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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1
    Got the 4th in the 3rd try (no one ever left the circle, so it took ages) and after 8 try's i still need to do the 3rd mission. Always one Group doesn't want to split to the correct path. :/
    FKG - Ancarius / 138207507 (~430k Total Power) 29/32 Allies.

  2. #2
    It really bothers me that they give neither warning nor timeframe for the maintenance on this game.

    I'm in desperate need of Blue Bloom Dragons so I was waiting for the maintenance to be over so I could use my remaining stamina before going to sleep, but when 5am (PST) hit I couldn't wait any longer.

    I don't know why it took so damn long in the first place but if I'd at least known it would last until whenever it ended I could have planned accordingly. I like events and all but I also like sleep.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueFalcon View Post
    It really bothers me that they give neither warning nor timeframe for the maintenance on this game.

    I'm in desperate need of Blue Bloom Dragons so I was waiting for the maintenance to be over so I could use my remaining stamina before going to sleep, but when 5am (PST) hit I couldn't wait any longer.

    I don't know why it took so damn long in the first place but if I'd at least known it would last until whenever it ended I could have planned accordingly. I like events and all but I also like sleep.
    You mean you missed the timers on the event missions that said X days X hours X minutes left?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    You mean you missed the timers on the event missions that said X days X hours X minutes left?
    That tells me when one event is ending. Nothing else. If you read my post, you should notice that the lack of information on the length of the maintenance was the main issue.

    Other Nutaku games (maybe not all of them, but the ones I've seen) give advance warning for when maintenance will happen and say how long it's expected to be. Does Flower Knight Girl do this? If it does, I missed it.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    They did apologize for it taking so long since not everything went as they wanted to, you got the 2 flower gems didn't you?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    They did apologize for it taking so long since not everything went as they wanted to, you got the 2 flower gems didn't you?
    Where did they say this? I understand delays can happen, but I didn't hear about this from anywhere. There wasn't even so much as a news post mentioning the maintenance.

    To clarify: the fact that maintenance happened isn't my problem. The fact that it apparently took longer than expected also isn't my problem. The fact that it was hardly communicated is my problem.

  7. #7
    After many frustrating attempts to 3 medal the third mission, I finally got 12 medals on my main account. The tornadoes and webs kept messing with my teams. Pretty sure I could have completed the mission like 5 times before I actually did.
    Aigis Teams (10/23/2016)
    1st: Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 2nd: Alt. Nutaku Aigis Main Team - 3rd: DMM Aigis Main Team

    Aigis Unit Collection (06/02/2016): DMM | Nutaku

    Aigis Story Guides:
    Eastern Wind: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Magic City: http://harem-battle.club/millennium-...ion-guide.html
    Jungle: TBA whenever Nutaku implements it
    Makai (Hell): TBA whenever Nutaku implements it

    Other browser games I play (or played) outside of Aigis:

    Flower Knight Girl (dropped; hated the RNG-style gameplay)
    Brave Girl Ravens (dropped; got too boring after a while)
    Kamihime Project (dropped sadly; too much high maintenance for my time)

    Shiro Project:RE (dropped; no time to spare for this game outside of the Aigis x ShiroPro crossover event)

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