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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Was that for the first part? As far as I know, (true) Rag Disasters don't have any mechanics that trigger against off-element teams.

    The point was, there is no real reason to be "angry" at one-element teams or giving advice for focusing on one element. At least, not yet. Even for (true) Rag Disasters, I've seen people say that you can just play support if you can't bring the damage output.
    I was pointing more at the notion that lvl 90 rags are so difficult you need every bit of help you can get.

    Playing support is a notion that works... provided your main element is light. Or anything with an appropriate amount of ascension. What happens if you main fire? You'd have to build a grid for light just to play support. Which kind of fits that into my idea a bit anyway, because you need enough HP and ascension on your grid to survive and heal enough, and have enough assault to not be a complete deadweight healer otherwise.

    What got me bothered was the idea that building multiple elements can dilute the economy on raising a single element, because the only real diluted factors are time and whether you whale or not. And time wise... is your own call. It's still easier to account for the people who do gemcha everyday, rather than at their own whim because one is more consistent than the other.

    If you do have a team that could rival the output of your main team... why not build 2? Or more? And even if you don't, why not prepare a grid for when that happens?
    Last edited by Cobblemaniac; 11-27-2018 at 11:26 PM.

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