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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    West Coast Time Zone
    First of all, a bump, then an overdue squad update and finally, an inquiry to the participants of this thread.

    As for my current squad, Friend ID Thread-bandicam-2016-05-16-11-31-27-539.jpg, code #588992763

    It's been arranged to maximize firepower, granting the whole team an average of +37% Atk (or 27~37%, depending on how you view Rubellum's ability) and an extra 44% damage to Solar Blast; while there is none, they're packing enough heat to compete with a Rainbow-supported team for damage. Team durability is average~above average, but without a Toad Lily, is susceptible to mosquitoes.

    I could purposely swap out units to inflate the power rating up to 100k Friend ID Thread-bandicam-2016-05-16-10-36-03-981.jpg, but it would completely devastate the synergy I got going and isn't that huge of an increase from 96k.

    Lastly, for those participating in the thread, is anyone interested in sharing the other person's Helper Squad from their view? As we all know, Affection Bonuses aren't included in our allies' power total (effectively removing 20K from an evolved team and 10k from an un-evolved team) and level scaling also sends the power values to hell. I'm just super curious how mine and everyone else' squads actually hold up, support and look on each others' teams.

    PS ~ And gawddam Yang, in just a couple weeks, you go from complete zero to hero, topping off around as the 6th strongest ally-squad on my list, only being bested by other teams supported by Rainbows. I also like the composition you got going, neatly stacking up the Atk/Def/Dmg-Buffs. I'm guessing your squad's actual power-total is getting pretty close to 100k?

  2. #2

    I still think that equipment and Affection are accounted in the Total Power, since a lot of H Squads i have hover around 60k but have multiple evolved 5*, as oposed to my 4*, in them.
    Those Warrior Rings do make a difference even if they are not upgraded.
    Currently i do just the Total power sorting, since i'm in the process of making all 20 Girls evolved and so the power switches around like mad. But currently my H Squad gives 30% to Solar Blast Dmg and gets 3x from Healing Spots, so they can be durable. Hibiscus and Lantherna give the 5% Dmg Buff to themselfs and 3 other members, Di Yu gives the Defense Buff with the same buff.
    The only Problem i would have, is that Edelweiss would be another Blunt character in my main squad, since i will be pushing her (Skill/Slot Reasons). But then again they do fine with their raw power on the maps currently there, where 12-5 only becomes a problem.
    FKG - Ancarius / 138207507 (~430k Total Power) 29/32 Allies.

  3. #3
    This is what I see for your helper squad, Ancarius.
    Friend ID Thread-capture.png
    Seems to be a pretty big difference. I wish there was a way to see the power of our squads without affection.

  4. #4
    It's be great to know for sure if equipment carries over as well, since it's never reflected in displayed power anyway.

    It'd make a pretty big difference on who I pick to put in my helper team. I'm running Yulan now, but if equipment doesn't matter I'd rather swap her out...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Miu View Post
    This is what I see for your helper squad, Ancarius.
    Friend ID Thread-capture.png
    Seems to be a pretty big difference. I wish there was a way to see the power of our squads without affection.
    When that is the case i propably make a seperate H Squad that mostly focuses on having all 4 types and ~500 Speed with a lot of Base Stats. But good to know that it scales down, since i wondered why the people with 250k+ Power have weaker main squads than me. :P
    FKG - Ancarius / 138207507 (~430k Total Power) 29/32 Allies.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    West Coast Time Zone
    Quote Originally Posted by Ancarius View Post
    When that is the case i propably make a seperate H Squad that mostly focuses on having all 4 types and ~500 Speed with a lot of Base Stats. But good to know that it scales down, since i wondered why the people with 250k+ Power have weaker main squads than me. :P
    Yeah; part of my asking for us to display helper squads is to raise awareness of the BS of this scaling system. Also, does anybody have my Helper Squad available? If my squad isn't affected by your scaling system (your helper squad being level capped), then I believe that without the Affection Bonus, it should show to have a power level of about 75k (75,464 for exact numbers).

    Right now, nobody has a definite answer to equipment being carried over; we think it does, but obviously, we can't confirm it.

    Edit: Now that I think about it, it'd actually be super interesting to see how all of our squads look before and after when affected just by the scaling system alone. Pics plz!
    Last edited by Corintis; 05-17-2016 at 06:02 AM.

  7. #7
    Dunno if it reflects on helper or not, however it doesn't reflect on your 'own' squad power.
    I tried it on a single character.

    The squad power remained the same even after I removed her equipment.

    As for helper squad stats, I'm certain Ancarius can check, but can anyone else check on mine?
    This is my current helper squad.

    Last edited by Garrick; 05-17-2016 at 06:40 AM.

    Idol Wars: Garrick (Active)
    Flower Knight Girl: Garrick (Inactive)

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Garrick View Post
    Dunno if it reflects on helper or not, however it doesn't reflect on your 'own' squad power.
    I tried it on a single character.

    The squad power remained the same even after I removed her equipment.

    As for helper squad stats, I'm certain Ancarius can check, but can anyone else check on mine?
    This is my current helper squad.

    Seems to be a big difference. They reduced the base level of your girls by like 30%.
    FKG - Ancarius / 138207507 (~430k Total Power) 29/32 Allies.

  9. Quote Originally Posted by Corintis View Post
    Edit: Now that I think about it, it'd actually be super interesting to see how all of our squads look before and after when affected just by the scaling system alone. Pics plz!
    Incase you're still interested, here's how your squad looks to me right now.

    I'd appreciate it if you could do the same for me. I have a feeling that including my favourite bronze girl on my team really fucks with my public image.

    I also just realized that we'd need a max level rainbow unit ourselves to see the true power other Helper squads with rainbow units.
    Flower Knight Girl ID: 716597775
    Level 155. Total Power ~546000

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Unless none of those girls have affection at all, there is no way his power for them is only sub 80K. I'd guess closer to 110-120k if they all have 100%.

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