Quote Originally Posted by Ztzzpz View Post
Two questions: how to improve my line-up ? Which kami should i choose with my MT?
I think light is your strongest, though your wind is very solid, too. Your light himes cover a lot of bases though and is extremely versatile if you learn how to use them, so I would go with light. Also, LB2 Thunderbird is very good, she's like a mini-fluffy and is as good as you can get until you draw fluffy herself (if ever, I'm still waiting for mine.)

MT: definitely Tish.

For most light builds, Mike AW and Tish will be the backbone, then you decide what you need most for a given encounter. Nice thing about light is that every SSR hime fits a certain role almost perfectly:

Sol - use her when you need group heal and/or deal with annoying debuffs and/or deal with annoying buffs
Eros - use her when Sol can't deal with some annoying debuffs (primarily paralyze and ability seal; zombie can be a problem for Sol as she heals before she cleanses; Eros can also deal with doom if your hime is near full health though I usually use Sol for that, too)
SSR Arty - frame A def down and nuke (frame B is already covered by Tish btw)
LT - elemental def down, mob control (AoE blind) or dark nuke (Tish + Arty + LT = def down cap)
Take - short encounters, debuff resistant or low hp bosses (basically every advent rag or lower and low lvl UE battles - Take will make short work of them.) Note that though it takes practice, but you can use Take effectively for long encounters, too.

If you ever have the good fortune to pull more light SSRs, note that they're generally very easy to slot in and out depending on what you need:

Lugh (released in several days) - C frame def down and insane DPS machine (like Uriel AW level insane) - should be your next mtix if you stick with light
Metatron (AW) - burst repair - put her in the first sub slot, so if accidents happen, she can burst instantly and not break your full burst. With AW, she's actually worthy of taking Arty/LT's spot for debuff resistant stuff.
Frey - rage punisher
Raphael (AW) - ultimate staller with orb eat, dizzy and BP (with AW coming soon)

For what you have, assuming you mtix Tish, a beginner friendly lineup would be Tish, Mike, Arty, LT. Once you learn to use Take, I would use her instead of Arty or LT and either Ex Ambush or rely on Herc's axe to make up for the def down.

Don't be afraid to go into battle without Sol, since Tish's single target heal is a full-health heal (for 20% cost of Tish's hp.) With someone like Take, you usually finish the enemy before they finish you, and Tish can deal with those random consecutive DATA proc on the same hime emergency heal situations.

The typical ordering would be Tish, Michael AW, then the other two you pick - Tish casts TA buff on burst bottleneck (usually the soul, but if you're using Herc or Shingen, it might be Michael.) If you're using Take or draw someone like Lugh, you might want her in front of Tish since they're both faster than Tish when they use their abilities.

When you have so many light SSRs, it should be easy and fun to adapt your light team, since they all fill different roles and fill they very well. For some other elements, when you try to swap one hime out, it's like you have to resolve a Rubik's cube to cover all the buffs and debuffs again. Not so with light. I enjoy building light teams so much that I even composed a poem for it:

Mike plus Tish equals burst machine.
Pick two more and you have a great team.
They all have their roles and don't step on each others' toes.
Choosing is easy as pie then you kiss your enemies good bye.