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  1. #151

    Join Date
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    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by Sempai View Post
    I don't understand the extensive panic. For what I have seen, the game has become more sloped for paying players, and more time consuming for free ones, but at the same time it is more open to the option of trading time for playing it full-free, with many more kobans than before now completing dailies.
    You get more kobans as a F2P that is true. But with the affection changes spinning pachinko to get "premium content" in form of girls is actually just unlocking them. And that unlocking just gives you like minimal cash/h upgrade on 0 starts, and a single avatar picture. All the other stuff that whales and F2P people got before in form of other avatars and affection upgrading scenes is now locked behind a cash wall thats dependents on how much girls total you already have.

    This basically means that the more you invest in the game - the more you are punished/required to farm - it can push away F2P but it can push away whales too - and thats bad design.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sempai View Post
    Before the update I had stoped collecting money from harem more than once per day or two, as it only served at that point to keep growing stats with not much sense (we always have a bonus to stats as active part in every fight) and to save 1 or 2 mills for the week the next story segment is released. Pachinko could be played doing dozens of 10X rolls with an unnoticeable lose, "casino" contests could be summarized as how many rolls were you willing to do in the final hours without getting bored.
    The main meat of the game is PvP battles (however fucked up, lame, and badly designed perma leaderboards and battle mechanics are) and story. Not collecting cash/stuff for days or months to unlock something.

    What most people complained about is that PvP for new people is basically a joke - you would need months of playing 24/7 like a fucking robot to be able to have a chance to catch up with top players. Only hope was that those top players would stop playing. Or devs to implement some kind of seasonal resets. They didn't do jack shit about this.

    Story missions were released so slow you could bet that there is like one guy who paints them story pictures like one pixel a hour it was so slow. Like the whole game is done by one guy. Did this big update change anything? Well yes - they added new affection levels, someone needs to make the upgrade scenes and avatars for them - which probably will actually mean even slower story releases.

    So two main things about this game got untouched or probably even more broken.

    Before I could just log-in do dailies, collect cash in harem once per while, and do PvP or troll fights depending on situation/needs. And that was good - thats how a mobile/browser F2P game should be. Do a bunch of stuff, wait a bit and do them again if need be. Take long time to have a chance to unlock premium content - in sex games your wifus - or become supporter whale and use real money to do so.

    What they did is make the buying of premium content easier for F2P and basically moved the whale support to unlocking affection scenes. But they made prices so retarded that any sane whale would just show that this change was bad and stop whalling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sempai View Post
    We are on day 3 of the update. With a harem of 50, got Bunny to max, Juliette to 4 stars and halfway to final. After that, is waiting again for more content to be released.
    Juliette costed twice as much as Bunny to upgrade. 3rd girl will cost 3 times that. 4th girl will cost 4 times that (or twice that of Juliette). Each next girl will basically rise the cost by how expensive it was to level affection up of Bunny. You have harem of 50, so your next 51 girl will cost 51 times more to affection upgrade than Bunny - first star will require 765 affection points and will cost around 161k cash. Second star will require 2550 affection points, no clue how expensive it will be. Cost alone of upgrading to 5th star from 4th will be close to 40+ milions, and that doesn't count cost of getting affection points.

    What they did is that instead of repairing broken PvP, giving us story more often, they fucked up affection so much, that you would need to be an idiot and buy shit tone of kobans or spent weekes or months of 12+h a day farming cash to unlock affection scenes.

    What will probably happen is people will just stop caring about affection scenes to get back into "lazy mode" of just doing dailies and stuff they did before as long term level capped players. And wait for story releases/events. But cause new girls upgrade scenes/avatars are locked behind sloped increasing price they will just give up about the game all-together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sempai View Post
    I really hope for many more girls being updated with two more images, some of the hard-to-get ones had too dull nudes with no sex as final scene. Hopefully we can have that while not increasing the time lapse for new story releases.
    I hope there will be no new affection levels released for any other girls than the starting two. At least not till they rethink their retarded strategy that hurts whales more than F2P.

    Instead of a sloped cost increase based on number of girls, there should be a static cost, that should be just high enough so that F2P could cope with it if they played like 16h/day - as in they would get new girls from story/events and be able to unlock them to 5 starts if they baby-sited the game 16h/day. And at the same time low enough that whales could pay kobans to unlock them without filling like they are basically robed of their money.

    So get back to older system - just tinker with prices rising them a bit.

    Fix the damn PvP by adding 1 to 3 month long timed seasons that would reset leader-boards and maybe give some small rewards.

    If having those 5 affection levels will mean story missions will be released as slow as before or slower - scratch that idea and make story be released more often (cause I play this game mainly for story and its released so slow in so small packs - real world mangakas would commit seppuku if they did release their mangas so slow ;]).

    TL : DR:

    This whole update is bad design. If you want a profitable F2P browser/mobile game - you make a game thats fun to play and cause of that makes people want to support it, and for that you provide them with various price premium stuff.

    You don't hide all the fun stuff behind slowly rising cash walls that slow your progression down if you don't want to pay more and more and more real money.

    HH devs should go back to game developing school.

    As an end slash side note: Its kinda sad that there are people who just splurge huge sums of money on weak premium content supporting game enough to make devs think what they do is good. But then who am I to judge people for spending more cash on an often lame low quality few pictures of a fake wifu, rather than buying cheaper other games, paying for sex with real girls, or I don't know helping some charities hehe.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 08-26-2017 at 12:08 PM.

  2. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Eversor86 View Post
    Instead of a sloped cost increase based on number of girls, there should be a static cost, that should be just high enough so that F2P could cope with it if they played like 16h/day - as in they would get new girls from story/events and be able to unlock them to 5 starts if they baby-sited the game 16h/day. And at the same time low enough that whales could pay kobans to unlock them without filling like they are basically robed of their money.
    Personally, I think there should be a sloped cost, but at a much lower speed and capped out. First I think that Bunny should be reduced to 50% of what she is now in both affection and upgrade cost. If Bunny is then taken as the base value (100%), each additional girl should cost 10% more compared to Bunny up to the 20th additional girl (so 21 total including Bunny) so that it never goes above 300% of the cost of Bunny. This would make it about 1.5 million cash or 75 kobans to upgrade a girl to 5 stars at the cap and about 2 million in items, which can be obtained in a week or two if you check in every few hours. It may take a while to max every new girl out this way, but it helps in preventing money from being useless at higher levels while not making it too hard for players who just started out.

  3. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by soviras View Post
    First feedback. I noticed combat no longer gives experience at all, and that may be something bad in the long run. Combat was one of the main sources of experience before the update, as the amounts from missions were trivial and the amount from the story is highly limited. My suggestion is that up to a certain level (maybe 5 above the level of the boss you're fighting), combat should still give experience just like before, so that we aren't fully dependent on the extremely limited amount from the story.
    It depends what boss you are fighting. I am still trying to get Miss Spook from Gruntt and have not received experience for those battles for several months. I just battled Bremen to see what kind of experience if any I got from him and damned if he didn't just give up one of his girls so I couldn't see.

  4. #154
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by soviras View Post
    The problem comes from the extreme prices. In theory, my next girl will cost about 22 million to get to 3 stars, and to get it to 5 stars would cost about 180 million as it is now (the new girls will probably have 5 tiers too, and existing ones will be updated over time). This means that to upgrade to 5 stars, it would cost me ~120 days worth of collecting money without missing out on collecting anything for over a minutes. If I collect everything every day for 12 hours without missing anything, that would be 240 days for 1 girl. The koban price also grows, which places the 5 star event cost for my next girl at around 3000+ kobans, which is about 130$+. If someone actually had all girls and they added a new one that would cost about 250 million to get to 5 stars and the koban price would be 4000+... The problem isn't that it's harder, it just isn't reasonable the way it is now. Having to grind for nearly a year for a minimal advantage (which would literally take over a thousand years to make up for the costs) or to unlock a new scene is a big deal.
    1 affection points cost 417 cash (This is a constant value regardless of the type of item in the store). How many girls do you have, and what was the cost of upgrading your last girl to the third or fifth star (affection points needed + cost of each star)?

  5. #155

    Join Date
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    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    1 affection points cost 417 cash (This is a constant value regardless of the type of item in the store). How many girls do you have, and what was the cost of upgrading your last girl to the third or fifth star (affection points needed + cost of each star)?
    THIS IS EDITED (checked few things on alt-account):

    Bunny first star requires 15 affection points and costs 3k15 cash to upgrade.
    Second star requires 50 more (65 total) affection points and cost 6k75 cash to upgrade.
    3rd star requires 150 more (215 total) affection points and costs 18k cash to upgrade.
    4th star requires 700 more (915 total) affection points, thou I don't remember/can't check right now how much it costs to upgrade.
    Cant check/don't recall how much affection points it was to get 5th star, but it costed more than 700k to upgrade.

    Every additional girl in your harem list basically multiplies those affection points and upgrade costs. So 5th girl is 5 times more affection points and upgrade costs than Bunny. 50/60/70/etc girl is 50/60/70 times more expensive than Bunny.

    So for me my next girl will be 60 one, there are whales with more than 80 girls. So a bit of math:
    1st star will require 900 affection points for me on that 60 girl, and 1200+ on 80+ girls. And will cost 189k/252k+ cash respectively.
    2nd star will require total of 3900/5200+ and cost 405k/540k+ respectively.
    3rd star will require total of 12k9/17k2+ and cost 1m08/1m44+ respectively.
    4th star will require total of 54k9/73k2+ points - no clue how much it would cost.
    5th star upgrade alone would cost more than 42m for me and 56m+ for whales.
    To above add the average cash per affection point value to the points required. If the 417 you said is true, then for example 4th start for me just on affection points alone would cost over 22m...

    Those numbers are borderline retarded. Someone who came with this new system of affection cost sloping linearly up with each new girl in your harem and starting cost on Bunny multiplied by other girls being so high basically lost his/her marbles.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 08-26-2017 at 06:46 PM.

  6. #156
    Unregistered Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    1 affection points cost 417 cash (This is a constant value regardless of the type of item in the store). How many girls do you have, and what was the cost of upgrading your last girl to the third or fifth star (affection points needed + cost of each star)?
    1.9 Million for the 5th affection star for Juliet, it's absolutly insane, especially if you consider the fact the needed gifts to reach that point of affection are not calculated in that. The green panites cost now 40k and give only 100 affection. I think i needed 5000 affection for my last girl ( cant remember honestly ) in other words 50 green panties ( value 2.000.000 ) ...

    Im absolutly disappointed with this update. I though we are going to get a whole new Interface. A whole new collecting system etc., but all they did was nerfing and buffing some stats, nothing more. Played the game since the begining, and all i can say is I'm out. Spending weeks or even months just to raise simple affections with "scenes" were most of them dont even contain h-scenes ( Shehera and Ankyo for example with their BS slap in the face scenes ).

  7. #157

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    East EU
    Quote Originally Posted by soviras View Post
    Personally, I think there should be a sloped cost, but at a much lower speed and capped out.
    Yeah that wouldn't be bad. Maybe not as much as 20 steps. Thats probably to much work for HH devs, seeing how slow they change stuff.

    My solution would be to use first 4 girls you acquire. So Bunny, Juliette, Red Battler and Ankyo. They would be like 20/40/60/80% sloped cost of upgrading their starts. 5th and all other girls would be 100% full cost. That full cost could be like Juliette is now. That is I think high enough to actually cost low enough for whales, and high enough to force F2P to work for it.

    If you fight Bremen and do harem cash gathering you can probably easily make 100K+ cash/h without much work. So like 1M a day. Not sure whats the total cost of getting Juliette from rank 0 to 5th star. But even if its 10M total - thats more or less duable. We get an event a month? New story world like once per few months. So with new probably perma 25 kobans for doing dailies that like what 4 even girls and maybe 1 story girls a month on average - which would be 50M with the assumed 10M total cost. Doable if you baby-sit the game, and yet not easy enough - so that there is incentive for whales to support a game by maybe upgrading with kobans not cash on later stages.

    If Juliette cost would be 100% - then Bunny would be a bit cheaper being 20% vs being 50 now. 3 other starting girls would be close to actual Bunny cost (40/60%) and a bit more expensive, but cheaper than Juliette is now (80% one).

    This is also easy to implement for devs, as they could have simple set of how much it would cost to upgrade Bunny (as in amount of affection points per stage and upgrade to next stage cost). And multiply that by 2/3/4 for other 3 starting girls. And all other event/epic pachinko/story farmable girls would use a static 5 multiplier. They could do make it so that those 4 starting girls are always the first 4 girls in your harem for more visual/cost slope consistency.

    Thus you have a nice slope on starting 4 girls, and any girl beyond that which you will get later from trolls/story/events/epic pachinko will just cost a static high value. Only issue would be if someone whales basically instantly - as you can reach epic-pachinko before you get all starting 4 girls, and thus you could whale and spin to get some girls, but thats just it aka not really a problem.

    Of course some math crunching would be needed to calculate how expensive it really is to get Juliette from 0 to 5 stars now, and how many new girls on average per month we get, how much money on average per month a person can farm without like 16h a day baby-sitting, and then maybe tune down that 100% value making it a bit smaller than Juliette is now.
    Last edited by Eversor86; 08-26-2017 at 05:25 PM.

  8. #158
    Unregistered Guest
    Will probably quit. Will never pay. Bad design to trick noobs. Disgusting. In a perverse way, I'm thankful for devs fucking this up; means no money wasted here and there. I do spend for games I enjoy.

  9. #159

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Everything I'm reading inidcates in the long run this will be unplayable and the above newbie test sums this up as 'borderline retarded' quite well - bit insensitively and rude, but well

    I do have faith that the dev will take some of this on board and go back to the drawing board and 2.1 will be a lot better

  10. #160
    Unregistered Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Eversor86 View Post
    THIS IS EDITED (checked few things on alt-account):

    Bunny first star requires 15 affection points and costs 3k15 cash to upgrade.
    Second star requires 50 more (65 total) affection points and cost 6k75 cash to upgrade.
    3rd star requires 150 more (215 total) affection points and costs 18k cash to upgrade.
    4th star requires 700 more (915 total) affection points, thou I don't remember/can't check right now how much it costs to upgrade.
    Cant check/don't recall how much affection points it was to get 5th star, but it costed more than 700k to upgrade.

    Every additional girl in your harem list basically multiplies those affection points and upgrade costs. So 5th girl is 5 times more affection points and upgrade costs than Bunny. 50/60/70/etc girl is 50/60/70 times more expensive than Bunny.

    So for me my next girl will be 60 one, there are whales with more than 80 girls. So a bit of math:
    1st star will require 900 affection points for me on that 60 girl, and 1200+ on 80+ girls. And will cost 189k/252k+ cash respectively.
    2nd star will require total of 3900/5200+ and cost 405k/540k+ respectively.
    3rd star will require total of 12k9/17k2+ and cost 1m08/1m44+ respectively.
    4th star will require total of 54k9/73k2+ points - no clue how much it would cost.
    5th star upgrade alone would cost more than 42m for me and 56m+ for whales.
    To above add the average cash per affection point value to the points required. If the 417 you said is true, then for example 4th start for me just on affection points alone would cost over 22m...

    Those numbers are borderline retarded. Someone who came with this new system of affection cost sloping linearly up with each new girl in your harem and starting cost on Bunny multiplied by other girls being so high basically lost his/her marbles.
    I did some tests and math.

    I assume that, one affection point costs 417$ (shop price).
    If you play pachinko the price may be lower or higher depending on our luck and charcter lvl. At lower levels, playing a pachinko can be more profitable than a shop, but the more levels you have, the more you pay for the pachinko game, so at some point pachinko play will not be profitable.

    Now affection costs formula:

    1 star = number of girls * [ 15 (affection points) * 417 (shop price) + 3150 (upgrade cost) ]
    2 star = number of girls * [ 50 (affection points) * 417 (shop price) + 6750 (upgrade cost) ]
    3 star = number of girls * [ 150 (affection points) * 417 (shop price) + 18000 (upgrade cost) ]

    The cost of raising the first girl to the third affection star is 117555$.
    So 10th girl - 1,17m $, 30th girl - 3,5m $, 50th girl -5,8m $, 100th - 11,6m $.

    The cost of the fourth and fifth stars is a mystery for the moment, cuz we have only two girls (small data). But if the next 5-star girl will cost x3 compared to the Bunny, it will be a stupid move from devs.

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