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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #51
    Eh, worst case scenario it won't help, but it's not like it's harmful to try and minimize the randomness, right?

    ... 'sides, at least for me, it feels better to try something different and fail, than to keep going as-is over and over again >.>

  2. #52

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Well, if you want to try to make RNG better then you'll want the first team to be super fast and pray for them to not go up. At that point they will run across the whole map and probably catch a few objectives before any of your slower teams even get past the spider webs.

  3. #53
    If it goes up, though, it's over - if 1/3/H are slow enough, on the other hand, you can at least have a shot at the RNG, even if one or two go up... That said, if your teams start going up during the first round trip, the RNG probably hates you to begin with.

  4. #54

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Lied View Post
    Is there a trick or a good speed number for squads that people used for the 4th map, or is it just pure rng? I've dumped basically a day's worth of stamina into it now and my units just aren't hitting the right nodes, and as soon as any of the squads gets to the top path it puts a clock on when the map will end.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    Map ?-4 is just pure RNG, really. You press a button, pray RNG goes well and that's it. Sure, you can try to tweak so that slower teams go upwards "in case" the faster teams go down and manage something there, but i cleared the map with having my 600+ speed 1st team just run around everywhere and RNG goodness everything in existence. In the end, horrible RNG won't help you clear that map no matter what you do.
    I did this map on about 4 goes, the RNG was strong with me

    In the end I used 4 blanced ish squads with speeds ranging from about 400 - 500 and just put it in the lap of the gods

    I don't think that's about all you can do, may help to have 2 slightly faster for the longer run ins, but it's not a must have as I ensured 1st one to the boss would not kill it

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Nydaomond View Post
    If it goes up, though, it's over - if 1/3/H are slow enough, on the other hand, you can at least have a shot at the RNG, even if one or two go up... That said, if your teams start going up during the first round trip, the RNG probably hates you to begin with.
    Yeah, I had a few too many runs where I would stare as all 3 of my teams that went up also went to the boss path. Not much you can really do about that....

  6. #56
    Still getting owned by rng on ?-4 but in case anyones struggling with ?-3 you can use 2 squads, both slow (300~), and a 1 fast one (550+) to clear it. Just put the 2 slow ones in the middle spawn and your fast squad in the bottom one.

    I kept having one team go through the bottom top passage with 2 whirlwind nodes and clearling the map before someone got through the webs

  7. #57

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by nip101 View Post
    Still getting owned by rng on ?-4
    At the very least you're filling up your purse. That map is just lel

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by MiqDoloran View Post
    At the very least you're filling up your purse. That map is just lel
    True, but they nerfed the crap out of xp from event maps. Last events ?-4 did 500 xp for 40 stam. this ones 50 for 160 ish...

  9. #59

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Probably because it was the first event and it was really soon after people had started so they wanted us to not be completely crippled leveling-wise if we did the event.

    This time around those that remained have a good amount of levels and stuff already though.

  10. #60
    I just realized on the squad setup screen there are little green arrows on the left that you can use to shift squads rather than having to rebuild an entire squad for its starting position. Might save someone some annoyance in the future.

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