Hey everyone,

I’ve been playing for a few months now and was hoping to get some general direction on progression. I’m currently rank 72, water main with Rudra. Getting very close to 40k on my main screen. I’ve gotten to a point where I can clear up to stage 3 on GO (might be because it’s currently fire) and rank 3 accessory quests. Here’s what I have at the moment:

himes: Ryu-oh, Snow Raphael, SR Nike, Venus
souls: mordred, arthur, hercules
eidolons: rudra, tiamat, event ssr’s
weapons: Rahab knife (advent ssr lv 10 assault ++), herc axe (still only 1 copy, lv8 vigor), 7 raid sr’s (lv 14 assault +), 1 SR from water union (lv 14 assault +). all are 1500+ atk with rahab knife at 2200atk

My questions are:
1. What soul should I be going for next? I was thinking Andromeda since she’d help me with GO and I don’t really need D’art anytime soon with Ryu-oh
2. Now that I can farm orihalcons (slowly), what water weapon should I get?
3. My weapon grid is lacking SSR’s because I was much weaker during the water UE and was on vacation for most of the rahab advent (feels bad). Should I continue skill leveling the SR raid weapons, or start working on other grids like Wind while I wait for water events?
4. What’s a good set-up for weapon skills for a water grid? My understanding is that assault/assault + defender is best with pride coming in next - is there a recommended number of each?
5. Have I reached the point where I should start funneling my resources to all of my other elemental teams? Honestly, I have close to nothing for other elements except a couple SSR weapons from the events. I’m lacking himes in general right now because i’ve been saving jewels for Vohu Manah.
6. If there’s anything that I might be missing in terms of what I should be doing or focusing on, please let me know.

If anyone reads through all of this, thank you for your time