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    Beginner's Guide? Tips and Q&A

    Hello all. First of all I am a new player in FKG at level 23 at the moment of writing this. With that cleared I'd like to make a thread about how I moved so far in the game, the choices I have made etc., but also asking the more experienced players from the DMM version or Canada for the next steps. I have no intention to call this thread a guide (hence the question mark at the title), but I hope that this thread will be of some help (even the minimal) to players who just start out. It can also be used for Questions and Answers and giving tips to each other.


    Once you start the game follow the tutorial. It will cover you the basic mechanics of the game. You will learn about the missions and how you complete them, how you make your squad(s), how you level up your characters, how you use the Gacha to gather equipment for your knights and how to recruit new girls. And finally you'll learn how to raise the affection of your girls unlocking the H-Scenes by giving them gifts.


    Make sure that you log in the game at least once per day, even if you can't play because of work or any other reason. This is to get the login bonuses and sometimes get gifts from the developers. In the DMM version when they have a maintenance they tend to give Flower Gems to players for the inconvience. This could probably happen in Nutaku version as well. A few extra gems won't hurt.


    Now that you are free to wander around the menu, you can start your FKG experience. From what I've gather, Flower Knight Girls is a slow game, meaning that it will take you some time before you are able to have maxed characters, unlock H-Scenes and generally get the good stuff. The first thing you should do is get some levels by playing the Campaign. The first Missions/Stages are very easy and you can clear (even complete them) in your first try. But before that...


    From Level 1, before you level up, you want to look EVERY TIME at the Gather feature and use it. In this mini-running simulator you will see your main Knight (the one greeting you in the menu) running and collection stamina, gold & gacha seeds. At the end she will find a chest with a random present inside. What you gather is entirely random. You can skip the whole process by clicking on the running knight. You have 1 Gather run per 2 hours at a maximum of 3 total runs. When you level up, your Gather points get refilled, so it's a good idea to use all of your runs before you do a mission and you level up. Also do not use them again immediately after you level up. This applies mainly when you have reached a higher level. Instead use them when you are almost out of stamina to get some more and do more missions.

    Regarding leveling, it gets increasingly difficult to level up the higher you are. Currently the easiest way to level up is farming EXP at the Campaign maps. In one post in this forum by an Unregistered user you can see the EXP/Stamina ratio. The ratio is copied from that post in the spoiler below:

    Mission Stam Xp Ratio

    10-1 32 422 13.19
    10-2 34 456 13.41
    10-3 37 507 13.70
    10-4 31 406 13.10
    10-5 32 422 13.19

    9-1 32 422 13.19
    9-2 35 473 13.51
    9-3 29 374 12.90
    9-4 30 390 13.00
    9-5 31 406 13.10

    8-1 33 439 13.30
    8-2 27 343 12.70
    8-3 28 358 12.79
    8-4 29 374 12.90
    8-5 30 390 13.00

    7-1 25 313 12.52
    7-2 26 328 12.62
    7-3 27 343 12.70
    7-4 28 358 12.79
    7-5 30 390 13.00

    6-1 24 298 12.42
    6-2 25 313 12.52
    6-3 26 328 12.62
    6-4 27 343 12.70
    6-5 30 390 13.00

    Secret G 50 100 2.00

    5-1 23 283 12.30
    5-2 24 298 12.42
    5-3 25 313 12.52
    5-4 28 358 12.79
    5-5 22 268 12.18

    4-1 22 268 12.18
    4-2 23 283 12.30
    4-3 25 313 12.52
    4-4 21 254 12.10
    4-5 22 268 12.18

    Secret G 12 134 11.17


    The Flower Gems are one of the game's most important items. You can use these to restore your Stamina when it runs out, expand your maximum Character and Equipment capacity and draw from the Premium Gacha. Definitely avoid using them for stamina refills. I've read that you should use a few of them to expand your character capacity. Personally I have used 2 Gems and have a capacity of 60, but some people recommend to do it up to 100. For the start of the game, you can keep them for the time using 1 or 2 for capacity expanding, but no more than that. It is highly recommended that you have 50+ at all times in order to draw from the Premium Gacha once an event starts. Always use 50 and not 5 at a time, because you get to draw an extra girl.

    The gems can currently be obtained by login bonuses, completing a mission (get all 3 medals in a stage), doing quests and reaching maximum affection with a knight. If you are super lucky, you may get a Flower Gem during a Gather run!

    CAMPAIGN (Mission 1)

    It's a good time to start playing the Campaign now. The first mission has very easy stages. You will be able to clear them with your initial party/squad and even complete them. If you have any troubles, then you should power up your girls a bit.


    By clearing a stage and collecting the chests in the stage, you'll acquire some 2* knights. These are extremely weak and not worthy to level them up. Keep (use the lock feature from the Squad menu) at least one of each for collection reasons and the affection bonus. You will use the rest you collect to level up your characters. Use these girls to reach your Knights to level 8. Try and reach your locked 2* knights at level 8 as well, your Squad will initially be filled with some of them and you need all 4 squads to complete a stage in the more difficult missions. When leveling up 2* characters ALWAYS use copies of the character you are leveling up if you have some (thanks to Moonblack for this tip). This gives you three bonuses
    1) There is some bonus experience for using the same color (for example Slice)
    2) There is a chance to level up the character's skill, since the characters sacrificed have the same skill as the upgraded character
    3) You will unlock the additional equipment slots, because you are using copies of the same character

    2* characters are rather weak, but with level in the 8-11 range, skill at level 5, and 4 equipments boosting their stats they can be quite useful at the earlier mission, until you manage to get some 3* or better characters to replace them.

    You level your knights with the girls until level 8, because after that it becomes extremely expensive if you use them and it's not worth it. After all of your knights are level 8, every 2* girl you get, you should sell them. So how will you level them?


    You collect Manuys by Gather, getting chests in stages and completing quests. In certain days there are some special missions that you can do to get more of them. More of that later though. These are your main leveling material. They are not used for anything else. These manuys/fairies each have a certain colour/attribute (purple, red, yellow, blue). They are matched with the attributes the knights have. ALWAYS use the same colour of Manuy to the knight you are leveling for maximum experience. Do not waste these to a 2* character. Focus on 5*, 4* and even 3* knights at the beginning.


    The quests are split in daily, main and special. You should focus on doing the daily quests every day to get the rewards. When you see an exclamation mark on the quests tab, you should immediately go there and claim the reward. For daily quests this is a must, because the next level of a quest will not begin/count until you have claimed the reward. This does not apply for main and special quests.

    For main quests, these are one-of-a-time. You can complete them any time you like.

    Special quests request you to have a specific Knight in order to do their side-story. If you don't have them, they're unavailable.


    When you finish a stage, you may get a notification that there is a raid boss. ALWAYS, and I repeat, ALWAYS go there and spend your Raid points when one is available. Use the Weak Attack (1 raid point) EVERY TIME you discover or fight a boss. It doesn't matter if you kill it or not, the fact that you participated in its extermination will grant you the reward (Equipment Gacha Seeds) when the monster is killed. So don't hesitate to fight a very strong boss that someone else discovered. Your raid points get replenished each time you level up.


    Like Raids, you may also get a notification at the moment of clearing a stage that there is a bonus mission. These award you with a lot of coins and some Manuys for your trouble. but they are available for a very short amount of time (<5 mins). The only downside is their Stamina cost. The Beginner stages costs 12 Stamina, the Intermediate 50 stamina and the Advanced 80 Stamina. Always do these stages as long as you have enough stamina. The boss there is laughable easy, even a party of only LVL 1 2* Knights can defeat it.

    Each mission unlocks a certain bonus stage (thanks to Drayvhen for the information)

    • Mission 1 to 5 for the 12 stamina (Beginner) bonus stage
    • Mission 6 to 10 for the 50 stamina (Intermediate) bonus stage
    • Mission 11+ for the 80 stamina (Advanced) bonus stage


    This is the friends system of the game. Your maximum capacity of allies increases each time you level up. Always have as many as you can, so you can use their helping squad in missions. Also you need a lot of allies to complete a certain main quest.


    The Shop should be out of bounds at the start of the game for you, unless you want to buy some Flower Gems using Nutaku gold. In the Exchange center you use Life Crystals for Manuys and other goodies. You collect these crystals by clearing the final level of daily quests. These are very slow to collect, so don't think of the shop right now.


    You can't forget about this. You raise the affection of each Knight by offering them gifts. There are four kind of gifts; Books, Jewels, Toys and Cakes and each kind of gift has 3 different levels. Each Knight has her favourite type of present. ALWAYS give them their favorite for faster increase in Affection. You get these gifts from Gather, Completing a stage and getting the chests in there, completing daily quests and doing the Special present stages. It is a very slow way of unlocking an H-Scene, but I guess it'll be worth it. Focus on raising the affection of your stronger girls first, as they also get a bonus in HP, Attack and Defense. What I do is raise the affection of four girls, each of them having a different favorite gift. When you reach 100% affection with a character, you'll earn a Flower Gem.

    CAMPAIGN (Complete the Stages)

    Now that you are aware of how the game works, use all of that knowledge and go through the missions and their stages. It is possible and you SHOULD get all 3 medals in every stage. You get a Flower Gem and other goodies. As you go through the missions, you will see that they become harder and harder. Level your girls accordingly in order to make it through. Your best squad should always be the first one, so your friends and other users will be able to use them. Every time you complete the last stage of a mission, you get a 3* Knight. Level her up and put her in a different squad than your main, to help the weaker units. You want to have a good total power in all of your squads, giving priority to the first one.

    I have personally completed all stages until Mission 7 as of writing this and my team had a power level of 75k+ with my most leveled characters being level 33 and then ranging from 30 to 16 (all 2* Knights at level 8). Level 30 is a good milestone regarding the first event that hasn't yet occured as of writing this according to some users here. The random routes a squad can follow is totally random, so just keep trying until you eventually kil every enemy.

    REMEMBER: It doesn't matter if a member or an entire squad die. As long as one squad reaches the flag, the mission is a success and if you have all 3 medals, you complete it. It's also good because they don't get EXP from missions, so it's ok if they are K.O.'d.


    When you have a lot of Gacha seeds, you should use them in the Gacha. You have a chance of getting a 3* or a 4* Knight, although it's very very rare. All 2* knights should be sold. If you have a lot of Equipment seeds, use them as well to get powerful items for your team that will boost their defense and attack. Save your flower gems for the time. Whenever an event launches, new girls will be added in the Gacha. Use the 10+1 Premium Gacha ALWAYS and go for them when you see there is something you want.


    Each day of the week has different daily missions. They are the following:

    Monday Mission - Get Dragons for Slice-Types evolutions (red ones)
    Tuesday Mission - Get Dragons for Hit-Types evolution (blue ones)
    Wednesday Mission - Get Manuys (yellow and purple)
    Thursday Mission - Get Dragons for Pierce-Types evolution (yellow ones)
    Friday Mission - Get Dragons for Magic-Types evolution (purple ones)
    Saturday Mission - Get more Coins! Needed to level up and evolve your knights. And you need a lot of gold.
    Sunday Mission - Get Manuys (red and blue)

    When you start the game you want the Manuys to level up your girls along with the gold to be able to do it. Leave the dragons for later when your knights are about to evolve (more on evolution later).

    A note regarding the Gold mission on Saturdays. It has been calculated by a user in the forums, Tenhou, that if you have a level lower than LVL 50, then the gold missions are stamina-inneficient compared to some Campaign stages. The thread can be found HERE with all the details. The outcome is that you should do the gold quest when you are about to level up or do it once in order to get the flower gems. They are very easy to complete, even a squad of level 30s+ can clear the Advanced stage.


    This is as far as I've gone and recorded. I am currently doing Mission 8 stages in Campaign while switching with daily missions a bit. After you have cleared a lot of stuff, you'll see that it's a little difficult to find Manuys to level up your girls more. But there are events coming as well. Level up your girls with whatever you have and prepare for them (for the first event, level 30 is said to be good). If a mission is too hard to complete or clear, try different combinations or give it a rest and retry it when you are stronger.

    UPDATE: 17/4/2016


    In the Gacha section of the game, you can use Equipment seeds that you obtain from participating in the extermination of raid bosses in order to obtain some new Equipment, which can be given to a Flower Knight to boost her defense and attack stats. Each Flower Knight can have up to 4 different pieces of Equipment. I bold different, because you can't have e.g. 2 bracelets in the same girl. However, initially a girl can get only one piece of equipment. In order to unlock the 3 additional slots, you must upgrade that character with another copy of the same character. For example, to unlock all 4 slots of Cepha Lanthera, you need to find 3 more copies of her and upgrade her using them.

    It is advised not to sell any piece of equipment you get, so you can use most of them to upgrade your stronger ones when you reach level 40. More on equipment upgrading on a future update.

    You have a capacity of 100 equipment pieces in your inventory. You can expand it by using Flower Gems. Avoid wasting your gems in that way unless you have so many (way more than 50) that you don't know what to do with them.

    CAMPAIGN (Mission 8)

    So, if you play the game regularly, in a few days you will have probably reached this mission. This is where things start to become challenging. Mission 8 Stage 2 is your first obstacle not only in completing it but also clearing it. With a team power of 75k+ (level 25) I was able only to clear it by having all squads start from the same starting point. If you are in a similar spot, you may think the same thing and notice that your team needs to be leveled up. The best missions to farm are 4-3 and 5-4. Both of these trigger the Beginner Bonus mission, which give out some nice gold and a couple of Manuys (+ offer nice EXP providing some fast level ups). Keep farming and practicing until your team is strong enough to tackle this mission.

    All of the above were written with 4+ days of playing the game as a f2p user. Good luck and have fun.
    Last edited by ZOLANTON; 04-17-2016 at 02:03 AM.

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