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"Build-up your harem and your character!"
Accessed through the home menu, the Market is a key place to buy and use items to strengthen your guys as well as yourself. The Market is divided into 4 categories that each sell a different type of item. In addition to being able to purchase items from these shops, these areas also act as your inventory for these items to show how many you currently possess as well as being able to use or sell them here. All items sell back for 1/6th of their purchase cost. The 4 shops are as follows:
  • Equipment - Equip items to raise your battle stats
  • Boosters - Temporarily boost select stats for battle
  • Books - Raise your guys' levels
  • Gifts - Raise your guys' affection
The items in these shops will refresh every 6 hours with a timer displayed in the shop menu. Once this countdown has completed, the timer for the new set of items will not begin until you open the shop to view them. Alternatively, you can restock a shop manually to skip this countdown at the cost of 42 kobans. However, this will only refresh the specific shop you have open at that time and will not reset the 6 hour timer. Each time you level up your account, the shop's stock will automatically refresh as well.

All 4 types of items are sub-divided into rarity types which can be determined at a glance from the color background of the item. Common (white), Rare (green), Epic (yellow), Legendary (purple), and Mythic (red). The higher the rarity, the better the item's quality is and the higher form of boost it will give in relation to it's item type.

Additionally, the Equipment & Booster shops will allow you to purchase additional stats directly from the equipment menu in the top right corner by clicking the "+" button next to the the 3 main stats. The number of stats you can buy is relative to your player level with ability to purchase each stat only 30 times per level. For more information on the different stats and their functions, please read our Battle page.

Click on one of the links below to view more about an individual shop and the types of items it offers!

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