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  1. #51

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    Quote Originally Posted by fluffs View Post
    But newbies/normal players don't need that much downtime. Either the event is better than the normal/daily/mission maps, or it isn't. If it is worthwhile, either I can do it, or I can't. If I can, I do. If I can't, I do dailies or missions with my stamina. Either way, it's not that difficult to get any new units up to my main team's level if I'm new. Maybe if there were multiple events going on at the same time, or after two-three weeks of events, it would be nice to have a break afterwards. Otherwise, bring on the events!
    2 weeks bro ? I was suggesting a break after 3-4 evens....which would take (assuming we don't get 4 back to back farm events) at least 1 month.....and they are still arguing against.

  2. #52

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    You still haven't addressed why newbies can't take breaks during star/collection events, or why you even need a week to do a day of catching up.
    (Protip: affection is not something you need to max ASAP).

    Seriously, your argument essentially boils down to "the devs are tools because they won't let newbie/free players have as big of a stockpile as veteran/paying players". I don't need to say how ridiculous that sounds.

  3. #53
    Daverost Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    so , a game being newbie friendly is bad. But being only veteran friendly isn't ? Are you some sort of l33t that thinks everything that doesn't fit his criteria , or standard of gaming/dificulty is a casual thrash ?

    You tell me that the only compelling argument for breaks is being newbie friendly. When literally the only real argument for no breaks is being veteran friendly , since it gives newer content to keep them entertained. Not hypocritical at all...yep
    How delusional do you have to be to think new players have some sort of right to be on the same level as people who have been playing several times as long as them?

    That's what happens when you join something late. You're behind. Forever. And you just deal with it or quit. No one has any obligation to cater to you to give you a chance to catch up.

    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    It means the devs aren't complete tools and do realize that their newbie or f2p players do need some downtime to restock , WITHOUT having to chose at all times , which imo is the best aproach possible to the game. If we get that here , i have no issues if we get no normal breaks.
    You're an awful free-to-play player if you can't manage this.

    I've never given Nutaku a red cent and every single girl I have is CC'd and 100% affection except Azami, and that's only because I just got her and she's not level 50 yet. But I already have the resources to do it.

    On top of that, I've got numerous units leveled for AW with silver fodder ready to go whenever that gets implemented.

    If you can't manage your time enough to enjoy the game the way it's presented to you, you need to play a different game.

  4. #54

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    so...only the people that started right at the begining are important ? Also , the only reason you're all so stacked on resources is because you guys had a very long break. You had time to max teams , and to farm a fuckload of gold and aff items , so u don't need to do it now. Yes , it's not your own fault , but if you can't see how that incident influenced your ability to tackle the bunch of events that came after , compared to the players that didn't played at the time of the break , then you're hypocrites. I understand that said big break also affected your perspective towards breaks , becasue you people got bored then. But again , i repeat myself , if you don't think you guys benefited from the break , and that's 1 of the main reasons that you are so stacked on resources (instead of the "so called" great management of time) ,you are hypocrites

    "oh , we got time to stack up , fuck the players that didn't" god damn hypocrites.

  5. #55

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    Man, you're fucking dense. Literally ignoring every single point about why breaks are bad because you hate veterans for being "elitist".

    You think it's a good thing we got so many breaks? We're completely overleveled and we've run out of content to do. The only necessary break was at the start, when people were still leveling their teams and plenty of people were still struggling with getting Cloris, let alone Belinda. And maybe the break in between Dragon Invasion's first and second half, since some people needed all the time they could get to get as many stars as possible. Every other break after that was completely unnecessary.

    Meanwhile, you call us hypocrites while ignoring how completely entitled you sound.

    Show me a game that lets newbies accomplish in a week what veterans take at least a month to do. Aigis gives newbies a lot of breathing room already, but you want the devs to give you all the time in the world at the expense of everyone else. There's no reasoning with you.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 01-28-2016 at 11:41 AM.

  6. #56
    Daverost Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    so...only the people that started right at the begining are important ? Also , the only reason you're all so stacked on resources is because you guys had a very long break. You had time to max teams , and to farm a fuckload of gold and aff items , so u don't need to do it now. Yes , it's not your own fault , but if you can't see how that incident influenced your ability to tackle the bunch of events that came after , compared to the players that didn't played at the time of the break , then you're hypocrites. I understand that said big break also affected your perspective towards breaks , becasue you people got bored then. But again , i repeat myself , if you don't think you guys benefited from the break , and that's 1 of the main reasons that you are so stacked on resources (instead of the "so called" great management of time) ,you are hypocrites

    "oh , we got time to stack up , fuck the players that didn't" god damn hypocrites.
    What, you think I've never run out of fairies, or affection items, or money? That I just constantly have a surplus because I've been playing a long time?

    You're insane. I still have to make time to farm that stuff because I do run out. But I can and do make time for it.

    And you don't. You're lazy. And you cover it up with an excuse about how we're elitist hypocrites because we manage our time better than you.

  7. #57

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daverost View Post
    What, you think I've never run out of fairies, or affection items, or money? That I just constantly have a surplus because I've been playing a long time?

    You're insane. I still have to make time to farm that stuff because I do run out. But I can and do make time for it.

    And you don't. You're lazy. And you cover it up with an excuse about how we're elitist hypocrites because we manage our time better than you.
    dave what exactly do u know about me ? Lazy ? got 2 accounts , both over 160 , both with maxed core teams , and decent resources right now. Considering i started playing again 1-2 week before odette's event (and even got a cr 3 on 1 account and a cr4 odette on the other at that) , i'd say it's far from being lazy.

    Eab : so , the only moments we needed breaks was right at the begining when by your own words "The only necessary break was at the start, when people were still leveling their teams and plenty of people were still struggling with getting Cloris let alone belinda" , ignoring the fact that the players that are joining right now , have literally the same issues. Yes , i realize that it's a different issue , seeing as at the time the entire server was low level , but by your own admision , new players can't do events. Asking for breaks once every 3-4 events is not that big of a deal , to lower the bar for new players , and let them catch up , without having to chose. Hell , even dmm does that , and they even give increase rates because they realise that at time they need to give players time to stock up resources , and lvl up units , but you refuse to accept any notion of break as i see it. Hell , you would probably complain even if we got increased drops as well.

  8. #58
    Daverost Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    dave what exactly do u know about me ?
    That in spite of how great you apparently are at this game, you still can't manage your time efficiently and your solution to this is to penalize everyone else for your own selfish greed.

  9. #59

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    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    Eab : so , the only moments we needed breaks was right at the begining when by your own words "The only necessary break was at the start, when people were still leveling their teams and plenty of people were still struggling with getting Cloris let alone belinda" , ignoring the fact that the players that are joining right now , have literally the same issues. Yes , i realize that it's a different issue , seeing as at the time the entire server was low level , but by your own admision , new players can't do events. Asking for breaks once every 3-4 events is not that big of a deal , to lower the bar for new players , and let them catch up , without having to chose. Hell , even dmm does that , and they even give increase rates because they realise that at time they need to give players time to stock up resources , and lvl up units , but you refuse to accept any notion of break as i see it. Hell , you would probably complain even if we got increased drops as well.
    There will ALWAYS be new players. You cannot stop to accommodate every single one of them. Get it through that thick head of yours.

    And you forget, new players at launch also didn't have:
    -larger variety of units; need I remind you that we got the relatively-useless Kerry over the very valuable Bashira? Or how we lacked male healers like Christopher?
    -autocomplete; meaning more time spent on re-running maps and generally wasting time, aka endless Dragon Hunting runs, instead of burning through Pastoral Gate in a few minutes for gold, or Return to Ruins for more economic unit leveling
    -cheaper buffs; the old goddess blessings were completely overpriced shit and only worked for a given event; nowadays, an underleveled team can hope to complete a map with as little as 3-7 SCs spent on buffs, and use those buffs for any map, not just events

    Even then, Belinda still followed the same format as every other farm event. Piss-easy first two maps, tricky third map (two baphomets, in this case), lots of easy enemies in the fourth map, hard fifth map.

    IMO, Dragon Invasion was really the only event that strained our resources, which makes sense because it was our first-ever star event, we got part 2 a week after part 1 (probably the only thing event-wise that Nutaku Aigis did us a favor with), AND we needed perfect 3* across the board to get Dorania/Anya. Every other star event gave us a little leeway.

    Point is, you're deluding yourself if you think newbies back then had it easier than newbies now.

    So, I refuse to accept breaks while we have NOTHING else to do. When most of the existing playerbase hasn't hit the theoretical wall, then I'll excuse breaks. Right now, most of the community has reached or finished Immortal Beast/War of Magic, and are now just overleveling their teams, stockpiling resources, and waiting with bated breath for the next bit of content, because we're clearly still starved for more, whether it's AW or a consistent event schedule.

    There's zero need to cater to newbies considering they come in all the time, especially since it's a fact that every user will take some time to get off the ground, and there's no guarantee that they'll just drop the game no matter how easy you make things for them. It doesn't make sense in any perspective to cater to them over your existing playerbase.

    So stop floundering about with your shitty logic and get over yourself already. It's telling how you continuously ignore or neglect to address my valid points and only respond to what you think are holes in logic, or otherwise try to play down my side by claiming I'm being a hypocritical elitist.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 01-28-2016 at 12:48 PM.

  10. #60

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daverost View Post
    That in spite of how great you apparently are at this game, you still can't manage your time efficiently and your solution to this is to penalize everyone else for your own selfish greed.
    And you're somehow assuming that i'm arguing for myself .... interesting. What gave it away ?
    Last edited by lolix; 01-28-2016 at 01:24 PM.

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