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  1. #6
    Basically the highend-endgame soul. Once you have maxed your weapons and eidolons, you are able to clear any content with pure damage without healing and boss rage control. you just want to clear everything quicklier. So Arthur is best for that. Whales love her.

    are beginner/F2P friendly. You are able to clear contents, which should be too hard for your current level/power. For example, you maybe need only 25000 power indead of 30000, which is required, when you use Arthur. Atm poeple with 30000+ power don't need to use them, because the content is easy, but in the future more hardcore instances will be released. If you don't have fullset of full LB SSR weapons with lv20 attack up, you may love them again. It depends on the boss type, which one of the three should be used.

    is used for MVP stealing in Raids. With specific kamis in team, you will get incredible result. Actually for Damage dealing Arthur is better one overall. And for rage/overdrive meter control Mordred is better.

    She is on the must-have-list for expert players, not because she has snatch....
    She has one of the best EX-skill in the game, "sniper shot". This is the strongest B type debuff, which reduces 20% attk and 20% def. It shows "+" for small/middle, actually the true effect is "big". If you want to unlock the EX, you need to unlock her...

    Another endgame soul. You don't need to consider her under rank 70.
    unlike most people believe, SHE is not weak!!!
    Her ability scales best with the increase of your +% atk from weapons and element. Further, new kamis with ability hitting up to 6-8 times will be released. Ability up works best with them.
    We take 20% ability up as example:
    If the ability hits 8 times for 1x dmg, 20% means 8x20% = 160% increase in total!. Solomon ring hits also 6 times, thats 120% by 20% ability up. In addition, you could use the EX buff from Rosenkreuz (40% abilty up).
    With new kamis hitting like mashineguns, Solomon lead becomes godlike.
    Unfornately, strong hitter like shiva, whose ability only hits one time for 5x dmg or similar, doesn't benefit a lot from ability up. 20% up means, 5.2x dmg instead of 5.0.

    Ability has its own multiplier, the higher +% attk from weapons and elelement are, the more you will benefit from ability up. You will feel the difference when you reach the endgame. +100% attk and more through weapons and +80% up and more through element.
    Last edited by fucka; 05-13-2017 at 05:14 PM.

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