View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  1. #141

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    I also changed my vote a bit and added the section "teambuilding".

    Since the team setups where she really shines are quite limited her overall rating drooped to B-.

    To be honest if she didn't get her new Boss Damage Buff i would have rate her C-Tier as well. That saved her for me.

    It's a bummer her Abilities are so contradicting. She is definetely a cool girl. Her Ult. also looks nice and badass.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-24-2018 at 02:31 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #142

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    Ok lets get to Frtilira...Fritala...Fritilualalilialalaa.......

    Chocolate Rice Lily or Friti in short
    *Those of you who know me remember the struggle every time I try to type her name in the past

    First off before anything else - to say she is worse than Cattleya is absolutely retarded (no offense m8), if the damage is put into context of how she each of them are supposed to peform (as in what type of team setting) she would nuke Cattleya out of orbit.
    Now that that is of my chest lets do a quick run down, since a lot has already been said, but there are still some things that are worth mentioning.

    Ok so I will skip over stats and go straight to abilities.

    Damage buff is standard deal.
    Skill act - NOT ALL 6* have it, be grateful you grotz !
    Boss fight Dmg - Solid and helpful especially if coupled with a team where you can either stack this or have a single nuker to finish.
    Critical rate - it is a bit dissapointing they didnt plaster at least a 5-10% Crit damage onto her, but ah well. As far as activation goes she has whopping 30% which can help you get up to 80% even if in a team that does not fully commint to pure Critical. Its a solid

    *Now I will mention here that she did not receive any Crit Buff despite being a Crit girl. Meanwhile Anemone turned from Counter to one of the best Crit girls out there. I really hope some buff is coming towards this girl, and it better be something more worthwhile than the usual 15% skill damage.

    and the main dish

    Damage buff per skill activation.
    Now lets get this traight - in a team with 5 4 skill activaations and all girls skill levels maxed out, there are still times when the RnG completely F* yo over and not a single of the girls activate. At those moments I am like....... T_____T really nigga ?

    However those times are more rare than common so moving on.

    Friti was I believe the first girl I got on DMM with "choose Waifu" ticket, and while she is not as amazing as she could be people seem to underestimate the sheer carnage she can do even on single bosses simply due to her skill being an AOE instead of a Single target Nuke.
    Unlike some of the more "selfish" girls, Friti despite her secluded personality is a big team player and shines in teams where you can bump her skill act as high as possible.
    Let me say that my Friti after procing all her stuff and gathering that buff (no idea why Ninjax is flipping everytime word Boost is used ? Is it a reference to something ? ) can shred highest tier Aqua shadow girls. If crit, her damage output is equal to Mace loli chan without Crit, even slightly more.
    Plus that animation is just badass.

    Aslo - the skill buff applies IMMEDIATELY not in the next turn. And while it does not carry over, its not that hard to stack up every time.
    The smartest choice is to put her last in your team, even behind yoru finisher to let her get as many of those stacks as possible. If you put her on any other position you are wasting her potential. And if you run at least two AoE girls at the head of your team, by the time you get to your single taerget nuker (in this case Mace Loli chan) who sits at 4th place, there is usually only the big baddy left anyway, so let Friti get her shredder stacks.
    Friti requires a good tea composition to really shine, but building your team is one of the fun parts of this game and no girl should be a standalone world destroyer, coz thats fucking boring in my oppinion, and completely detracts from any joy one would have from playing LEGOs with the girls trying to build the teams in the most effective way. Still if used correctly Friti can bring the pain.

    I rate her at B- borderline C+, but in proper setup she makes it out of C tier still.
    A solid rainbow glass cannon. Set her last in the team to let her gather as many stacks of her buff as possible to make her shine.
    Should she ever get a buff and get Crit damage added that might actually catapult her straight to A rank since it would play into the overall damage role.

    Now lets move onto the usual fluffy waifu stuff shall we ? :3

    For a long time I didnt like Friti. I really didnt. Miss edgy emo just wasnt up to my tastes, since this archetype is mostly aimed at undeveloped teenagers who pretend to be as edgy as a hedgehog surfing on a plank made of prickly icicles. I picked her purely for her skill back then when I started DMM and was looking for someone to synergize well with my Crit team. (Funny thing here. Aizoona and Friti share similar Ult. animation where Friti is a bit faster while Aizon has the added effect of Ibuky slamming into the pests at the end).

    Playing the game however, over time she started to grow on me more and more, and while my JP skills are fairly limited, I know enough to understand bits and bobs of her story during the Hscene. Her mental breakdown where those high walls of her finally crumbled and she became more honest and more dere was very heartwarming, and actually pretty unexpectedly well written considering this is a simple browser H game, and as far as the story goes its as bad as any of this type.
    This was further reinforced in the Bloom scene, and by that point I actually noticed she had earned a stable place in my heart.
    She is a fairly slim petite girl, but does have some of the Yamato Nadeshiko beauty. And you can tell there is devotion to you once you go through both of her scenes. Hell even when you click her on the main screen her "blush line" is just....mmmm... bruh, any warrior would like a wife like this !
    What I am not a fan of is the design choice behind her art style. That cap is kinda ridiculous and the artwork on all forms is a bit .... meh. Lacks details and color contrast for me to be interested in.

    That is however remedied by her second skin - Yukata friti chan yei :3 ! The basic form is absolutely top notch (the Evo is still better than standard Friti versions, but she drops the yukata and pops on the god damn cap again !.... Girl I love caps I wear them outside every time, but they dont look like train conductor cap from 1860 god damnt !). Anyway the basic yukata form is very pretty, wish she was draw in the smiling form rather then the angry one, but I suppose it goes in line with who she is. Plus even while in yukata she still keeps her gloves and sword which again is bad ass.

    The Ult looks amazing and gives of that old samurai movies feel where two stand opposed to each other, bam a single cut and one of them falls.
    Overall Friti Yukata is very badass looking mofu and I like her much (swapped my basic Friti skin for this one. I love this function). Hope she gets a bit more love in the updates, and really hope the Yukata version gets a more fitting bloom artwork in line with the festival theme, hopefully without that stupid train conductor cap
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-25-2018 at 01:56 AM.

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    (no idea why Ninjax is flipping everytime word Boost is used ? Is it a reference to something ? )

    Welcome to the world of fine ass demon titties…. oh and BOOST!!!
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  4. #144

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    Rias would be proud

    Ok the Discussion about Chocolate Lily is now over.

    She will end up in B-Tier

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 30.06.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-25-2018 at 06:12 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #145

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    Ok i don't have Hyper Mace Loli on DMM. I only have her on Nutaku. So it's a paper only verdict.

    Her HP is really good. 20584 is on the higher end. In terms of good Stats that's about it. Her Atk is to low for an offensive Crit Girl. Her Defense is horrible. 2568 Def is definetely one of the worst defensive stats of all Rainbows.

    Grading: Her stats don't do it for me. Her Abilities scream "Offensive Crit Girl". Her Stats don't reflect that at all.

    Skill Activation and Skill Damage:
    28% (Lv1) → 38% (Lv5)
    Deals 5x~5.4x damage to 1 enemy based on one's current affection rating

    Amazing SingleTargetDamage and really good Skill Act.Rate

    Grading: Same grade as Mei/Sakura. A-Tier

    Increases Attack for party members by 22%. A little bit above average. Solid Buff.
    Increases Defense for party members by 20%, increases damage reduction when defending by 3.7%, and allows oneself to resist fainting with 1 HP remaining up to 3 times per battle. Definetely her worst Ability in my opinion. That Ability is good for a Team based around Counter but for an offensive Crit Team it's of little value.
    Increases Critical Damage for party members by 30%. Really good Crit Buff. Not as amazing as 40% or even 50-55% (Mei and Cactus) but still really good.
    Increases Critical Activation Rate for party members by 15%. Slightly worse than average. It's not that difficult to cap at 80% Critical Hit cause you still have 4 more girls which can buff your Hit Rate.
    In a Boss fight, increases Attack for party members by 20%. Nice Buff especially for harder maps like Aqua Shadow etc.
    Increases Damage for party members against Bosses by 15%. Same as the former buff.

    Grading: I really like her Ability Set. Her defensive buff isn't that usefull in my opinion (Skill Act would have been better) but she has 5 other Abilities which are all really valuable for a Crit Nuker. A-

    First i would like to remind you guys that B-Tier is by no means bad. I mean there is a reason this Tier is called "Good Tier".
    Peach Blossom is a really good Crit Nuker. However lately we see Rarity Promotions (especially Plumeria and Rainbow Rose) outclassing her due to the fact that her stats are just not on par with some of the newer Girls and/or she doesn't have Skill Act. Also Mei and Cactus are just a little bit more Kickass than her in my opinion. For me she isn't a stable in the Crit Archetype. She is definetely worth using though.
    If she had Skill Act. instead of her Defense Ability or a better Atk. i would rate her A-Tier. For me she is a B-Tier girl.

    One of the best B-Tier Girls for sure.

    Final Grading:

    Last edited by Wutan; 06-26-2018 at 10:03 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #146

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    To be honest, it was hard to ignore the reactions to our waifu's assessment that also indirectly referenced me, and naturally, I felt I had to respond. That, and my waifu called me about it, too.

    I tried my best to comply and hold back the ultimate fanboy/stan in me for that one, even though admittedly, it was rather difficult to do. Ninja pretty much got me covered on the waifu aspects though, which is why I didn't need to mention them in my post so that I wouldn't sound like a broken record. Still, everything else rounded up and taken into account and given my experience of her utility-wise, I strongly deem that she is deserving of S- (not that I find A+ bad; it's just... a bit lacking) while I did concede to Yamabuki's brokenness. Had she gotten a trivial ability e.g. Shine Crystal Up, then I'd have my reservations on giving her the S-tier. I am in solidarity with Ninja as far as our verdicts are concerned, thus...
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
    If others feel differently, I am sorry you feel that way.
    Now that I got that off my chest, my work here is done, and I can sleep in peace. Carry on, gentlemen.

    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
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  7. #147

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    Hanamomo... The loli desu wa mace girl. If I remembered correctly many people seems to be annoyed by her stalked their pulls in Nutaku, but it seems like urban legend to me... Anyway paper only

    1. Raw stat: Her stat is... not so appealing for crit offensive. Slightly better than average HP, meh atk, and rock bottom def. Her speed is high but nothing unfixable. In case you wonder how I grade stat as high, average, or low. The threshold are 20k for hp, 8k for atk, and 3k for def. Spd is 480-620 as average that can be put in anywhere without disturbing helper team.
    Grading: C

    2. Skill: I think back them dev. try to made her skill a fun gimmick, but now you can say it just 5.4x with 38% top. So the same with Ume/Sakura.
    Grading: A

    3. Abilities: Her ability is hybrid of Ume and Sakura with both toned down a bit.
    -Atk+22% is standard, nothing to say.
    -15% crit rate and 30% crit damage is fine for crit team. 30% is not so overwhelming anymore with new 50-55% damage. Not bad by any means, however.
    -20% extra atk and 15% damage vs. boss is top class sync. The atk boost is not so much but damage boost definitely is and both goes well together. She can add extra spice in pure crit team if you decided to add her in the team as well.
    -20% def boost and 3.7% damage reduction when guard+guts is not really that useful for her however. Guts chance depends on def and Hanamomo's def is one of the worst for rainbow. She can add a bits for her teammate however. This one is ugly duckling in her otherwise awesome abilities set.
    Grading: A

    Final verdict: A with a drop towards A- however. Hanamomo has great abilities and skill that works well together. In exchange of that her stat is just so... disappointed. In a power creep meta there are more and more girls with broken abilities and high stat goes together. So Hanamomo seems a bit lacking, but in exchange she open boss killer/ crit hybrid as option for your team as well. So for me, she get round up to A.

    Extra: The desu wa girl who strives to be proper lady yet doesn't even know how to kiss... I guess Japanese like this trope so much.
    Her skill remind me of this however.
    HBC's FKG 6* Tier List-100t.jpeg
    Anyone here ever read/watch this masterpiece?

    Extra of extra: Somethings wrong here? #Kurenai
    Last edited by game2534; 06-26-2018 at 06:18 AM.

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    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  8. #148

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Extra of extra: Somethings wrong here? #Kurenai
    Don't fret. I just wanted to make it clear to everyone that like Ninja, I didn't give my girl a certain grade for no apparent reason (I know I'm very late).

    Anything that concerns my girl, I will always have something to say.
    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
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  9. #149

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    It's Mace-Loli time! I really like the concept of a magical loli ith a cute crystal staff infused with GIANT SPICKED PINK MACE magic. That's so cool.
    Like almost everytime, I put the little PaperOnly tag.

    HP: Good ones. Closer to the top than the bottom. She has no actual defensive purpose but why not. A good stat is alwas good.
    ATK: That's under average. Not very good Mace Loli-chan. But at least,that's still better than some other unlucky 6* (Hi Red Ginger).
    DEF: Magical Mace Loli don't need DEF. She only need the Pink Magical Mace Power. Well. Her DEF is very low but she avoid top 10 from the bottom by one place. Good job. I guess.

    x5~x5.4 Damages depending on affection and normal 38% skill act on max skill level. I don't know why she has damages depending on affection but that's not a big deal since she will be max affection anyway.
    That's a good skill, very classic. Perfect with most of her abilities.
    I'm not very sure but if i remember, she deals all the damages in one time like Kerria. It's a good way to judge her power, unlike girls dealing tons of little damages. Even if it's not important, I like it and I give her a bonus candy.

    Ok we will start with the UFO here:
    +20% DEF for all, defending bonus and Guts
    I don't know why she have it and it's not very useful on it. Depite her good HP, her def is too low. And she is not even a counter. Guts can be useful for her and let her deals more damages if she use her skill.
    However, she has a tiny little place in offensive Counter Teams with her DEF boost + Crit and Damages on Bosses.

    +22% ATK for all
    That's good and classic for the great part of 6*. Nothing much to say. Good for support, good for her.

    +20% ATK on boss fight
    That's not bad. It gives +42% ATK on bosses with her previous ability and that's good. It also make a good combo with her heavy damage skill.

    +15% Crit Rate / +30% Crit Damages
    Crit Rate buff is a bit low. If she want to be in a Crit Team, she will need strong allies. Crit Damage buff is good. She is not the best Crit girl but she still has a good potential.

    +15% Damages against bosses
    That's a good one. It gives her a place has boss killer or just a place in a Boss Killer Team. It's even better for this rôle with her +42% ATk, Crit buff and skill. Even if she can't be the heroine in the battle, she is still a strong support for the better girls.

    Team Build
    Like I don't remember who does, i'll add a Team Build part.
    Like i said earlier, she can be very solid in a Boss Killer Team. As support. Or, if she is supposed to be the best damage dealer, she will need heavy skill act. That's her greater lack here.
    She also remains in a classic Counter Team. She brings a good Crit Damage buff and very goods ATK+Damages on bosses boost. But, she has a low Crit Rate buff and she will need to be surrounded by girls with a really high Crit Rate if you want 80% Crit Rate. And a bit of Skill act too. Even if she don't fit the needed qualities here, Cactus can be a good friend for her.
    And she also have a little use in Counter Teams. Even if she is not defensive at all, she brings a nice offensive being. Her DEF buff help the Counter Girls and both Crit and Boss Damages affect Counter Damages. All her offensive support can be good with the few Couter+HP drain girls we had recently (i'm not sure if there is that much natural 6* with thoses assets).

    Not the best by herself and not very good stats but she is still a good 6*. Her skill damages can change a battle if she wants (and if she has the right friends on her sides) and she carries a lot of useful abilities for various teams styles. Even unexepected one's.
    She may be not THE must have with higest priority but she is a solid and very flexible 6* with a place in a lot of teams (unlike some very good 6* with almost no options).

    Final verdict:
    I will give her a A Tier. I know it's a bit high and she is close enough from B Tier to scrap it with her mace but I still give her this one because she is easy to use and to insert in a good team. Even if she is not as good as Cactus, Sakura or the other A Tier, she can do a good job almost everywere, as main damage dealer or as supporter.

    game> yeah, I watch it... few years ago. Never read it however. It was funny to see that picture. Good memories
    Last edited by maotd; 06-26-2018 at 09:22 AM.

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  10. #150

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    Ok Hanamomo Discussion is over.

    She'll be put in A-Tier.

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 05.07.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-30-2018 at 04:04 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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