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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
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    I don't know what kind of team you want.
    I'll suggest first 3 unit that you don't have and will get bloom form early according to DMM patch.
    It's Sakura / Cherry / Saffron.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Pretty much any 6* will Black B is always well liked Alpina can be an amazing power piece

    I picked my 3 because

    1 - Speed team +150 speed will be amazing
    2 - Victoria - good skills fun little piece
    3 - Acacia - just really loved the way she behaved and another all attack skill and Ok powers

    I'm beyond the point where total power greatly matters - 2 slices was, in retrospect, a poor choice one way should have grabbed a pierce - but this is about the heart not the head - also now 13 rainbows (well 12 and the free one) and 3 5* of near 6* level (well - one is amped to the max to get there)

  3. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Would like some help deciding which units to pick.
    I have Nerine, Flowering Peach, and Ionocidium. Which FG would help make my team better?
    You really can't go wrong with getting Dendrobium, whatever else you decide on; she's a beast now and just gets even more beastly in the future. Acacia, Kerria or Alpinia are all solid choices for the slash spot. Iberis is quite good, and Sakura is a nice sideboard choice for raid events. All of these units are also future-proofed in the sense that they have bloom forms as well. Oh, yes, Saffron is a goddess of defense in the future; right now she's not terribly special but worth investing in.

  4. #24
    I could use some advice as well. Current 6* is cattleya, fritillaria, anemone, mistletoe, and foxwaifu Lycoris. I'm definitely thinking a hit character like Dendrobium, but don't know for the other two outside of that. No real thoughts on what kind of team I'm going either

  5. #25

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    Kerria is a solid 6* if you're interested of absurdly high damages. Saffron is also a good one i think. If you need some pests attack reduction girls, Accacia or Bride Oncidium are solid units too.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #26

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Ugh. More crappy rolls all around, aside from some cute dupes (Madonna, Heliotrope). And I finally broke the gold dupe streak... with Rosemary.

    Fuck premium gacha.


    Whatever. I have my candyloli now.

    Now to seal away my wallet for the next 10000... minutes.
    Last edited by Eab1990; 07-26-2017 at 04:22 PM.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Srsly though - On Nutaku the 6* are pretty much worthless, since the abundance of paid Gacha makes them go from "OMG I GOT A RAINBOW ! YES YESSSS ! THANK YOU RNJESUS !" (unless you are one of those aholes who pulls double tripple in a single pull... no offence, you´re still aholes though ) to "Oh a new Gacha deal ?.... Cha-ching... cheers, meh".
    I have to agree with this sentiment. When I actually rolled Anemone that first week on DMM, I just about flipped onto cloud 9. But even whaling and purchasing a single rainbow at a time whenever a gacha came around on Nutaku, you could still somewhat appreciate your rainbow. But to be able to buy so many all at once kind of reduces that feeling of how special they are and definitely increases that feeling that you are "paying to win" in a sense. But for those that are new or are not fortunate enough to have hit that rainbow pot (albeit I hear that is rare these days with the increased rate from Nutaku) or trying to complete a balanced/ability-aimed team, I can see how this is good for them. I'm not going to bite though. It would be frustrating enough dealing with how laggy it is after seeing the much smoother frame rate on DMM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  8. #28
    "1500 gold for a 6* ticket"
    Me: "Wow!" *buys*
    Wallet: "Nutaku, why?"

    At least I got Pentas on the first ticket roll, so I'm pretty happy.
    Time to get Iberis (damn you sorimura youji and your awesome art)

  9. #29

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Srsly though - On Nutaku the 6* are pretty much worthless, since the abundance of paid Gacha makes them go from "OMG I GOT A RAINBOW ! YES YESSSS ! THANK YOU RNJESUS !" (unless you are one of those aholes who pulls double tripple in a single pull... no offence, you´re still aholes though ) to "Oh a new Gacha deal ?.... Cha-ching... cheers, meh".
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
    I have to agree with this sentiment. When I actually rolled Anemone that first week on DMM, I just about flipped onto cloud 9. But even whaling and purchasing a single rainbow at a time whenever a gacha came around on Nutaku, you could still somewhat appreciate your rainbow. But to be able to buy so many all at once kind of reduces that feeling of how special they are and definitely increases that feeling that you are "paying to win" in a sense. But for those that are new or are not fortunate enough to have hit that rainbow pot (albeit I hear that is rare these days with the increased rate from Nutaku) or trying to complete a balanced/ability-aimed team, I can see how this is good for them. I'm not going to bite though. It would be frustrating enough dealing with how laggy it is after seeing the much smoother frame rate on DMM.
    Meh, it's a decent compromise since we can't ever expect copious amounts of FGs here, though I'll agree that the thrill of gambling does go away with these deals.

    And just the past week alone, the value of rainbows has gone down dramatically. Even though I somehow beat the odds and barely got any rainbow dupes (fucking Mimosa aside), I'm not sure I can be too happy with getting 10 rainbows in $250.

  10. #30
    Hmm. Thinking about this. On the one hand, it's a good deal as these things go. On the other hand, I've already got 15 rainbows, 11 in normal use, 2 leveling, 2 mostly benched. 6 slice, 2 hit, 3 pierce, 4 magic. So I don't particularly need any more. But if I were to...Hmm. Leaning towards Cherry because hit and attack down, Dendrobium, Kerria even though I have lots of slice just for her raid potential over Alpinia, Saffron, and Snowdrop, but having a hard time narrowing from there.

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