1. DT:M
  2. Nelitch

Max Level50
Attack (MAX)115601541019260
Defense (MAX)85401139014240
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
Cutting Wall Twin Formation (HN)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1-2 warrior-type allies in corners
Skill 2
Twin Sword Strike (HN)
Action Activation : Deals minor damage to 1-2 enemies
Skill 3
Mounted Knight War Master (R)
Starting Activation : Major boost to 1 adjacent warrior-type ally



Stage 1What's wrong? Are you tired? That's unexpected, you don't have much stamina. If you go onto the battlefield like that, you'll just slow everyone down. Train yourself more.
Stage 2Argh! Not bad. You had no stamina before, but you got better out of nowhere. You even used your head in the fight. You've changed my opinion of you.
Stage 3Don't take your eyes off the strong and weak points and find your own fighting style. People think battles are a contest of strength, but in the end smart people always win.

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