View Poll Results: Which Tier does Black Baccara belongs to?

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  1. #161
    Don't grab the bull by the horns as they say. Let's take a look at Dogwood


    Her stats are really good all around. Not the greatest of HP but still decent enough. Very solid defense stat. But wow! That ATK is really something to behold. They really didn't give her any Achilles Heel when it came to her stats. Very nice! While her skill is somewhat boring compared to the flashy skills of girls today, it's easy to forget she was still one of the early girls. So I'll give her a pass on that. But it does perform nicely and hitting to enemies for 3.8x DMG

    As far as skills go this is probably one of the very few, if not only, girls to make effective use of the solar gauge. Increasing her already monstrous ATK and also her team mates every time by 25% by every 100% solar blast used. So damn. If you save up through the map to build up your gauge, you can trigger the solar blast and BOOM! You instantly maxed out the skill boost for that tough last boss. Very nice! She starts her with her gauge at 100%, much better than pitiful 30% like some girls. But she also increases its effectiveness by 70%. So not only will she hit harder after using solar blast, but she also makes solar blast work better too. Then the standard skill activation rate.

    Overall, I can see why she gets so much love so far in these votes. I used to hear a lot that she, like Cactus, was not very good from early on. But they sure turned her around. I still stand by my statement that even with the 300% improvement to solar gauge, it is still not all that great for late game users. Most solar girls are trashed as well with the solar skills they get stuck with. So I'm not a big fan. But this? Dogwood shows how it is done right! FKG devs should take not and maybe make these kind of improvements to other girls they've essentially hurt with much lower lackluster solar skills. Decision: S Tier

    Waifu Judgement
    Oh wow! This girl has got some spice to her! In 2 out of her 3 artworks, she is winking at you with a big ol' smile. Yeah, she knows she's got the look. Long, beautiful pink hair. Small shorts/skirts around that shapely waist. Always exposing that sexy midriff. And a nice pair of round bouncy breasts. Magnificent! The overall package is one to adore and I can easily see why people would gush over her. S Tier
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  2. #162

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    Dogwood Discussion is over!

    GZ Dogwood.
    You are the first girl which was able to snag herself a place at the top of the food chain

    S-Tier it is!

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 15.07.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-10-2018 at 04:24 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #163

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    Looks like i have to take the first step here. I don't have Daisy so it's paper verdict only. Well i have her on Nutaku but that obviously doesn't count evaluating her on the DMM version.


    19636 HP
    Her HP is on the lower end of the spectrum. There are still 22 natural Rainbows which have worse HP than her.

    8256 Atk
    Fantastic. She has one of the highest Atk in the entire game (Rank 8). This stat is the most important for her Skillset.

    2874 Defense
    Mediocre Defense. Still 30 Rainbows with worse defense stat than her.

    Rating: I will give B+ here just because her Atk stat is so good and the most important stat for her.

    Skillactivation and Skilldamage:

    Skilldamage: Deals 3.6x damage to 2 enemies
    Could come in handy for harder maps which feature 2 bosses instead of one.

    Skill Activation: 30% (Lv1) → 40% (Lv5)
    The only girl with better Skill.Act. is Cactus/Saboten. This is definetely a strong point for Daisy. Really good.

    Rating: I like this section. Sure hitting only two enemies isn't as strong as Singletarget/MultipleHit nor has it the wide range of AOE Skills which hit all Enemies at once.
    But like i said on some maps (with 2 bosses) it could come in handy. However her Main Selling Point here is her insane Skill.Act.


    So here we are. Before i continue evaluating her it has to be said that there are only two other First Turn Girls for Crit Squads in the game atm. In my opinion both of these Girls outclass her heavily in terms of Abilities.

    The two girls in question:

    I would give Hollyhock a final rating of B+ and Wheat a solid B. So this will definetely play a big role in Daisy's Final Rating.

    Lets move on to Daisy's Abilities, shall we?

    Increases Attack for party members by 35%.
    Definetely her strong point here. It's a nice atk buff and way above average.

    Increases Defense for party members by 14%, increases damage reduction when defending by 2.1%, and allows oneself to resist fainting with 1 HP remaining up to 3 times per battle.
    Why??? Judging her other Abilities she clearly belongs to First Turn Crit Squads and that Ability does absolutely nothing increasing damage output. Also 14% is one of the lowest Def buffs of all Rainbows. Meh.

    Increases Critical Activation Rate for party members by 20%.
    Standard Crit. Activation Rate Buff. Solid.

    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members by 1.65x on turn 1.
    Standard for First Turn Girls. Without that Ability First Turn Squads would not exist.

    Increases Critical Damage for party members by 15%.
    Way to weak Crit Damage Buff if you compare it to the Crit Buffs the other two First Turn Girls offer.

    Rating: Sry Daisy but that's your worst section (also the section i value the most). You are heavily outclassed by your competition here.


    Daisy has fantastic Attack and a really nice Skillactivation/Skilldamage package.
    However in terms of Abilites she is heavily outclassed by her Competition in Form of Hollyhock and Wheat. These two just buff Crit Teams way better.
    I especially value the Ability Section cause at the end of the day this section determines a Knight's usefulness the most (I would rate SkillActivation/SkillDamage as the second most important section and Stats be the third place in terms of importance).
    Maybe i am a bit harsh but since i would put both Hollyhock and Wheat in B-Tier i decided to put Daisy in C-Tier.

    Final Verdict:
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-13-2018 at 08:50 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #164

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    I wanted to rate her yesterday but... I forgot at the end.

    Now, It's Daisy time with Paper only tag.

    HP: That's a low stat. But she is nota very defensive girl so, that's not that important.
    ATK: Her best stat and she is high in the list. That's a good thing. At least her stats are coherent with her play style.
    DEF: That's a bit low but still far from the worste. And she is not supposed to be a defensive girl so...
    Her stats are not excellent but at least the spread is well done for her. We can't complain.

    3.6x damage to 2 enemies and 40% activation rate. If you know me, you know I don't like two target skill that much. It's not good on most battle except some Water Shadows bosses and the 2 target skill maps on Nidhogg 2nd phase.
    She is one of the 3 natural rainbows with that kind of skill with only x3.6 damages instead of x3.8. But she has 40% skill act, making her the 2nd girl with the highest skill activation rate behind Cactus. It's not that bad.

    +35% ATK for all
    That's good. Very good. A rainbow usually has +20%~+22%. That's really above that and that's good. It will healp your team a lot and it fit well with her already high ATK. But that's almost all.

    +14% DEF, Guts & increase damage reduction when defending by 2.1%
    Okay. There is no reasons for that. The hard and painful legacy from being an old rainbow. But she don't even get a buff on that ability. It's just... bad. Most 6* have arround +30% but her, no. just +14% like a 5*. At least she has Guts and she can survive a bit more even with her paper HP and DEF stats.

    x1.65% skill rate turn 1
    I'm not a big fan of turn one ability. It's not bad and give her some options but this kind of abilities works better on girls with turn 1 react or ridiculous self ATK/Damage buff. A traditionnal x1.2 skill act would be better, especially with her guts. But, with that, she reach 66% skill act turn 1 by herself. That's not that bad. I guess.

    Crit rate +20% and Crit damage +15%
    She is a Crit girl and her Crit abilities are not that bad but, a lot of girls have more with buff like +30%/+35%. If she has very good abilities aside that it will be good but here... meh. Not really bad but still not good for me.

    Team Build
    Benched loli is a kind of team? Well, just kidding.
    She can go in any Crit team, especially with her skill rate and her ATK buff. But she will not be the best, a team pillar or even a must have for that archetype.
    She can also go in other team types as placeholder (Counter with her Crit + DEF buff, even ifit's not that good or any offensive teams if you have a free place and no one to hold it).
    But she will not find HER place anywhere. She can't really shines, unless she is supported by very good girls.

    Daisy is a cute and brutal loli but battlewise, she seems to do only half things. Half DEF buff, half Crit buff, half skill type... The girl good in everything but excellent nowhere. I dont see her that much and I don't really know how and where we could use her. Like I said, she can hold a lot of places but there will ever be one or more girls better than her. I like her and her style but she is still a plain and generic loli at the end.

    Final verdict:
    I guess I will give her a C Tier. Not because she is bad but because there is a lot of better girls above her. Even her Halloween form seems better even if she is not top tier at all.

    Now, I'm done with her. I can't wait for the next but you already know it.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #165
    Alright it is time to take an in depth look at Daisy. I've never had her on my team. If I remember correctly, she seemed somewhat popular on the Nutaku side. So let's see how things work out.


    At a quick glance, Daisy is reminding me a lot of qualities that Anemone had including her Pierce type. Her HP is disappointing as it is lower than a good amount of rainbows we've already covered. Her DEF stats are not really impressive either. Where she shines best is her ATK stat which is pretty high, putting her into a glass canon comparison situation. So while her ATK is superior to Anemone's, she is fails in the other two categories.

    Skills are pretty decent as she hits 2 enemies for 3.6% damage. What is even better than Anemone is that she has a higher trigger rate of this skill. But then again, while having Anemone myself who hits 3 random single targets before a weaker AOE final blow, it doesn't come off as superior since she only hits each enemy once albeit harder. I would say they are both equal in this respect so Daisy gets a good grade on her skill.

    Now here is where it gets ugly, especially when comparing her to Anemone who has largely the same ability set. Daisy increases DEF for party members by 14% and increases damage reduction while defending by 2.1%. By comparison, Anemone increase DEF 30% and damage reduction while defending by 5.3%... She doesn't even get the Super Counter. Daisy increases Crit activation rate by 20% and Crit damage by 15% compared to Anemone's 30% Crit rate and 40% Crit dmg. Daisy only barely wins out to Anemone with the standard ability ATK increase at 35% compared to Anemone's 30%. Daisy has at least one ability that Anemone does not, which is to increase team's skill activation rate by 1.65x. But that is only on first turn.

    Damn. That's just sad when you look at it. At first glance, Daisy is just about the same as Anemone with a few minor differences. But at deeper look into the actual numbers and stats, she is clearly inferior by comparison. Not saying she is a terrible rainbow to have and she can help flesh out a crit focused team. But there are certainly better ones out there.

    Final grade: C-Tier

    Waifu judgment

    F-Tier! As in get the F outta here with your loli behind. This ride is for adults only.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  6. #166

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    Allright the Daisy Discussion is over.

    Shad, maotd and myself voted for C-Tier.

    C-Tier it is.

    Next Girl:
    Deadline: 20.07.2018
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-15-2018 at 04:22 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #167

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    Ah, Kerria/Yamabuki! I suppose I'll go first.

    She is one of the core characters on my roster as well as my second-most favorite girl after my waifu. I got her on 4/23 via the Spring '18 ticket.

    HP and attack are core stats for HP absorption skill users like Kerria. 20,472 max HP* is above average (albeit lower than Red Ginger's) and should give her enough reservoir that can be supplemented by Healing Boost as her skill leeches so much HP. 8,112 max ATK* is the best among those with HP absorb, only slightly bested by that of Abutilon, Sakura, and Ume (all 3 of which have purely single-target skills). 2,648 max DEF* is on the low end, but it doesn't matter much if she can evade and simply regain 2x the HP she lost with a swing of her deadly katana. She is rather slow at 430 SPD, but her usefulness should outweigh it anyway especially in broken dungeons where speed is the least of one's worries.

    Grade: A+

    Kerria and Red Ginger are the game's only native rainbows with HP absorption, and neither of them offers a vantage point, being equal in this regard (standard x4.3 multiplier with HP absorption, 36% proc at skill level 5). In-battle HP regeneration is few and far between, so those that can considerably heal themselves have some edge over many others.

    Grade: S

    When Kerria got her bloomed abilities last year, people were going bananas. With her powerful "survival kit," she can single-handedly bring victory even in really difficult battles.

    Granted that she doesn't have party-wide buffs, she has stronger versions of them, and she benefits from it most. A 40% attack buff to augment her high base attack stat translates nicely into a marked damage output, further boosted by damage of up to 62.5% of her current health (when overhealed by Healing Boost's effect), powering her DPS as well as HP absorption to even more ridiculous levels. Combined with her evasion, her enemies are set up for a rude awakening in a vicious cycle of leech-evade-leech-evade until they die. My Kerria in a -70% [work in progress] debuff lineup makes a mockery of Level 245 raid bosses, regenerating more HP than the damage she receives, and the enemies die trying!

    Kerria is the last woman standing in the Core Stage battle

    Kerria's +40% defense buff and 6.8% damage reduction, which are surprisingly higher than those of Saffron's (+30% and 5.3% respectively), conveniently covers her "weak point." If push comes to shove, she also can resist fainting with guts (although from my experience in EX Sakura and Ume, it was not proccing all the time).

    Grade: OP...... I mean, S

    Team Building
    Kerria strongly hinges on her skill not just for damage but also for survival, which makes it imperative that she is coupled with skill activation support so that she can keep swinging it as much as possible. That said, she can be a carry of sorts in a debuff-activation hybrid, or to a lesser degree, in a crit-activation hybrid and watch her damage skyrocket.

    Kerria is the singular most powerful girl in the game, having solid core stats + game-breaking repertoire that made her into the most formidable one-woman army as we know it.

    With that, I give her the D...... er, S+.

    Back in my days on the other version, I befriended a non-forumer with Kerria as his assistant, and as I was regularly using his helper lineup, Kerria slowly grew on me, becoming my second most-favorite knight after my waifu. I eventually realized that Moneti designed both of them, so it's a big check. I really love her second portrait the most (mmm, armpit); forget the bloomed one. While she does check a lot of boxes, her voice isn't doing justice for her beauty though. Nevertheless, she still makes for a great waifu.

    Grade: A+
    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
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  8. #168

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    Yeah! It's finally time for Kerria! I'll try to be objective (but anyway, even if I'm subjective it will be the same).

    Final verdict:
    She is S tier.
    What? I need to explain? But why?

    HP: She has good HP. Not awesome but enough to be over 20k. It's the minimum needed. She would be even better with more HP but she can't be 100% perfect or she will break the game.
    ATK: Really good ATK too but still a bit far from the top. Hopefully she has solid assets to "compensate" that.
    DEF: Her lowest stat and she is close to the botom. On one side, it's not a good thing. She is one of the rare girls who needs all the stats. But on the other side, it's better like that. ATK and HP are too important for her.
    I never speak of speed but this time I will. She is a bit slow with only 430 speed. It's not that important but it will restrain you in team building and forbid some good allies if you want to stay in a decent speed range.

    x4.3 damage on 1 target + life steal with 38% activation rate.
    That's pretty common life steal skill but that's her ultimate weapon. The 38% is a bit low. It's the common for this kind of skill but on her, it's really too slow. She absolutly need her skill to be what she is.

    +40% ATK for her and 2 allies
    Usually, ATK boost for more than one and less than the full team is not good. But for her, it's not a problem. You just want to buff Kerria's ATK. The other two allies are just a little bonus. They will die quickly anyway. It's a very welcome ability since Kerria needs as much ATK as possible to make her job.

    +40% DEf for her and 2 allies, increase damage reduction from defending by 6.8 and Guts
    Some people think it's not a good ability for her. That's not totally false since it's not an offensive skill and she is not a counter girl. But she has Guts and a better defense. Despite her ridiculous destruction power, Kerria is more defensive than offensive for me. She is closer to girls Saffron than every Glass Nukes. It's clearly her less usefull ability but it's still a solid option on her.

    Increases your Damage to enemies by Current HP / Max HP / 2.
    And that's her first toy that make her broken. It increase your damages by 50% at full life. And maybe more if the "Max HP" in the math take the actual Max HP of the girl and not the Max HP after the Over Limit bonus.
    It's an awesome ability but it's terribly double edged. Your damages will be pitiful at low life, when you need to hit as hard as possible to recover your precious HP.
    A variant of it where your damages increase when your HP are low would be far better for her but Kerria would be unbeatable.

    80% evasion on turn 1 and 2, 50% after
    And her second toy and the actual reason of her brokeness. Evasion on this girl is just perfect. She hits very hard, she can recover her HP with life steal and pests have only 50% chances to hit her (unless it's some unfair pests with accuracy buff). With that, she will not need to activate her skill every turn to stay alive. Okay. she will need to activate evasion or her skill to stay alive and bad RNG is her nemesis. but ith the right team and a lack of awful luck, she will be able to survive everything.

    Team Build
    She is a special kind of girl. You will not use Kerria in a team. You will build a team around her. If you want to use her, she will be your team pillar.
    I'm not a specialist on Kerria's team building since I never get the right 6* to build around her.
    I guess ther better archetype for her is damage reduction team. She needs to take as less damages as possible and damage reduction teams are perfect for her. But due to her low skill rate and lack of self skill activation, she will needs a lot of skill act.
    When I skeap about that, two girls comes in my mind:
    Oncidium Bride with 15% damages reduction and x1.2 skill act
    Lavender Valentine with the same assets.
    They also bring skill damage buff and damage buff on bosses. But Lavender is really slow and will sink your teal speed for ever with Kerria around.
    If you seach on the promoted girls side, there is Aconite with the same kind of abilities (but better) and the wonderful White Tulip with skill act, damage reduction AND 12% precision reduction.

    Or you can use a more offensive version of the team with a lot of skill act, a lot of damage BOOST and a lot of Crit. In that kind of archetype, she will murder everything but she will be a bit more fragile.

    Or you can put her in any random team. She will not reach her full potential but she is strong enough to do good things by herself with just a few ATK buff to support her.

    Kerria is one of the strongest girls and for me (and I4m pretty sure for a lot of people her), she is one of the FKG Triforce pieces. Her abilities are pure diamond, her stats are well balanced and her skill is the cerry over all the other cherries on the Kerria's cake.
    Team building wise, she can go everywhere, even alone and she will do her job. Fun fact, I used her in my Nutaku's raid boss team a long time ago and I finally banned her because she kills every regular bosses. She can even handle easily the 1st phase raid boss event's raid boss and hit the turn limit... with a random team full of not bloomed rainbows).

    Final verdict:
    She is S Tier, she definite the S Tier with her friends and she will stay one of the bests girls in FKG history for a long time (even if some promoted girls tries to reach her level). I mean, just look at Kurenai's pictures. They speak by themselves. Kerria is boss level for pests bosses themself.

    Personnal Feeling:
    Kerria was my first Nutaku 6* and my first 6* ever, outcome from a free 100 Nutaku Gold roll (you know, those 100 free gold you got if you invite a "friend" called yourself with another account). She was better and better over the time and she is still my best girl over my two account (Nutaku and DMM), only followed by Pink Miko in the 5* class.
    Maybe I'm not that objective with her and I know she has some flaws (espacially her weakness to RNJesus will) but even if I put all my subjectivity here, it will not affect her rating at all.

    Now, Kerria is done. I can die in peace (but I still need to get her when I will have enough R-medals).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #169

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Everyone already say what I want to say. To wraps things up, she's very broken due to abilities sync well to let her stay alive and amp her damage as she recovers her HP. As much as I don't want to admit, she's better than even Saffron in the realm of rank S due to her skill that recover HP. Kurenai picture should gives you idea how god-broken she is.

    Or not, I try using Kerria in debuff team but her team couldn't solo all the way compare to counter team, maybe I do something wrong, or RNGesus is cruel to her. Maybe she will do better in crit team since Nidhogg is multi-form boss.

    Final verdict in short: S

    Sorry for short and half-assed grading. She's great and I own her too but she still not seeing any action for now because they nerfed down Nighogg too much.
    Skip Daisy because loads of works and I don't really like her.
    Last edited by game2534; 07-18-2018 at 09:52 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  10. #170

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    I have a fully maxed Kerria and i have experience using her.
    Like game i will make it short,too

    Everything is already covered.
    @Kurenai and maotd

    There are in my opinion 4 Pillars of Competetive Play:
    Counter, Crit, Debuff and SolarBlast.

    Each of these Archetype has at least one girl which represents the brokeness of those Archetypes the best.

    For Counter it's definetely Saffron, for Crit it's in my opinion Rainbow Rose (Yes i think in pure aggressive Crit Builds Rainbow Rose is better than Kerria. And lets be honest most Crit Builds are offensive ones), for SolarBlast it's Dogwood and for Debuff the absolute best girls are Aconite and Kerria (and she is not even a Debuff Girl xD).

    Aconite + Kerria make an awesome Debuff Core which i like to call the "Sisters of Immortality"
    Kerria got a lot of competition lately and she still reigns supreme. The only thing which annoys me slightly is her Low Speed. It's still possible to fix that issue somewhat easily compared to Lavender's or Cosmos' Speed.

    So yeah Kerria has nice solid stat distribution (even tough her defense is a bit lacking) and an awesome Ability Set which synergizes well with her HP Absorb.

    I mean there is a reason Kerria besides Maple is the only Girl i maxed out (5 Skill Levels and 4 Equipment Slots). Also basically everyone in this forum has Kerria by this point or has plans to get her. She is just that good!!!

    Final Verdict: S-Tier
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-18-2018 at 10:11 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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