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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Y'all need liquid nitrogen.

    Clearing up a few things straight up: Neither Yama or Amaterasu are looking good in the future. WiRag + WiHRag + Icarus GO + tower are basically the wind content you're facing that gives a finger to debuffs. Both of their selling points are debuffs, so it's not looking good for either of them. This reduces them to their niches heavily: Ama is a walking 400/t 3t regen and a def buff that's... eh. Yama is a walking debuff block + fire buff... but before you think use her for tower, future 15F throws a useless debuff before the main killer debuff.

    Buffs vs debuffs
    You will hear a lot of DMM players doomsaying debuffs, because the main caveat here is that you don't center your gameplay around debuffs. And that means you don't center your miracle tickets, and your team building (unless you have no choice) around debuff himes. It's past year 1 kamhime already, debuffs are given many fingers from the devs because it's that good. Quite basically, buffs will become the good ones soon because debuffs become 0%. And 10% will look better than 0%.

    Oh right, and hrags have high debuff resistance. All of em. Not WiRag high, but enough to make sure you don't hit cap almost all the time.

    Friendly reminder that vigor is quite a good buff when used right; the buff works like the opposite of pride with shitty scaling, but it has it's own multiplier frame, and that comes in very importantly in many fights, now or future.

    Needs a few stacks to begin hitting the cap. Unless you space whale.

    No. Uriel or Svarog. Don't waste tix on either Amat or Yamaraja. Remember that you should also account for their weapons because FLBing hime weapons is feasible now, albeit a long process. Amat and Yamaraja have trash FLBs, so it's a no go both on hime and weapons. End of discussion.
    Last edited by Cobblemaniac; 12-01-2018 at 02:07 AM.

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