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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #1

    About Raid Bosses...

    For the record, it is strongly suggested that you don't kill them immediately or use more than 1 raid point on any boss. You get the same amount of seeds whether you do 1 damage or 1,000,000 damage.
    Meaning, the more people who hit it, the more you can get out of the boss. This is also why some people are hitting less than 10k on a boss, so his hp lasts enough for maybe 5~6 people to get a hit in.

    Getting fed up with people who go all out killing bosses even though it's unnecessary and it's just being outright inconsiderate. There's a reason why I only share to allies and not to the public. Any more of this bullshit waste of raid points and I'm removing non-rainbow players from my ally list. (Rainbow helpers get special priority just because they make my runs so much easier)

    Hopefully others will do the same so those who go all-out will be alienated >_> so they actually learn not to be a dick.

    edit: Also, you do NOT get any extra seeds for last hit. so stop being dumb.

    edit2: in summary, credit to nikonana:
    Quote Originally Posted by nikonana View Post
    1. Is the boss yours? Then do what you want
    2. Is the boss belongs to your friend? Be considerate. 1 Raid point is enough.
    3. Is the boss named Seed Bearer? Then use single 2* to hit it, don't be a FAGGOT except it yours and you don't want to share it.
    4. Do you have full raid points and need to finish raid boss quest? Just use single 2* and hit it few times.

    Last edited by soranokira; 05-22-2016 at 08:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Well usually I send my best team and hit it only once (weak attack). But now I'm starting to be more considerate.

    Also for people who doing raid boss quest, hitting same boss multiple times does count. If you hit weakling boss with only lv 1 2*Knight 3 times is much worth it than instantly killing it. Besides raid points recharge is much faster, hell I bet everyone in here always have 2-3 raid points.

    Edit : added wiki page for raid boss

    It only says discoverer and participant, if you deal 1 damage, 1 billion, or last hit it doesn't mean jack shit.
    Last edited by nikonana; 05-04-2016 at 09:38 PM.
    LoV : Nikonana and MidorFeed RIP in PIECES
    Aigis : Nikonana lv 181 quit due no interest
    FKG : 971807181 Lv 103 27/30 slot 370k

  3. #3
    Do you use one of the other team slots to fight raid bosses with a weaker team setup in it? I also noticed that the damage done didn't seem to matter, so I always do 1 point hits, but I'm hesitant to change teams because I DO want the boss to actually die without me having to waste another point on it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Lied View Post
    Do you use one of the other team slots to fight raid bosses with a weaker team setup in it? I also noticed that the damage done didn't seem to matter, so I always do 1 point hits, but I'm hesitant to change teams because I DO want the boss to actually die without me having to waste another point on it.
    I do. I have 5 team setups atm.
    1 = power,
    2 = general farming,
    3 = seed bearer (nobody except a single lvl 1 2* in it),
    4 = adjusted team (for this event because some needs low speed and some high speed),
    5 = 1 team of high attack (I manually removed the other 3 teams after I used auto-high attack) for raid boss.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    That's especially true for seed bearer, that feeling when someone hits with full power...

  6. #6
    Rozen Guest
    as someone that's too lazy to find 9 raid boss on a day play i vouch for attacking same raid multiple time

  7. #7

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    Feb 2016
    Items Thread Title Style ChangeThread Title Style ChangeUser Name Style ChangeThread Title Style ChangeThread Title Style Change
    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    I do. I have 5 team setups atm.
    1 = power,
    2 = general farming,
    3 = seed bearer (nobody except a single lvl 1 2* in it),
    4 = adjusted team (for this event because some needs low speed and some high speed),
    5 = 1 team of high attack (I manually removed the other 3 teams after I used auto-high attack) for raid boss.
    Ppl should informed about seed bearer bosses...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well not just seed bearer but the whole thread needs to be known by ppl.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Whoops. As someone who was unaware & guilty of this, I appreciate this thread.

  9. #9
    Though I knew about only hitting with one raid point, never occurred to me to create a "weak" team to hit it with. Often the boss is up and gone so quickly. I'll have to create a team for this and auto change to it when not planning on going on missions. Just need to get in habit of checking what team I'm using when going on mission lol. Maybe if more people do this the bosses won't be gone so quickly

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Rozen View Post
    as someone that's too lazy to find 9 raid boss on a day play i vouch for attacking same raid multiple time
    you can do so with a weak team. but if that is your own boss I'm not gonna say anything about it. but if it's a friend's please don't be a dick.

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