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    [DMM] Mononofu ~ White Lily Battle Princesses ~

    so this game recently got a PC version, and since I was going to guide Tenhou through things I decided to make a thread here with screenshot references.

    JP wiki: (thanks to Filiam for finding this, less work for me! \o/)
    Discord for game-related chat (+18 warning):

    R18 image links:

    Main character and my beloved Kenshin-chan~:

    Initial screen:

    1 = Gacha
    2 = Generals/Units
    3 = Mission/Maps
    4 = Formation
    5 = Co-op battles
    6 = Daily Quest
    7 = Shop
    8 = Menu/Settings
    9 = News
    10 = Ranking (or something like that. something more like statue of honor, i didnt find this important)
    11 = Village House (Place to collect rent/money, Amount collected increases per level as well as refresh duration)
    12 = Barracks (Recruit soldiers to replenish, soldiers recruited increases per level as well as refresh duration)
    13 = Dojo (Place unused generals and they'll gain exp over time. limit increases per level)
    14 = Forge (Level weapons, armor and accessories. equipment level limit increases with forge level, upgrade equip cooldown based on level of equip)
    15 = Castle (Rank of yourself, and limits rank of buildings in your city)
    16 = Church (Can be switched with Temple only once? Temple = boost Japanese-based units, Church = boost Western-based units)
    17 = Research Lab (research various technologies, technology limit based on research lab level)
    18 = Port/Pier (Allows specific trading, raiding of ships and sailing of ships to obtain supporting accessories meant for units and the port)
    19 = Charge (spend real money)
    20 = Activity
    21 = Alternate world (Opens during specific timings, able to farm maps within for good stuff. think of it as a bonus dungeon that opens daily at specific times, i think it was 8pm and 12mn JST)
    22 = Album (view your H-scenes here)

    Gacha and currency:

    Standard gacha.
    Coins = your normal, free player gacha. I usually do not recommend summoning more than 5 a day, and no more than 10 a day for early game.
    Heart = special currency for research and slightly higher-tier gacha. using this is NOT recommended at ALL levels. (this resource is important)
    Gold = premium currency, used for special, important stuff...yeah you know, standard of games. free players should not use this carelessly.
    Soul = special currency, stock up 1k souls to trade for a soul ticket which can be used for soul ticket gacha that contains higher-rarity units (similar to premium ones)

    Note that you can obtain tokens (bronze-silver-gold and so on) that are effectively replacements for the currency needed. just use these tokens as gacha replacements, you will know it when you see it since they take up 1 slot in your inventory and you can see the amount of tokens you have in the gacha screen. in this screenshot, the one with the blue middle = token for bronze gacha (the coin gacha)

    there's also a 2nd tab above that is meant for event gacha.

    Combining and leveling generals/units:

    1 = Offense/Defense Formation (shows which formation you're at. the girls in the icon = the girls you're using in that formation)
    2 = Edit Formation (jumps to formation screen)
    3 = Combine (this option is where you level units)
    4 = Equipment list
    5 = Evolve (Combine multiple copies of the same unit in this option to evolve them. evolve can be done at any time and any level; it increases the unit's level cap and stats, as well as minor art changes)
    6 = Soul-conversion (discharge R+ units to get souls for soul ticket gacha. there is an alternate place to get souls)
    7 = General/Unit List (note that I use general and unit as I feel like it. they are the same.)

    Combining screen:

    Select the girl you're leveling. Red button is select, obviously. The red text on the girls = In Offense formation. Blue = in Defense formation. Green = Stuck in a building somewhere

    Top middle option = select all
    bottom right = confirm
    click the fodders you want to use. I don't have fodders in this screen, you will see them later on (they're chibis of the main character)

    Evolve screen is rather similar to combine screen, so I will skip this part. it's largely self-explanatory.

    Equipment List:

    1 = Weapon
    2 = Armor
    3 = Accessory
    4 = Sorting by rarity (or others)
    You can equip weapons and armors to your girls here. note that there are level limits, and many equipment have various effects as well. I can translate them if you post a screenshot here, or maybe others can.


    that's the tutorial. rather self-explanatory if you include what I mentioned above. R units only discharge for 5 souls, but it's a good place to discharge excess R generals (those that you already maxed evolution)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Making a new post. i don't care if it combines with my opening post. anyway...

    Menu: (18 in the screenshot above)

    1 = shop
    2 = inventory
    3 = Friends (nakama)
    4 = Reward box
    5 = Library (of units that you've collected)
    6 = Ranking (don't need to bother except for checking out some people who you should NEVER poke at)
    7 = Login Bonus (to check the monthly stamp)
    8 = Subjugation (nothing much to say about this except there seems to be bandits to kill after the alternate world event usually, but they never died and it's a waste of soldiers from what i can see)
    9 = Settings


    1 = music
    2 = sound
    3 = confirmation for using 'xiao pan' (I called this the premium currency gold. it's actually 'xiao pan' i think and i'm too lazy to jisho it for a proper tl)
    4 = your current account ID (seems to be for friend invites and stuff. not like i cared)
    5 = transaction/charging history
    6 = help


    1 = shop
    2 = event
    3 = xiao pan. gold.

    1st row of items:
    - soul ticket (1k souls)
    - scroll for rapid construction (reduces waiting time of constructions by 1h, i think?)
    - onigiri/soldier rations (you need these to farm maps)
    - battle fast forward token (one is consumed per fast forward. these tend to be important during the bonus dungeon, you may get lucky and land last hits which yield even better rewards)

    2nd row:
    various tier 1 unit change scrolls. buy if you need to change a unit's class completely (e.g. cavalry -> foot soldier)

    3rd row: various tier 2 unit upgrade scrolls. feel free to buy, since they cost coins (not shown in screenshot), but i dont recommend buying/hording, and just buy only when needed (or farm for them). inventory space is an issue in this game.

    Unit List and job specialization:

    Here's a sample of my general, Takenaka Hanbei
    1 = her class. click on it to upgrade class. currently she's heavy naginata cavalry i believe.
    2 (the kanji on the right) = Limit break. apparently there's this really rare thing for limit break. i don't really get it still, just think of it as a later thing.
    3 = affection. max this by bringing the unit to battle, and you can unlock the 1st H-scene. 2nd scene is only available for SR+ (or SSR+?) characters and is unlocked by maxed affection + 3rd evolution (3*). note that max affection increases when evolved iirc.
    a, d and s are attack, defense and speed stats respectively.

    The bottom right are general abilities. This section is what sets apart generals and makes certain units better for certain roles.
    in this case:
    1st technique = regen 5% troop strength (aka hp) per turn, and increases healed amount by additional 1% for every 10% lost.
    2nd = break formation: inflicts 25% more damage. when opponent is the lead commander, inflicted damage doubles
    3rd = One of the Warring State Strategists: if dead within a turn, 80% chance to revive with 1 hp. Effect extends by 1 turn at level 10 (or every 10 levels, not too sure)

    there are some with increase str when leading cavalry troops, or increase atk when unit is a foot soldier.

    bottom left = equipment screen
    bottom right = (from left to right) info, equip and sub-accessory. sub-accessory is the 4th item on my unit on the left side, that pipe thing in this case.

    Unit specialization list:

    Here's a sample of the cavalry one. you can see the progression yourself, and the base bonus stats get stronger as you proceed. you cannot skip the evolution process i.e. you cannot jump from tier 1 to tier 4 even if you have the scrolls. the right side is generally church faction while the left is temple faction. every class have their class specialization abilities. in this case, heavy naginata cavalry is a tier 4 upgrade (black tier) and ability is increase atk and def by 3% every turn (up to 30%)

    the kanji above 'lv up' basically says the amount of scrolls you have in possession for that particular class upgrade.

    - - - Updated - - -


    You get this menu from selecting the Mission/maps (no. 3) from home screen.
    1 = prologue chapter (top reads 'Prologue chapter: Tiger vs Dragon', referencing 'Tiger of Kai 'Takeda Shingen and 'Dragon of Echigo' Uesugi Kenshin)
    2 = chapter 1
    3 = event
    4 = Daily

    Daily screen:

    Farm these maps for the following: (limited in number daily)
    Monday = exp
    Tuesday = coin
    Wednesday = general gacha tickets
    Thursday = Hearts
    Friday = Castle construction time reduced - scroll
    Saturday = General/Unit Token
    Sunday = Xiao Pan (premium gold)

    Battle~ (Prologue chapter 1)

    1 = General/Unit List
    2 = Formation (usually only the thing of relevance in this map, aside from back)
    3 = Story list
    4 = Back (to home)
    5 = Onigiri (soldier rations, you consume 1 per battle, and it takes time for it to restore. you can also consume instant onigiri from external sources. those will be in your inventory. The max you can hold is 15 at any one time, so don't eat too much from your inventory.)

    1 = name of enemy unit
    2 = remaining count. note that normal units are usually 50, but supply units are usually only 3. these numbers refresh daily.
    3 = star achieving requirements. this part in important, since you often need to acquire a set amount of stars before you can unlock the rest of the map (primarily the bosses, but sometimes that includes the supply unit)
    4 = info (you can watch videos of other player battles to see enemy formations ahead of time)
    5 = Begin battle

    top right = possible drops, but it's all RNG. still, it helps to tell you what to farm, usually.

    About star requirements:
    1st star = clear the battle. you need to clear the enemy unit multiple times to get each star (you can't get all 3 at one go, you need to clear 1 by 1). there are various requirements including 'clear with long snake formation', clear with square defense formation, clear with 1 R unit, clear with 2 C unit, clear with -insert unit name-, clear within -set amount of turns-, and so on. you might be able to clear them all early on, but you can get back to them later on with overpowered teams that one-shot everything in existence. ALL HAIL CANNONS!

    red units on the battlefield are usually elites, and black = named bosses. the miko dress is a supply unit. Elites usually drop stuff like scrolls and equipment while named bosses (this is Takeda Shingen) drop onigiri, hearts and gacha tokens
    Note that clearing boss star requirements usually give you onigiri (more food to fight more) and premium gold.
    Supply units are recommended to be cleared as much as possible daily because they provide tons of exp tickets and hearts. i forgot to mention but hearts are also called kizuna (aka bonds).

    Clearing full stars for each map is recommended because you get rewards from Quests:

    note the Q (it's where you find quests)
    1 = normal
    2 = battle-related quests
    3 = Musou
    4 = event
    5 = reward box

    truth be told, i don't care about this section. just click accept on everything that appears, seriously. some of the requirements are so ridiculous (get SSR unit + that SSR unit), pfft. the things of note here are that you can get rewards for story clears, full star clears, and every 5 or 10 levels for each building gives you some stuff as well. everything goes into your reward box, so remember to collect them. if you dont have space, you can leave them in reward box...that's what I do.

    When you have completed the prologue, after fulfilling some requirements (maybe star? i don't remember), you get a hidden special map:

    Note the low no. of counts you can do daily, but then look at the rewards. they're rare of course. either way just clear them daily when you can.

    Here's an in-game battle screenshot for a sample: (pardon the lack of images loaded, I'm lagging)

    and here's your rolling RNG for the drops thing:


    This is the formations screen where you setup your team to fight.
    1 = Offense
    2 = Defense
    3 = Select your formation. There are 4 formations, more on it later. Click on the picture to change formations, not the Lv up.
    4 = Switch Offense and Defense teams. this is particularly nifty for players who focus on leveling only 1 core offense team, which you can use to attack, then switch to defense when you're going afk or logging off.
    5 = Set your lead commander. At this point I'm not too sure if there's any effects aside from changing the girl who will be more prominent on your unit list as well as your profile icon.
    6 = Change the view. There are 3 states: Unit icon, Unit stats, Unit type.
    7 = your roster of units available. Blue text will be those who are already in your defense team, and red for those in your offense.

    Regarding formations, there are 4 types:
    Long Snake formation - Offensive formation (+atk)
    Defense-square formation - Defensive formation (+def)
    Crane formation (or so I assume) - Speed formation (+speed)
    Fire bull formation - Mixed formation (+half atk and def)

    Ideally, you will want to level ALL formations, while focusing on one formation first your main while leveling the others when you need those to clear star requirements. some battles require you to clear the battle using Defense-square formation to get the 2nd star, for example. Back when I was playing, I started off with the mixed formation, then switched to speed at some time, then now I'm alternating speed and attack.

    Take note that as you level the formations, you can unlock more unit slots in that formation (from a base of 2 units, up to a max of 5 units). At higher levels, you will notice that you need to switch between formations and your units due to enemy setup.

    Unit Classes:

    Foot soldier: Reduce received damage by 10 points
    Veteran foot soldier: Reduce received damage by 5% (15% on 1st turn)

    Last edited by soranokira; 07-20-2016 at 02:48 AM.

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