Did a single draw in hopes I'd get one of the new 5*. Got Nerine instead. I'll take it.
Did a single draw in hopes I'd get one of the new 5*. Got Nerine instead. I'll take it.
Bought the 1k 6* ticket gacha (it was too tempting) so i could choose a magic or a pierce girl for my main team, the game ended up deciding for me since i got cattleya in the gacha and so i choose mei with the ticket, bless RNG gods
Shade on KH, fire main.
Wind Rag farming team:
Got 6 star anemone from my first 5 flower gem roll with the starter flower gems. so she was my assistant leader for awhile till i got alpinia from the black friday 1k gold event.
I have done 10 10+1 pulls if i remember correctly...
Best Pulls:
1. Flowering Peach + Japanese Iris + Queen of the Night
2. Evening Primrose + Apple of Sodom + Queen of the Night Dupe
Average Pull: Queen of the Night Dupe
Worst Pulls:
1. four Silver/Bronze only Pulls
2. three Pulls contained 5* Dupes from Girls i don't like
My Single Draws always sucked except my Chocolate Cosmos Draw.
Last edited by Wutan; 12-03-2016 at 09:19 AM.
DMM FKG ID: 986648592
Name: Wutan
Ok, time to show off a bit.
I've done 10~11 10+1 pulls (I'm not sure)
Best pulls:
1) Kerria, Waterlily, Violet, Iris
2) Japan Iris (x2), Cyrtanthus, Gerbera
3) Lantana, Apple of Sodom, Queen otN
4) Peach
5) Rose
6) Cymbidium (first gacha gold)
Average pull:
Japan Iris dupe
Worst pulls:
2~3 bronze+silver
And one legendary All Bronze pull (my very first Gacha T_T)
IGN : flink
ID : 697169669