Eh, I think it's silly to assume that the only people who want to come to these forums are people who want to focus on EVERY element. If somebody wants to focus solely on one or two elements, why not?

So far, you can clear any content with use one element. While that may change soon, that hasn't changed yet.
Quote Originally Posted by MagicSpice View Post
but on the other hand, elemental advantage is still roughly 50% more damage...--
Noooooooo it isn't. 45% added Elemental Atk is by no means anywhere near 50% more. Even without including any P2W Eidolons, we're talking about ~17% difference these days. That's about the same as the difference between 40% Def Down and 50% Def Down. If we compare double P2W Eidolons, the difference is ~12%. But this assuming that you have P2W Eidolons for both elements.

The only reasons to go elemental advantage is
1. Damage taken, which may or may not be an issue in the first place depending on content or team comp, as a good off-element team could have plenty of resources to deal with incoming damage.
2. Full Bursts, which double dip into elemental advantage quite significantly. This is particularly useful since most content has a single tough fight and this added damage can enable you to skip that part entirely.
(3. Tower requires on-element for full points, WHALE MOAR PLS)