1. DT:M
  2. Julia

Max Level50
Attack (MAX)85701143014290
Defense (MAX)98701315016440
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Cutting Wall Twin Formation (HN)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1-2 warrior-type allies in corners
Skill 2
Twin Sword Strike (HN)
Action Activation : Deals minor damage to 1-2 enemies
Skill 3
War Master's Plan (R)
Starting Activation : Major boost to 1 diagonally adjacent warrior-type ally



Stage 1Saying you want to "perform miracles", huh...? If you have time to get hooked on such falsehoods, I'd rather turn my eyes to the confusion in front of me.
Stage 2Saying you want to perform miracles makes me hesitate. That's the height of laziness. The only way to succeed is by working little-by-little.
Stage 3Everyone dreams of a miracle shortcut to success, but success is only a value decided by someone else. The real success is following the path you have chosen without hesitation.

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