If you want Manyus on your journey to level 40 i recommend doing 2-1.

2-1 gives a decent exp efficiency and it spawns the 12 stamina gardens which have the very same efficiency. I brought my girls power up somewhat great thanks to this. After 40 sometimes it becomes inefficient. The whole reason you want to do 2-1 is because it spawns a lot of gardens but still lets you level in a decent amount of time. After 40 it can take up to 6 hours if you run this, so it becomes inefficient.

But as said, up til 40 it is a grand way to get a TON of manyus and thus level all your girls.

And before anyone asks why not to run 1-3 or 4-3
1-3 has fewer chests and worse gold/seed efficiency and 4-3 costs double the stamina so you will only get half the amount of gardens that 2-1 can bring you.