Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
Yes em giving them a reason of a doubt. Since people do make mistakes like forgetting to switch teams after a maintenance (which I do on some occasions). I did in fact already booted 2 helpers that killed my SB once then it got me thinking. The 3rd one I let slip and now he is sharing and hitting SB with just 1 point damage.
Yeah I like to give people the benefit of the doubt in general, but, for example, I booted one friend because he nuked my SB on a Saturday (nowhere near any patch that would reset preferences), less than 5 minutes into its "lifespan". All of my friends log in daily, so while I GUESS he COULD have had other issues that required a cache clear, I wasn't in a forgiving mood lol.

That said, I booted 3 people off my list in the last week due to regular RB nuking (when you nuke 3 RBs in a row, you're generally doing it on purpose)