1. DT:M
  2. Merkina

Max Level50
Attack (MAX)95001266015830
Defense (MAX)89401192014910
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
War Horse's Twin Plans (HN)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1-2 diagonally adjacent warrior-type allies
Skill 2
Twin Sword Strike (HN)
Action Activation : Deals minor damage to 1-2 enemies
Skill 3
Knight's Horse's Twin Plans (R)
Starting Activation : Moderate boost to 1-2 diagonally adjacent warrior-type allies



Stage 1Tips to surviving on the battlefield? That's easy! There are so many delicious things in this world! If I think about eating after; there's no way i can die!
Stage 2The secret to surviving on the battlefield? That's easy! My family is very important to me. I don't want to see those important to me sad. So i won't lose!
Stage 3Even if a huge force comes or the strongest enemy blocks my way, I'll always continue to stand! If you get in a jam I'll rescue you. You're very important to me!

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