Quote Originally Posted by MeaK View Post
The stages are all easy and automatic except Advanced, which seems to hinge on your entire army taking a left turn on a 50/50 RNG pad...
This was my team for advanced with a very fast helper:
[Event] The Power of the King's Adviser-weaklings.png

All teams but the helper start at the bottom position. Helper team starts in middle.

With luck this should happen:
-Helper runs through middle and kills it, then runs around to kill the top one.
-Team 1 takes a huge run around the whole place, and tries to go for the top pests if the helper failed that.
-Team 2 and 3 are sacrifices. They trigger the locked tile fully and the switch tile on the same spot once. Then die to whatever boss.
-Team 4 kill the bottom pest and moves on to get killed by the boss.

Still some RNG, but there will always be.