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  1. #101

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Celebration! 100!

    Nazuna: Today we celebrate the number 100!!
    Nazuna: Let's all wear these glasses and celebrate together, everybody.
    Canola: Even if you say something like that suddenly, there are only normal pairs of glasses here.
    <Nazuna & Saint Paulia: Glasses are cute, right~~>
    Cepha Lanthera: Well, we do have these normal glasses...
    Canola: When we're lined up like this~ it somewhat looks like the digits multiplied, doesn't it~
    <100 00 00 00 00!!>
    Nazuna: It really does!!
    Nazuna: Celebration!! 100 hundred million!!1
    Canola: You know that's wrong, right!?

    1 The Japanese count large numbers a little differently - there's a specific kanji for ten thousand (万) and one for hundred million (億).
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #102

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Ro-whatshername1

    Laurentia: Nasturtium!! <Nin!>
    Laurentia: Today is the day I'll win the competition with you and finally make you remember my name!
    Laurentia: Not the usual "Ro-whatshername", but properly, "Laurentia"... <fufufu> <painting>
    Nasturtium: Ok, so what's the competition today, Ro... lledbun?
    Laurentia: What's with the Rolledbun! It's Laurentia!
    <Laurentia: How come it's always like this!!!>
    Nasturtium: Well, your hair is tied up in a bun, so somehow it turned out like that.
    Nasturtium: I'm sorry, Ro... lledcabbage. <looking at her hair>
    Laurentia: You're not reflecting at all, are you!? <pissed>

    1 There's no "L" in Japanese and "R" takes its place in foreign words.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #103

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Lively ninja

    China Root: Lively doing shuriken training!! <throw>
    China Root: Lively doing natural medicine studies!! <mixing>
    China Root: When you're lively,
    China Root: any mission is a piece of cake!
    Wabisuke: China Root, you're being full of vigor today as well, aren't you?
    China Root: Yes! Being lively is my only redeeming feature after all!
    Wabisuke: In that case...
    Wabisuke: how about cleaning up this room now as lively as before?
    China Root: Wha!? Just when did this happen!?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #104

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Hidden talents once again

    Yarrow: Gate pine!!1
    Rudbekia: Waa~! Aweso-me!
    Rudbekia: Nice combination, Yarrow, Chikuwa~! <hugging>
    <Yarrow: I guess so.>
    <Chikuwa: Bow wow!!>
    Wabisuke: Gate pine, is it...? My Uraku can do something similar. <Fufu>
    Rudbekia: Really!? Show me, show me~!!
    Rudbekia: It constructed the real thing!?

    1 See chapter 61.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #105

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Happy experiment classroom

    Rainbow Rose: I'd like some practice for my experiment classroom for children, so could I get you to play the role of the children?
    Ixia: Eh!?
    <Ixia: Even if you suddenly say something like that...>
    Rainbow Rose: It's fine if you simply reply to what I'm saying! Here we go, let's start! ^.^
    Ixia: Eeh!?
    Rainbow Rose: Hello-! Good day to all you good kids here~!
    Rainbow Rose: Here's sister Rainbow Rose~!!
    Ixia: Yaay! Hello sister~!!
    Ixia: Let's do some experiments~!!
    Ixia: I wonder what kind of experiments will we do~!
    <going double-time>
    Ixia: I want to do experiments with food!!
    Ixia: I want water that changes color~
    <Rainbow Rose: Umm, excuse me-...>
    <Rainbow Rose: Quality acting, above my expectations!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #106

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Friendly

    Spoon Wood: Your sheep are so cute~!
    Spoon Wood: The three of them are so fluffy and cute. They've really warmed up to me~!
    Lamb's Ear: You're being bitten!! I don't think they like you at all...
    Spoon Wood: No such thing. If I put them on my umbrella we can take a walk together!
    Lamb's Ear: A walk...
    Lamb's Ear: Rather than a walk...
    <spin spin spin>
    <sheep running>
    Lamb's Ear: <it looks more like torture...!!>
    <Lamb's Ear: That's why you're getting bitten...!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #107

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Food texture quiz

    Ixia: The springy texture of mochi is simply the best! There's no limit to how many I can eat! <chew chew>
    <Sawagikyou: Here, here!>
    Sawagikyou: Ah, lady Ixia!
    Sawagikyou: I know it's sudden, but I'd like you to try doing one thing for me!
    Sawagikyou: Can we do a quiz where you guess between your favorite mochi and hated konjac by texture alone?
    Ixia: Sure! That's beyond easy!
    Sawagikyou: This is?
    Ixia: This is mochi, for sure! <chew chew>
    <correct sfx>
    Sawagikyou: That's correct! The next one is this!
    Ixia: Ughh... This is konjac... <chew chew>
    <correct sfx>
    Sawagikyou: That's correct! Now, the next one.
    Ixia: Ughh... Konjac again...
    Sawagikyou: <Fufu... Fufufufu...>
    Sawagikyou: <Because of the quiz I'm shoving loads of the konjac she hates into her mouth...> <doki doki doki doki>
    Sawagikyou: <What is this... My heart is racing...!!> <doki doki doki doki>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #108

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Hot-blooded sisters

    Salvia: It's been a long time, but shopping with only us sisters is a good thing, isn't it?
    Cherry Sage: Yes! It's fun!
    Salvia: Since we're having a break, how about some ice cream?
    Cherry Sage: Yaay! Ice cream!
    White Pansy: <Oh my... Salvia is buying ice cream for Cherry Sage... Her showing a different aspect than the usual hot-bloodedness brings a smile to my face...>
    Salvia: Ok, we've bought it.
    Cherry Sage: Yaay! Looks delicious!
    White Pansy: <Salvia... Even if it's for your sister, didn't you buy too much...!?>
    Salvia: Ok, so then:
    Salvia: ready...
    Salvia: GO!!!
    <chowing down>
    White Pansy: <They were being their usual selves all along...!!>
    <White Pansy: The ice is melting from all this heat...!!>
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #109

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Anniversary of ***

    Jumpseed: Lady Lotus, those clothes look great on you!
    Lotus: Thank you.
    Jumpseed: Seeing lady Lotus like this, a whole lot of new anniversarries come to my mind.1
    Lotus: Is that so?
    <chatterbox mode on>
    Jumpseed: Like the anniversary of wearing a beautiful dress,
    Jumpseed: the anniversary of wearing sparkling jewellery,
    Jumpseed: the anniversary of wearing splendid shoes,
    Jumpseed: the anniversary of your skin looking more fine and glossy than usual,
    Jumpseed: the anniversary of wearing a cool mask,
    Jumpseed: the anniversary of wearing a brilliantly sparkling crown,
    Jumpseed: the anniversary of having a great pattern on your dress,
    Jumpseed: the anniversary of your walking style looking more beautiful than usual,
    Jumpseed: next is... ...ah!
    Lotus: <Fufu> There couldn't be more than this, right?
    Jumpseed: Not exactly... There is one, but...
    Jumpseed: it's the anniversary of lady Lotus wearing a dress and sneaking a bite of tempu<mogah!>2
    <censorship applied>

    1 Jumpseed's character setting is all about creating/celebrating anniversarries.
    2 Tempura
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #110

    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Title: Cherry's choker

    Cherry: Oh my...? Somewhere along the line the ornaments of my choker fell off...
    <picture: previously like this>
    Plumeria: Would you like me to fix it?
    Cherry: You really can!? That'd help me a lot!
    <Plumeria: Here you go!>
    <Plumeria: Like this, your breasts become the replacement for the lost ornaments...!>
    Plumeria: <Is something I can't say...!!>
    <Plumeria: My imagination went in a weird direction...> <embarassed>
    Plumeria: Ah... I have my sewing kit with me, so I'll use it to reattach them, ok?
    Cherry: Thank you very much!
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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