish. Her speed leaves something to be desired but occasionally its good to have a girl like that, if you need to tone down super fast teams like Rabbit chan and Red Ginger.

    Now about the usual stuff: Aesthetics.
    Sakura is like a balm on a soar wound. Her artwork is highly detailed, and finely drawn. She is by far one of the best drawn girls out there due to the shee amount of details that are present in her artwork.
    Her ultimate, being one of the earliest in the game, even to this day looks absolutely amazing > I mean you cant go wrong with a gun shooting a giant KAME-HAME-HAAAAA beam
    She is also one of the very few girls who have a separate basic attack and basic attack crit. animations. Might even be the only one, but I doubt that. Still that makes her a bit more unique.
    Her dual colored irises are a bit off putting but I guess the artist really tried to push the chyunibuu edgyness hard, so... eh ? *Shrug :-)

    As for personality, Sakura is a proper Kudere. She is nice and warm and fluffy, and her Ara Araaa ~ is just adorable. She doesnt mind a bit of teasing, but its all in good fun.
    Also she has nice long hair and her pony tail is alive (refer to her ingame Sprite) which is much adorbs.

    Overall Sakura is a very solid A tier girl, that can work in any team thanks to her skill act and damage buffs, but really shines when put into the role of a Finisher and Boss killer. Not mandatory, but definitely nice to have. (If she had Crit as well i would gladly take her instead of Rainbow Rose for my second Crit/Boss killer team.).
    "Ara araa ~ Maybe I should train a little bit with Mei chan then, what do you think Danchou san ?"
    "S-Sakura ?! Wha.. What are you doing here ?"
    "I baked you a pie and when I came to bring it to you I noticed you are talking about me ufufufu ~"
    *Yes Sakura has a nice Waifu mode skin : Waifu Baker Sakura, which is always nice to have !*
    "Ah, yes well I was just talking about how good of a girl you are and..."
    " Ara Araa ! Danchou san is so sweet, ufufuf ~ Let me give you a little reward .... Dan-chou-san ~ Chuu ~"
    "No thats not neces.. mmmm !....mmm....mmmmm ~~~"
    *Sakuras arms wrap around you as she kisses you deeply pushing her weight onto you, both of you slowly sink behind the writing table as the screen fades to black*
    "Ara Araa ~ ufufufu ~"
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-21-2018 at 03:19 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post

    A-Tier it is. I hope there will be more participants in the next round.
    Sorry about that. Been meaning to, but it's been a heck of a rough week and I have been so exhausted that I didn't have much time or energy to go into posting on her. I will give my thoughts on her along with new girl here soon. As soon as I empty all of this work info bouncing around my head.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
    Sorry about that. Been meaning to, but it's been a heck of a rough week and I have been so exhausted that I didn't have much time or energy to go into posting on her. I will give my thoughts on her along with new girl here soon. As soon as I empty all of this work info bouncing around my head.
    Np. That's totally understandable.

    I thought not enough people cared for Sakura that much xd

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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