View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  • S-Tier

    0 0%
  • A-Tier

    1 8.33%
  • B-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • C-Tier

    5 41.67%
  • D-Tier

    1 8.33%
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  1. #41

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    No worries. I have no doubt that you are as objective as possible. I trust our little brotherhood here

    I just thought if you guys have these tendencies i can implement that in the rule set but since it's not needed i deleted it again.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #42

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    Wutan> Oh I didn't use "+" or "-" actually. I said at the end she could be A- tier but when I wrote "A-tier" I just mean A tier. the "-" is not a minus. Just a "-" between the "A" and the "tier". Sorry for the confusion. I think tiers without "+" or "-" is enough. That's not like our tiering was a precise thing.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #43
    Hrmm, I've given this thread some thought and I come to realize I can't really be as objective as you guys as I'm not the type to get very deep into stats and abilities as you all do. Nor can I ignore the waifu status considering appeal and character design through evolutionary process and (if I've seen it) affection scene. So I don't know if I really have any right to pass judgements in these kinds of discussions. If you all want, you can choose to ignore my vote or maybe as an outlier for fun. If you would prefer I not post at all to keep 100% with the rules, I will abstain henceforth understandably.

    So based off my opinion, she is a very solid rainbow. Often times I have seen her in helper teams she often triggers her ability on 1st turn and again on her 2nd follow up attack during that round. She is devastating to the insects as a result and can easily make many battles a 1st round out. So I can see why she is very popular. However, aesthetically judging she does not stand out and is plain looking. Nothing makes her very memorable to me by character design like others do. And just the same with BB, her affection scene is a disappointing handjob. I think HJ scenes are fine with lower characters like bronze or silver. But when you finally land that rainbow in an exciting gacha roll or even went whale on the ticket, a simple HJ affection scene just doesn't cut it for that tier of rarity.

    So overall the grade I would give her: B+
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  4. #44

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    As a re-post a verdict on Dendrobium is A.
    Reason still the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    **I have her on DMM, she's one of my very first rainbow**
    Denbrobium has very power 2 atk buff, make her very destructive up front.
    But what make her powerfull is other 2 passive she has.
    Other 2 passive make her use her active skill for 2 times in 1st turn, if you can boost her base activation rate high enough.
    And like I said only on 1st turn.

    She has AOE active skill, nuking enemy is no problem.

    Her speed is 530, a little bit slow for my taste.

    Verdict : Ummm... I want to put her in S but now there's some girls have same passive like her.
    Also her buff start to be on back foot compare girls that got their passive buff.
    I think A rank may fit her... for now.
    I little bit busy, so I don't read back post must.
    Really sorry.

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
    Hrmm, I've given this thread some thought and I come to realize I can't really be as objective as you guys as I'm not the type to get very deep into stats and abilities as you all do. Nor can I ignore the waifu status considering appeal and character design through evolutionary process and (if I've seen it) affection scene. So I don't know if I really have any right to pass judgements in these kinds of discussions. If you all want, you can choose to ignore my vote or maybe as an outlier for fun. If you would prefer I not post at all to keep 100% with the rules, I will abstain henceforth understandably.

    So based off my opinion, she is a very solid rainbow. Often times I have seen her in helper teams she often triggers her ability on 1st turn and again on her 2nd follow up attack during that round. She is devastating to the insects as a result and can easily make many battles a 1st round out. So I can see why she is very popular. However, aesthetically judging she does not stand out and is plain looking. Nothing makes her very memorable to me by character design like others do. And just the same with BB, her affection scene is a disappointing handjob. I think HJ scenes are fine with lower characters like bronze or silver. But when you finally land that rainbow in an exciting gacha roll or even went whale on the ticket, a simple HJ affection scene just doesn't cut it for that tier of rarity.

    So overall the grade I would give her: B+
    To be honest your vote is quite fair. Just try to eliminate bias. I know sometimes it's not easy and a little bit of bias is always there.

    As long as your votes are somewhat realistic (and this vote definetely is) you are more than welcome to post your opinions about a girl.

    You could also write two sections if you want:

    One Section is about the Girl as a Unit only (i will consider this one for the final vote) and the other one is just for fun and your opinion about potential waifuism.
    To be honest I like Dendrobium as a unit but not as a girl (Her Bloomed Form looks decent though, the other two forms look boring). I also don't like her H-Scene so i understand where you are coming from.

    Whenever i judge a girl based on her battle capabilities i just see her as pixels with coding. After i flip the switch i see her as a potential waifu or as a girl i am not interested in

    Best scenario: You like the Unit and the Girl...but that's not always the case of course.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-02-2018 at 02:56 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #46

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    Ok time to look at the voting results for Dendrobium:

    5 votes for A-Tier
    1 vote for B-Tier

    Dendrobium will be put in A-Tier. Congratulations.

    Next Girl:

    Deadline: 05.06.2018

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #47

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    Cattleya, Cattleya... that's hard to speak about her. I don't have her and I don't see her often in ally teams compared to Nutaku.

    HP are a bit low but it's still decent since she don't have defensive purpose.
    DEF is good. But once again, she don't need a super high DEF stat since she is not a counter girl.
    ATK is really high and THAT'S important.
    So, her stats are well bamanced and fit exactly to her role. Nothing much to say.

    2.4 FIRE damages to all. That's good, that's why we love her.
    34% skill activation on max level is normal and enough is she has some skill activation support.

    And... here we are. THE worst part. Sorry Cattleya.
    Starts with the Light Gauge 50% filled.
    Meh why not. It can be useful but she is not a Solar unit. It'sjust gimmick for her. The kind of ability and girl you will take when you need some extra damages. But that's NOT something a good 6* should have (unless she is a solar unit obviously).

    Increases Attack for 3 party members, oneself included, by 40%.
    Ok but... no for me. It's good but she is not strong enough to carry all the battle on her shoulders. With her skill and ability set she is supposed to be more a support than the heroine. This kind of skill is... meh on her. Not enough selfish to be broken, and too random to let you rely on this to boost another girl. It's the kind of extra skill you want with other good skill aside. But she don't have enough good skills aside!

    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 18% + Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x
    Ok that's a good ability combo. With her skill, it make it even better. So, she can do good damage and have a good place in a skill activation team or as support of any kind of offensive team as a srong placeholder.

    Like the previous ones, she suffer from being an old girl. She is not bad but even with the boosts she received, she still have some incoherent abilities and that make her good but not awesome. And she suffer from begin less good that her Radiant Princess version.
    She is a very solid 6* for beginners or for every day missions like event or story mode. But she can only be a nice placeholder for the hardest missions since she can't fil well in every curretn efficient teams archetypes. That's not a bad thing. Good 6* are still welcome. But that's don't make her a must have or a girl you can rely on with closed eyes.

    Final verdict:
    She is good but not enough, she suffer too much from being old and compared to her latter 6* version (and maybe her future new 6* versions since she seems to won every contests). But she still have some place in a lot of less serious teams. I hope she will get buff that make her better. Like damages on bosses. Or something like that.
    C Tier for me.

    I'm rude but I still love you my cute little Loli 5* Cattleya.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #48

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    Well maotd already said a lot you need to know about Vanilla Cattleya.

    Maybe you will find some additional info in my vote.

    Stats: High Attack, n1 defence, low HP. She needs Attack for her Skill set. The other two stats are not that important for her.

    Skill: Like maotd said x2,4 damage to all enemies is probably the best part about Cattleya. Thumbs Up

    Abilities:...and here we are. 50% Light Gauge...Hmmm since she is no Solarblast Girl the only incident where this would come in handy is Whale Ship Battles. Not a fan.

    Increases Attack for 3 Party members by 40%. That's an overall group atk increase of 120%. I am not a fan of random buffs since you want to buff your hardest hitting girl in the group and RNG buffs do not always provide that.

    X1,2 Skill Activation is definetely good but it's also rather standard for a lot of 6*. The rare superior Skill Activation Ability (1,36 multiplier based on Skill Level) would do good for her overall usability.

    18% Skill Damage for the whole group is the highest grp Skill Damage buff in the whole game atm. So Cattleya fits in a Skill Damage Team build around Maple or/and promoted Anemone (Radiant Princess). Sadly her other buffs (atk buff and filled Light Gauge) are really lackluster compared to other Skill Damage Girls and that's the reason she is outclassed in this specific archetype and other archetypes as well.

    Conclusion: Cattleya suffers from being an old Rainbow. Due to the Powercreep she is outclassed in "Good Stuff" teams and also specific archetypes she tends to fit in (Skill Damage). Her Radiant Princess Form is definetely the much better version of her. Lets hope she gets a n1 buff in the near future. She would definetely benefit from a fifth Ability.

    My Vote: Sry Cattleya it's only C-Tier for me.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-03-2018 at 05:29 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  9. #49

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    Cattleya was my first 6* on DMM, and early on she served me well. Now...

    She deals tons of damage due to her high base attack, high attack % buff and having both skill activation and damage buffs. But she's a glass cannon with very low HP. When I still had her in my main team, on harder maps 90% of the time she was the first one to die - with or without Ooonibasu/Maher to tank for her. Last but not least, her 50% Light Gauge passive... Outside of one very specific team setup, it's borderline useless.

    She's a really good early pick, and Cattloli is top tier waifu. But in the end, she's your everyday average Joe. C tier.

    Signature done by Myrdin

  10. #50
    Cattleya... got milk? I can see why she is very popular especially among Japanese players who started out with the game. For early game, she just absolutely wrecks everything. I was not surprised when I often saw her on helper teams in the lower levels. But as I've seen, the devs try to balance the girls out when created. So there are both pros and cons. Cattleya is a glass canon in every sense of the word. She has a great attack stat, but they gave her low health and average defense to even it out. Her abilities with the light gauge is also good for FKG beginners just starting out who may need to use the solar blast more frequently because those people are still dealing with many 2-4* girls. It's toward the veteran player spectrum that she begins to lose a lot of her luster even with her AOE attack. I still think she is viable, but only if you have her on a very strong team that can at least knock a good chunk of health off before she comes in to clean up the rest.

    I can see why everyone went with what they did but I have to slightly disagree because of her early game strength to help beginners until they reach veteran status. So I give her a B-

    Pervy sage mode activated! Now for looks she is top notch! Every stage of her artwork is beautiful and seems to contain a vibrant energy. Personally the artist of her (Utsurogi Akira) is probably one of the better artists on FKG, 2nd only to the best Moneti. She's a beautiful redhead with a full figure that would drive any man wild with lust. While having one of the bigger oppai chests of the rainbows, it is all kept in balance with a tall figure and does not look ridiculous like it can on others. Her clothing is always frilly and beautiful, very befitting a lady. Her affection scene is also great with its artwork and positioning.

    So for personal enjoyment, I give her a ranking of: A
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

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