1. DT:M
  2. Stanway

Max Level30
Attack (MAX)544068108170
Defense (MAX)614076709210
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3

Skill 1
War Horse's Plan (N)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1 diagonally adjacent warrior-type ally
Skill 2
Sword Strike (N)
Action Activation : Deals minor damage to 1 enemy
Skill 3
War Horse's Twin Plans (HN)
Starting Activation : Small boost to 1-2 diagonally adjacent warrior-type allies



Stage 1Even among mercenaries, the distinguished have skills that nobody else has. As for me, I'm deadly with a sword. No one can beat my sword.
Stage 2To be win as a mercenary, you have to stand out in your unit. No matter how hard the battle, when I unsheathe my sword everyone watches me work.
Stage 3You can hear it, can't you? The cry of the air as my sword cuts it! This is my sword skill, faster than a god. I kill enemies instantly, before they know they've been cut.

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