View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  1. #191

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    May 2016
    Since I have Iono, let me start this one I have Daisy and Cattleya, but I care not for either of them, plus at that time I was burned out to write anything. Iono is an exception since she is a girl I ticket picked, not for stats but because how derpy adorbs she is. The fact she worked for Evasion team which I wanted to build at that time also helped.

    The derpy derp, or also known as Ionocidium or Iono for short, is one of the first Evasion girls to come up with the Evasion Archetype and as such does suffer from power creep that has occurred late into the game.
    Now what I am going to write here about Iono, also applies to Freesia down the line as these two have identical skill set, and only differ in their stat line.

    Stats: wise Iono is pretty solid, overall her stats are on the upper side. Her awesome speed of 650 also helps balancing out slower girls in the team.

    Active skill is the usual AoE 2.8 at usual proc rates so nothing to write about this.
    The effect of the ultimate is pretty nice, and was cool looking back in the day. These days its not as impressive but still looks pretty especially since Iono grows tiny angel wings while in the air.

    Dmg - the usual dmg buff, nothing special. Only note that its on the lower spectrum of 18%, 20% being the standard.
    Skill act - the standard 1.2 always good always useful.
    Skill damage - 10% not bad, not amazing. Less than the usual papercut the girls tend to get when buffed with no real vision (poor Aizoon and her 15%)
    Evasion - 80%/50% again, the usual 6* Evasion. Against enemies who dont have increased Accuracy a unit of girls with Evasion, can last surprisingly long. A good skill in an of itself.
    Re-Act: Iono being the First girl to have Re-Act, she was left with the sad 40%. Especially after girls like Bush Clover and Promoted King Prothea who rock insane 60% this feel very lack luster. While its still about 1/3 chance to act again, these days anything under 50% is just mehh...

    As you can see Iono doesnt have a bad skill setup, but compared to other girls just in THE SAME ARCHETYPE she already falls behind.
    If you want an amazing Re-Act girl go pick Bush Clover.
    While she has synergy in between her Skill act and Skill dmg, and she is a endurance dps character, evading enemy shots and acting multiple times, the 40% is just to little to warrant any real reliabilty.

    Personally unless you like her, I would not go with Iono (or Freesia for that matter) if building a Re-Act team.
    This girl (both of them) needs some loving and hugging.
    I dont see the devs improving upon her Evasion% chance, but its possible she will get one more ability. And since she already has Skill damage, it most likely will be some shit like "Weak X". Something that will not help her skin to a better tier, nor make her stronger of a girl.

    Possible fixes ?
    She would benefit the most from improving her %. To make her really good at Re-acting. Otherwise the few skills that are being added to girls after update, are Dmg related - either some sort of direct dmg type ability, Skill dmg, or Weakness damage buff.
    In this case giving her dmg buff per # or dmg at the end turn would be fairly useful. Although I would love to see a girl other than Slash to get Pursuit and I think that would fit Iono with her Re-Act, to flesh her character as a "derpy, sleepy huntress".
    Worst case of "buff" in Ionos case would be a "Weaknes X" thing. Unless they gave her at least two different types, like "Weakness M. & B." which would actually be of moderate use. I hope she can Evade (fu~fu~ get it? Evade? Evasion girl? .... right I will see myself out now~) that sort of crap and get something actually useful. It is not comletely impossible as Anemone did get full Crit bundle, and some other Girls did as well, so Iono getting an actual useful ability is possible.

    Rating: Solid C
    *You can use this exact comment to apply to Freesia when doing her review, once we get there, without me needing to double post and just change the names and few lines.

    As she is now Iono is OK, but not amazing, and there is no real reson to pick her other than you wanting her.

    Iono has a washed out simplitic art style. Not many details or highlights are used, but it has a refreshing feel, because up to this point all the girls used high detail artwork. Her derpy derp sprite animation is much loved, and she also has a funny fairly adorable Xmass version which you can alter to. Sometimes less is more and in case of Iono I think it worked out just fine.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-01-2018 at 03:44 AM.

  2. #192

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    Back to the raitaing with paper only Ionocidium.

    HP: Just enough to be over my 20k threshold. it's not bad, butnot really good. Just descent.
    ATK: It's not a bad ATK stat but far from the best. Just in the middle.
    DEF: Nice DEF stat, above the 3k so that's ok for me. But Iono is not espacially a defensive girl.
    Stats are not bad but not especially good. It's plain average.

    2.8x damage to all, 37% skill act.
    A very classic all target skill. Good to handle... a lot a target. I have nothing more to say than I already said for other girls with that kind of skill.

    x1.2 skill rate
    Nice to have like all the other girls with that.

    +18% ATK for all
    Good but below the average. Even some golds have a similar ATK buff (like her Christmas Ver.).

    +10% skill damages for all
    Here again, not that bad but still low. Usually it's +15% skill damages. Here it's more gold level (+8% for Iono Christmas or +10% for Creeping Jenny for example).

    40% chance of re-act
    Okay that's better. 40% is low when you know there is girls with 60% but it's better than the other abilities.

    80% Evasion first two turns and 50% after
    Very classic evade ability. But that's really interesting with her re-act ability. It gives her a longer life and more chance to use her re-act. Thoses two ability works well and benefits from the skill act and skill damage buff.
    But that's not enough to make her really powerful.

    Team Build
    She is a bit to meh to belong in a solid high level team of any archetype out of an evasion team (and I'm not sure she can be called must have for an evasion team). But she is still useful and go in almost every lower level team for easier maps. For me that's her power. Not good to shines in very good teams but she brings a cool support with her Evade+Re-act for every teams a bit too weak.

    Not a bad girl, not a good girl. She is average. She has an interesting Evade+Re-act combo but her other abilities are on the low side (even her re-act). She lacks of pure offensive power and good support for her friends. But her averagism make her really flexible to fit in almost every team when you still lack THE right girl.

    Final verdict:
    I guess she can be C Tier. For interesting stuff but she has too many low point in her abilities and stats and nothing special to really shines.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. Are we allowed to vote if we only play on Nutaku, or is this DMM only? :P
    ...There's no fun voting threads for 6*s there.

    Signature by Myrdin

  4. #194

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    Sry but this thread is for DMM only. The Abilities are just not the same and Nutaku lacks Blooms.
    An A-tier girl on Nutaku might only be C-Tier on DMM due to Powercreep.

    If you want to judge girls based on their DMM Ability Sets/Stats you could vote i guess. It would be preferable if you had some DMM experience though.
    Last edited by Wutan; 08-02-2018 at 07:25 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #195
    So I have not had Inocidium on either Nutaku or DMM, but I have seen her on a few helper teams to get a decent impression of her. Initially my impression is that Ino was an alright rainbow to have. So let's get into the nitty gritty of her.


    When it comes to her stats, everything about her just about averages out. She does not excel at anything, but she doesn't stink at it either. Her HP is at a relatively decent level around 20K. Like I said before with the devs sometimes, the buff in one aspect before turning around and nerfing in another. In this case it happens but more slightly in my impression rather than the drastic examples we've already seen. Ino's ATK is disappointing low, but it's not the worst and just below average. To seemingly make up for this, they gave Ino a slightly above average DEF. Her speed is pretty good if you are trying to build a speed squad that uses that attribute to enhance their attack.

    As for her skills, it's not the strongest of damage to all enemies at 2.8x but she does have a slightly higher activation rate for it. I mainly want to hit on just 2 of her abilities because her ATK increase for party, increasing skill activation rate, and increasing DMG of others skills are fairly textbook. I think there are 2 skills to focus on why anyone would consider her for getting with relation to team building. She evades enemy ATKs 80% for 2 turns before 50% afterward. This is pretty good for any evasion team. While it can be RNG based in the end, I have seen my 3 evade rainbows last an incredible amount of turns when luck was going my way. So that helps her last longer if you build her up, even if she gets hit once or twice. The second ability is she has a 40% chance to attack again in a turn. While not maybe the best of act again rates at 40%, at least it is not relegated to just the 1st turn. So think of it like this, Ino has the chance of not only evading damage but following up with 2 attacks potentially. So if she gets a decent streak going Ino can be evading and hitting those pests multiple times in a battle. I know her attack is not the hardest but think of it like that how similar it can be to a "death by a thousand cuts"

    Normally I would say she is fairly average and not all that important to have, but I do see some good potential in her. Especially if she is put on a good team that supports her abilities in evasion and long term survival. So what appeared initially as a C-Tier has turned into a low to moderate B Tier

    Waifu judgment

    What can I say but Ino is damn CUTE! Her sleepy sprite is adorable for one. Her artwork is pretty and bright with the colors. It's interesting and almost pleasant to see her hair go from brownish to pink. That's not normally a smooth color transition seen in many anime girls' hairstyles, but she actually makes it work with that contrast and her clothing. All in all, Ino looks to be a very cute girl that I would surely not mind dating. B Tier
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 08-06-2018 at 08:12 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  6. #196
    Uggghhh sorry guys, I'll start participating now. But a disclaimer, I can't post essays like you guys, I'm not good enough (I'm not worthy!!) and lack of time, so for each I'll be short and to the point.

    Ionocidium: I've had her for a while now. She is good overall, but as mentioned, I can't fit her in any one particular archetype, just an overall pretty decent character.

    HP @ 20k, almost dropping down to 19's: lower half of bracket, actually never realized 'till now.
    ATK @ 7,798, slotting in around half way, it's alright. I guess.
    DEF: 3,,52: around top 30 placing, so yay. But she is not counter, so can't take full adv. of this.

    She is evade character, so a plus. That 40% react is a bonus, and 1.2x skill act. is a nice padding to any teams needing some extra activation. +18% ATK is regrettably lower than most girls.

    Still, I really like her (DERPY >_<); but I feel she needs a good buff to stay in the top pack. Personally, I don't think she is as low as C, so I give her B rating

    DMM ID: 838832909

  7. #197

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    May 2016
    I dont agree with the arguments for B. Especially when you compare her to other B grade girls who stomp her like a weed.
    Guys please, dont be so generous.
    Again this is the problem with having an S tier, people subconsciously compare everyone to Kerria and Saffron and then think of B as C and of C as D.
    We should have skipped Kerria and Saffron completely just nodding that yes they are S, and move on coz its skewing the ratings a lot.

    I am not chastising nor complaining. I do respect your vote. But it bothers me that there are clearly more powerful girls who are also B tier.
    At this rate we will end up with all girls being A/B even though not all of them deserve to be, very few being C, and pretty much no girl or only 1-2 in D.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-07-2018 at 12:58 AM.

  8. #198

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    Well looks it was good i let the discussion stay open for a little longer this time. We have 4 votes now:
    2x B-Tier
    2x C-Tier

    If you guys don't mind i will vote the last this time and close the discussion afterwards.

    I have Iono myself. I used her for a while in my Evade Team until i decided not using an Evade Team anymore. It's just not my playstyle. So what do i think about Iono?




    Defense: 3152
    Not in Top 30. Still Very good.

    Grading: Not amazing but still good and dandy. B-Tier

    Skill Damage Type and Skill Activation Chance:
    Deals 2.8x damage to all enemies 27% (Lv1) → 37% (Lv5)

    Grading: Standard for so many AOE Girls. Nothing special still good. B-Tier


    Increases Attack for party members by 18%.
    Below Average. There are even 5* which are able to buff for 18%. That's a No NO. In my opinion a 6* should always excel better in all areas compared to 5*. Not a good start.

    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection.
    Good. Nothing special though.

    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 10%.
    Again below average. For the Skilldamage Archetype there are girls which are much better suited like: Maple, Anemone (Radiant Princess), Loquat and Aizoon for a Crit/Skilldamage Hybrid.

    Evades enemy attacks 80% of the time for 2 turn(s), then 50% of the time afterwards.
    Bread and Butter for Evasion Teams. Therefore good.

    After attacking an enemy, there's a 40% chance to Act Again.
    Well to be honest to me the 40% feels more like 25%. That's really a subjective feeling i know but for me she barely triggered her second Attack. Again she is outclassed by many other girls like Cactus, Rainbow Rose, Hare's Ear etc. I would either use Dendrobium (especially after they buffed her she is a Monster and we voting her A-Tier was the right choice) and only have one powerfull turn than relying on those 40%.

    Grading: Well that is definetely her weakest section. She is outclassed by other Evasion Girls, Skilldamage Girls, Double Strike Girls and even the Group Atk buff doesn't reach Standard Levels. I am aware that Evasion and Double Strike is a good Combo cause it gives her more opportunities to trigger her second Attack but based on my own observations and experience she never impressed me and rarely was able to double strike for two consecutive turns. I would rather use someone like Royal Water Lily (June Bride) who guarantees me a Damage Boost than Iono who relies to much on RNG. 50% Double Strike is the threshold and those 10% make a huge difference based on my observations. C-Tier

    Conclusion: Iono is a decent Rainbow. She doesn't excel in any field though. Overall there are other girls i prefer more. She can dish out fairly good damage in Evasion Teams if you are lucky enough that she consecutively hits her second Attacks. In my opinion 40% chance is just a little bit to low to be viable. I was torn between B- and C+ but in the end i went with C+. She just never impressed me in the time i have been using her.

    Final Grading: C+

    I will end the discussion shortly after my vote. We are way over the Deathline.
    Last edited by Wutan; 08-07-2018 at 03:21 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #199

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    Ok the Iono Discussion has officaly ended.

    She will end up in C-Tier

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 11.08.2018

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #200

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    Ok i might as well vote today so i don't vote last minute again.

    I don't have Nerine so this is paper verdict only.


    HP: 18727
    Absolutely atrocious. There are only three rainbows who have worse HP than her. That alone speaks glass canon but more on that later.

    Atk: 8644

    Same as Pink. The Highest Atk in the game currently. Really Really Awesome.

    Defense: 3044

    It's good enough.

    Grading: Despite the fact she has the same Atk as Pink i can't give her the same grade as Pink (S-). Nerine has way lower HP and Defense compared to Pink. Her Atk barely managed to safe her from C-Tier here. I will be generous here and give her B-

    Skill Damage Type and Skill Activation Chance:

    Deals 2.9x damage to all enemies
    24% (Lv1) → 34% (Lv5)

    I would like the other version with more Skill Act. and a little less damage more on her to be honest. This is the weaker form of AOE Damage in my humble opinion.



    Everything is represented in that section. ̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶g̶̶o̶̶o̶̶d̶̶,̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶b̶̶a̶̶d̶̶ ̶̶a̶̶n̶̶d̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶u̶̶g̶̶l̶̶y̶̶ ̶

    Increases Attack for party members by 30%.
    That's nice. 10% above average. Good job,Girl.

    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members by 1.28~1.36x based on one's own Skill Level (1~5).
    By now you should now how much i love that ability. You almost get two girls in terms of Skill Act for one if you decide to invest Equipment Flowers.

    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 15%.
    Good Ability. Not amazing on it's own but stacked with others really potent.

    Increases Defense for party members by 30%, increases damage reduction when defending by 5.3%, and allows oneself to resist fainting with 1 HP remaining up to 3 times per battle.
    That Ability somewhat negates her bad HP cause you have to possibility to resist fainting three times in one battle. That Ability is really good but to me it looks like Nerine has some sort of Identity Crisis. Does she want to be a Hard Hitting Glass Canon or a Bulky Defender Type of Character? Still that Ability is always good to have.

    Ignores effects from Speed-altering panels in maps.

    Except for that one Ability her Ability Package looks good.


    Team Building
    The only archetype where she really shines and i would even say she is a stable is the Skill Damage Archetype. Her superior Skill Act. Ability and Her Skill Damage Ability make a nice combo. For all other Archetypes she just functions as a placeholder.

    Nice Girl for Skill Damage Teams (might even be a stable). For other Archetypes she just functions as a Placeholder Rainbow with nice Skill Act. Support.

    Final Verdict:

    If she is used in a dedicated Skill Damage Team: B
    If she is used in any other archetype: C+

    The B-Vote counts cause i always judge Girls based on their best performance in the Archetype they fit into the most.
    Last edited by Wutan; 08-07-2018 at 09:20 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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