1. DT:M
  2. Ben-har

Max Level30
Attack (MAX)496062007430
Defense (MAX)486060707290
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Cutting Wall Formation (N)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1 warrior-type ally in a corner
Skill 2
Battlefield Bond (N)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1 adjacent warrior-type ally
Skill 3
Cutting Wall Twin Formation (HN)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1-2 warrior-type allies in corners



Stage 1The essence of the path of the sword is to have a goal and swing, one blow at a time. I've gained my progress that way.
Stage 2The essence of the path of the sword is to have a goal and swing, one blow at a time. It's not just to defeat enemies on the battlefield. That is mental discipline.
Stage 3Having no wasted actions shows the worth of your tempered soul and mind. This is the ultimate beauty that every swordsman should try to attain.

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