Math is not end all be all man
I suck at math, but am good in other subjects. Skills are also important, and if you are street wise and have good common sense, intuition and personality thats also very important and something, people dont usually factor into the overall "education and intelligence".
And yet many times its these traits that allow you to find better solution or outsmart the "educated".
Dont`cha ever put yourself down just because you dont have a piece of paper. Sure its good to have it, but in this day and age there are so many worthless people coming out of Universities, the market is over saturated with skill less "smartass" individuals. Its because of that, a skilled, hard working man, who might not have a degree but is smart and willing to hustle can make things happen. And once he get this chance, make something out of himself.
So always believe in yourself even if shit is tight, stay sharp and when the opportunity comes go for it. And most importantly,
keep positive attitude and respect yourself, this is the biggest thing people who succeed and move in life will tell you. I know this from personal experience starting from bottom and climbing up, job by job, skill by skill. Gathering those experiences as I go and becoming more interesting and perspective as potential employee each time I was forced to change a job.
So I am sure that you too can come up with some good ideas about the Girls in question and how to use them.
Hunter my bro stay strong and keep a healthy positive attitude !
*I might be a straight white dude so someone might complain about me calling you a bro, but what makes me consider someone a brother is more than just skin color, ethnicity or religion. It is the character, values and mutual respect. Unless of course you dont like me calling you that, in which case I wont
Damn but I digress, went off on one of my ramblings, sorry lads I know this is pure off topic, but I cant help myself.
HH bro, you look like a good guy, stay strong and keep up the good work
(and feel free to contribute, every oppinion is appreciated and I am sure not just me but others as well will gladly read what you have written )*thumbsup)