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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Most Efficient Units per Rank


    After reading some topics I usually come around to people mentioning some units that stand out among others of the same rank.
    Based on that, overall, which are the best units per rank/star quantity?

    People tend to talk about Marigold on three star characters... I found her to be one of the worst units in my opinion, low damage output, and bad special attack.

    On 4 star characters I like Cepha, Snowflake and Lilac to be pretty solid units. People like St. Paulia, she is ok, but i think that Snowflake outclasses her by having more attack and defense and the same special attack (her ability is a bit worse, but let's be honest, those small buffs from 4 stars are to small to matter).

    5 star: I like Night Phlox a lot. How is the new reissue event girl? I am thinking in rushing to get her for her 1.2x battle skill ability.

    6 star: I only have Christmas Rose (good character but weird design), but from helpers and stuff I am inclined to give the cake to Lycoris, Alpinia and Kerria, am I wrong?

  2. #2
    I'm pretty sure most posts regarding "best" units without proper context or a breakdown of scenarios or skill usage are primarily regarding waifu quality.

    If anything, a discussion on the worst units are more appropriate, considering most units are somewhat valuable, and can be made more useful depending on team synergy. With that said, this game is waifu collecting, so take anything you see on the internet with a grain of salt.

  3. #3

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    It's actually pretty funny, because at some point, I stopped worrying whether my squads could complete a map, but my focus shifted to making sure my squads could complete a map without a single one of them wiping. And after that, it shifted to making sure my squads could complete a map without a single girl wiping (I still don't always manage this one, but usually do).

    But, that last one also makes the maps a lot trickier. Before, I could count on the fastest squad not killing the last boss, giving the other squads more time to mop up the rest of the pests. Nowadays, I have to make sure each squad is on the right tent, possibly even use a customized unit for the map, to make sure every pest is cleared before the first squad reaches the pole. Having non-optimal units, where all 4 squads together are strong enough to complete a map, while 1 or 2 of those squads might still wipe against the last boss actually makes this game easier.

    Don't worry too much about being efficient, but when you reach that point where you can take on anything without breaking a sweat, it may become something to fool around with. Anything goes at that point, Trigger squads, AOE squads (rarely mentioned, but very efficient for cleaning up a map!), Speedy Sonic Hedgehog squads, Counter squads, Solar Blast squads. Such squads are very efficient for their purpose, but not always optimal for completing a map.

  4. #4

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    Can't really think of some in terms of "efficient" I can think of useless units. Avoid units with cannon stage abilities: Iris and Gardenia
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
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  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    best 5 stars in terms of abilities are prob dahlia, pitahaya, cherry sage, justicia, apple, cymbidium, laurentia and evening primrose

  6. #6
    I'm not sure how you could include 4 of the skill activation girls and leave out Kale - she seems to be doing pretty well for me. She also has the second best 'attack n random enemies' skill in the game, behind Anemone.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by kringley View Post
    I'm not sure how you could include 4 of the skill activation girls and leave out Kale - she seems to be doing pretty well for me. She also has the second best 'attack n random enemies' skill in the game, behind Anemone.
    i personally prefer the deal 2x damage to 2+ enemies skill as if kales ability hits 3 separate enemies shes effectively doing 1.4x damage to 3 enemies other than that though shes really good

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    Can't really think of some in terms of "efficient" I can think of useless units. Avoid units with cannon stage abilities: Iris and Gardenia
    That's not the first time I read that, and honestly I don't understand why there are so many people saying Cannon stage ability is useless/bad. Sure, it depend entirely on the map: if there is no cannon that's useless, indeed. But note on map with cannons the ability affect ALL your 5 Teams and is additive (1 ability = 2 shoots, 2 abilities = 3 shoots etc). Much more efficient than a flat +x% Attack/Defense, especially for beginners who don't have 4 strong Teams. Even a weak Team can kill a stronger Boss who has already lost X0% of its Life.
    IMO the only completely useless abilities are the [Raid Boss] ones, because Raid Boss are weak and we prefer to poke (more or less hard) them most of the time (else we share them to random players and they will kill them for us very quickly).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenithale View Post
    That's not the first time I read that, and honestly I don't understand why there are so many people saying Cannon stage ability is useless/bad. Sure, it depend entirely on the map: if there is no cannon that's useless, indeed. But note on map with cannons the ability affect ALL your 5 Teams and is additive (1 ability = 2 shoots, 2 abilities = 3 shoots etc). Much more efficient than a flat +x% Attack/Defense, especially for beginners who don't have 4 strong Teams. Even a weak Team can kill a stronger Boss who has already lost X0% of its Life.
    IMO the only completely useless abilities are the [Raid Boss] ones, because Raid Boss are weak and we prefer to poke (more or less hard) them most of the time (else we share them to random players and they will kill them for us very quickly).
    As you say, it's not useless but the fact is it's fair to say it's bad due to the rarity of said cannons. It's a niche ability that rarely comes up, and unless your teams are weak (as you mentioned beginners), it makes little difference as your teams can clear maps without too much issue already. It's useful for newbie teams on event maps with cannons, but that's about it.

    RB Buffs are silly 99% of the time since the only time they're useful is the super-rare spawned RB events. RB events are probably rarer than stages with cannons and considering the rare spawn is the only one where those buffs could actually mean the difference between killing them or not, their usefulness is damn near 0.

  10. #10

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    Cannon ability is bad because cannon are rare (like what... 3 or 4 event with cannons? Idk if fireworks nodes count as cannon or not), it only add a target to to cannon (it will be interesting if it was a cannon damage boost but not) and anyway, most of the time, there is not that much ennemies remaning when a squad pass through a cannon node.
    But if it affect all the squads and not only the one with the girl, it's less bad than expected. Fortunatly, thoses girls also have a +10% damage for whole team and respectivly a whole target and 2 target skill. It could be worse.

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